multiple_csv_reader: Read Multiple CSV files into R

View source: R/multiple_csv_reader.R

multiple_csv_readerR Documentation

Read Multiple CSV files into R


This function reads multiple CSVs in a directory must be same structure. This function reads multiple excel files into R after which all files are aggregated into a single data frame.

There are assumptions about they underlying files:

  • All files must have column names for each column (The function will fail without this; later versions will amend this)

  • All files have the same number of columns

  • All files have the same column names

  • All files should have data starting from the same row number

  • All relevant data is stored in the same sheet in each of the files


multiple_csv_reader(file_path, sheet = 1, rows_to_skip = 0, col_names = TRUE)



The Directory in which the files are located


Sheet to read. Either a string (the name of a sheet), or an integer (the position of the sheet). Defaults to the first sheet


The number of rows from the top to be excluded


If columns are named; defaults to TRUE


a data frame object full of file paths


file_path <- "my_file_path_where_csvs_are_stored"
if (length(SangerTools::multiple_csv_reader(file_path)) == 0) {
  message("This won't work without changing the variable input to a local file path with CSVs in")

ald0405/SangerTools documentation built on Feb. 20, 2024, 3:11 p.m.