Man pages for alexholcombe/mixRSVP
Mixture Model Temporal Errors In RSVP Data

analyzeOneConditionAnalyze one condition
analyzeOneConditionDFAnalyze one condition, and return estimates as dataframe so...
annotate_fitAnnotate histogram with parameter vals and stats Returns the...
areaUnderGaussianBinCalculate area under a particular domain of a Gaussian...
backwards2_E1Dual-RSVP data, with letters having random orientation on...
calc_curves_dataframeHelper to create x,ys of fitted curves so can plot
createGuessingDistributionCreate guessing distribution
format_pFormat a p-value appropriately. with < precision if small...
gaussian_scaledCalculate the mixture model's Gaussian, scaled to the number...
gaussian_scaled_from_dfCalculate fine-grained Gaussian from parameters dataframe
mixRSVPmixRSVP: A package for mixture modeling temporal errors in...
P2E2pilotDual-RSVP data, with letters having random orientation on...
parameterBoundsSet parameter bounds.
parametersGuessGenerate guess (random starting values) for each parameter.
plot_hist_with_fitPlot histogram with fitted curve
theme_apaAPA compatible ggplot2 theme
warning_to_stringCalculate area under a particular domain of a Gaussian...
alexholcombe/mixRSVP documentation built on June 7, 2019, 3:50 p.m.