prodes_samples_starfm_few_clouds: Sample time-series from the PRODES system using a fusion...

Description Usage Format


A dataset containing a tibble with time series sampled on the brazilian Amazon. The time series come from Landsat 8 Collection images. The clouds in the images are filled in using the StarFM image fusion model. StarFM builds a statistical model between MODIS and LANDSAT images at time t1 which is later applied to MODIS images at time t0. The result is a prediction of a Landsat 8 image at t0. These time series are the best four time steps of the samples in prodes_samples_starfm.




A tibble with 15978 rows and 7 variables: (a) longitude: East-west coordinate of the time series sample (WGS 84); latitude (North-south coordinate of the time series sample in WGS 84), start_date (initial date of the time series), end_date (final date of the time series), label (the class label associated to the sample), coverage (the name of the coverage associated with the data), time_series (list containing a tibble with the values of the time series).

albhasan/sits.prodes documentation built on Sept. 3, 2020, 2:03 p.m.