Graphics-User-Interface: Launches the SpliceWiz Graphics User Interface (GUI) using...

Graphics-User-InterfaceR Documentation

Launches the SpliceWiz Graphics User Interface (GUI) using Shiny Dashboard


This function launches the SpliceWiz interactive app using Shiny Dashboard This is (by default) a dialog window within the RStudio application with the resolution specified by the res parameter. Alternatively, setting mode = "browser" will launch a resizable browser window (using the default internet browser). The demo mode can be launched by setting demo = TRUE. See the SpliceWiz Quick-Start for a guide to using the SpliceWiz GUI.


  mode = c("dialog", "browser"),
  res = c("1080p", "720p", "960p", "1440p"),
  demo = FALSE



(default "dialog") "dialog" displays SpliceWiz in a dialog box with specified width and height. "browser" opens SpliceWiz in a browser-like resizable window.


(default "1080p") Sets width and height of the app to pre-defined dimensions. Possible options are "720p, "960p", "1080p", "1440p", which specifies the height of the app. All are displayed in aspect ratio 16x9


(default FALSE) If set to TRUE, SpliceWiz will place demo reference and BAM files into the temporary directory.


Runs an interactive shinydashboard SpliceWiz app with the specified mode.


  • spliceWiz(): Launches the SpliceWiz GUI


if(interactive()) {

# Launches interactive ShinyDashboard SpliceWiz app as fixed-size dialog box
# 1080p = 1920 x 1080 pixels
    spliceWiz(mode = "dialog", res = "1080p") 

# Launches interactive ShinyDashboard SpliceWiz app as browser window
    spliceWiz(mode = "browser")


alexchwong/SpliceWiz documentation built on Oct. 15, 2024, 10:12 a.m.