Man pages for alexchwong/NxtIRFcore
Core Engine for NxtIRF: a User-Friendly Intron Retention and Alternative Splicing Analysis using the IRFinder Engine

ASE-methodsUse Limma, DESeq2 or DoubleExpSeq to test for differential...
BuildReferenceBuilds reference files used by IRFinder / NxtIRF.
CollateDataProcesses data from IRFinder output
CoordToGRConverts genomic coordinates into a GRanges object
CoverageCalls NxtIRF's C++ function to retrieve coverage from a COV...
example-NxtIRF-dataNxtIRF Example BAMs and NxtSE Experiment Object
Find_SamplesConvenience Function to (recursively) find all files in a...
IRFinderRuns the OpenMP/C++-based NxtIRF/IRFinder algorithm
IsCOVValidates the given file as a valid COV file
make_plot_dataConstruct data of percent-spliced-in (PSI) matrices and...
MakeSEConstructs a NxtSE object from the collated data
Mappability-methodsCalculate low mappability genomic regions
NxtFilter-classNxtIRF filters to remove low-abundance alternative splicing...
NxtIRFcore-packageNxtIRFcore: a command line interface for NxtIRF -...
NxtSE-classThe NxtSE class
Plot_CoverageRNA-seq Coverage Plots and Genome Tracks
Run_NxtIRF_FiltersFiltering for IR and Alternative Splicing Events
STAR-methodsSTAR wrapper for building reference for STAR, and aligning...
theme_whiteggplot2 themes
alexchwong/NxtIRFcore documentation built on Oct. 31, 2022, 9:14 a.m.