getHoldings.SMIF: Loads the current SMIF holdings

Description Usage Arguments Details Value Warning See Also Examples


Fetches the current holdings for the SMIF from the server. Data returned will be sufficient to conduct portfolio optimization on its own. Additional analysis on the information is possible in conjunction with the other smif.package functions.





Logical; should the data be returned unformatted. Defaults to FALSE


additional parameters


For compliance purposes, in order to connect to the server the connection info is not stored in plaintext. The password is inputted directly by the user at runtime, and the server's IP address is encrypted. Decryption occurs at runtime via answering a question that members are aware of but the general public does not know. Function uses specific error handling and custom error messages.


a data.frame with the following columns:


The ticker of the given holding


The number of shares we currently own


Due to security settings on our SQL server, for certain R sessions the DBI connections are severed improperly. When DBI connections are left open too long they expire and subsequent DBI connections to the server are impossible until a new session is started. For this reason it is reccomended the results be stored in an environment variable as soon as they are downloaded, and the values are drawn from a variable rather then directly from the function call.

See Also

Other data retrieval functions: getSectorETF, getStockInfo, getSymbols.SMIF


getHoldings.SMIF(FALSE, ipkey="The IP Key", pw="The Server Password")

alec25/smif.package documentation built on May 22, 2019, 12:36 p.m.