Man pages for alexchwong/SpliceWiz
interactive analysis and visualization of alternative splicing in R

ASEFilter-classSpliceWiz filters to remove low-confidence alternative...
ASE-GLM-edgeRUsing Generalised linear models (GLMs) to analyse...
ASE-methodsDifferential Alternative Splicing Event analysis
Build-Reference-methodsBuilds reference files used by SpliceWiz
collateDataCollates a dataset from (processBAM) output files of...
coord2GRConverts genomic coordinates into a GRanges object
covDataObject-classContainer to hold raw data for SpliceWiz coverage plots
CoverageCalls SpliceWiz's C++ function to retrieve coverage from a...
covPlotly-classContainer for plotly-based coverage plots
covPlotObject-classVersatile coverage plots for SpliceWiz
example-SpliceWiz-dataSpliceWiz Example BAMs and NxtSE Experiment Object
findSamplesConvenience Function to (recursively) find all files in a...
Gene-ontology-methodsGene ontology (over-representation) analysis using enriched...
Graphics-User-InterfaceLaunches the SpliceWiz Graphics User Interface (GUI) using...
isCOVValidates the given file as a valid COV file
make_plot_dataConstruct data of percent-spliced-in (PSI) matrices and...
makeSEImports a collated dataset into the R session as an NxtSE...
Mappability-methodsCalculate low mappability genomic regions
NxtSE-classThe NxtSE class
plotCoverageRNA-seq Coverage Plots and Genome Tracks
processBAMRuns the OpenMP/C++ based SpliceWiz algorithm
Run_SpliceWiz_FiltersFiltering for IR and Alternative Splicing Events
setSWthreadsSets the number of threads used by SpliceWiz
SpliceWiz-packageSpliceWiz: efficient and precise alternative splicing...
STAR-methodsSTAR wrappers for building reference for STAR, and aligning...
theme_whiteggplot2 themes
View-Reference-methodsView SpliceWiz Reference in read-able data frames
alexchwong/SpliceWiz documentation built on March 17, 2024, 3:16 a.m.