Man pages for albhasan/sits.prodes
What the Package Does (One Line, Title Case)

add_upaccAdd user and producer accuracies to a confusion matrix.
asses_accuracy_areaAsses accuracy and estimate area according to Olofsson
asses_accuracy_simpleAsses accuracy
brick_descriptionDescription of the Bricks used for the classifications.
castable2numericTest if a character can be casted to numeric.
compare_tsUtil function for computing similarity parameters between two...
compose_bands_s2Build band compositions for the given image's files.
compute_indexesCompute indexes
confusion_rasterCompute the confusion matrix between two raster files.
cov_get_areasGet the areas
cov_get_valuesGet values from a coverage
cov_projTransform a coverage's SRS
cov_readRead a coverage from a file on disk.
cov_sample_randomGet random sample points
cov_sample_stratifiedGet random sample points
cov_srsGet a coverage's SRS.
cov_typeGet the type of coverage.
deter2maskBuild a mask from DETER. PRODES's SHP into a TIF.
expert_samplesSamples collected by experts.
expert_validationValidation samples collected by experts.
f1_scoreCompute the F1 score.
get_brick_mdGet metadata from a Brick filename
get_brick_metadataCreate a tibble with metadata of the bricks in a directory.
get_classified_mapsGet the maps resulting from a classification.
get_corner_masksGet the corner masks.
get_deter_mapsGet the DETER maps.
get_img_mdGet metadata from an image.
get_number_of_bandsGet the number of bands in a file.
get_prodes_map_keyProcess the classified map labels. Build the key for encoding...
get_prodes_mapsGet the PRODES maps.
get_quantile_mapsGet the cloud quantile maps.
get_timeseriesGet time series of sample points from SITS' bricks.
get_timeseries_modisGet MODIS time series for validates sample points.
get_water_masksGet the water masks.
identify_missing_bricksIdentify bricks missing in directory.
invert_maskSwap the logical values in a raster mask.
is_covIs the given object a coverage?.
is_raster_validCheck if gdalinfo is able to open the raster file.
load_samplesLoad sample time series from Rdata files
mapbiomas_labelsLabels of Mapboimas Amazonia.
mask_rasterMask a raster.
mask_withApply a mask to a raster.
parse_training_logParse the log file of a training.
process_valid_shpProcess a shapefile of validated samples.
prodes2rasterMatch PRODES to raster.
prodes2raster_helperHelper for rasterizing a PRODES shapefile. PRODES's SHP into...
prodes2sceneConvert the PRODES' scene format to LANDSAT's.
prodes_compute_areaCompute PRODES areas.
prodes_labelsLabels of PRODES Amazonia.
prodes_mapbiomasSimilatity between PRODES and MAPBIOMAS.
prodes_rasterizeRasterize PRODES.
prodes_samples_interpolatedSample time-series from the PRODES system using...
prodes_samples_interpolated_few_cloudsSample time-series from the PRODES system using interpolation...
prodes_samples_mask_cloudSample time-series from the PRODES and cloud-masked LANSAT 8...
prodes_samples_rawSample time-series from LANSAT 8 images.
prodes_samples_simpleSample time-series from the PRODES and LANSAT 8 images.
prodes_samples_starfmSample time-series from the PRODES system using a fusion...
prodes_samples_starfm_few_cloudsSample time-series from the PRODES system using a fusion...
raster2maskTranform a raster into a mask.
replace_bands_with_randomReplace column values with random numbers.
sim_sits_tibbleSimulate a sits_tibble made of random observations
simulate_tsSimulate a time series of a Vegetation Index (VI). Alber...
splitAtSplit a vector at the given positions.
training_logsLogs of the training of Deep Learning.
validate_csvValidate CSV files of samples.
validate_samplingValidate a coverage
vector2rasterRasterize vectors
albhasan/sits.prodes documentation built on Sept. 3, 2020, 2:03 p.m.