Man pages for alexpghayes/distributions
Probability Distributions as S3 Objects

apply_dpqrUtilities for 'distributions3' objects
BernoulliCreate a Bernoulli distribution
BetaCreate a Beta distribution
BinomialCreate a Binomial distribution
CategoricalCreate a Categorical distribution
CauchyCreate a Cauchy distribution
cdfEvaluate the cumulative distribution function of a...
cdf.BernoulliEvaluate the cumulative distribution function of a Bernoulli...
cdf.BetaEvaluate the cumulative distribution function of a Beta...
cdf.BinomialEvaluate the cumulative distribution function of a Binomial...
cdf.CategoricalEvaluate the cumulative distribution function of a...
cdf.CauchyEvaluate the cumulative distribution function of a Cauchy...
cdf.ChiSquareEvaluate the cumulative distribution function of a chi square...
cdf.ErlangEvaluate the cumulative distribution function of an Erlang...
cdf.ExponentialEvaluate the cumulative distribution function of an...
cdf.FisherFEvaluate the cumulative distribution function of an F...
cdf.FrechetEvaluate the cumulative distribution function of a Frechet...
cdf.GammaEvaluate the cumulative distribution function of a Gamma...
cdf.GeometricEvaluate the cumulative distribution function of a Geometric...
cdf.GEVEvaluate the cumulative distribution function of a GEV...
cdf.GPEvaluate the cumulative distribution function of a GP...
cdf.GumbelEvaluate the cumulative distribution function of a Gumbel...
cdf.HurdleNegativeBinomialEvaluate the cumulative distribution function of a hurdle...
cdf.HurdlePoissonEvaluate the cumulative distribution function of a hurdle...
cdf.HyperGeometricEvaluate the cumulative distribution function of a...
cdf.LogisticEvaluate the cumulative distribution function of a Logistic...
cdf.LogNormalEvaluate the cumulative distribution function of a LogNormal...
cdf.NegativeBinomialEvaluate the cumulative distribution function of a negative...
cdf.NormalEvaluate the cumulative distribution function of a Normal...
cdf.PoissonEvaluate the cumulative distribution function of a Poisson...
cdf.PoissonBinomialEvaluate the cumulative distribution function of a...
cdf.RevWeibullEvaluate the cumulative distribution function of an...
cdf.StudentsTEvaluate the cumulative distribution function of a StudentsT...
cdf.TukeyEvaluate the cumulative distribution function of a Tukey...
cdf.UniformEvaluate the cumulative distribution function of a continuous...
cdf.WeibullEvaluate the cumulative distribution function of a Weibull...
cdf.ZINegativeBinomialEvaluate the cumulative distribution function of a...
cdf.ZIPoissonEvaluate the cumulative distribution function of a...
cdf.ZTNegativeBinomialEvaluate the cumulative distribution function of a...
cdf.ZTPoissonEvaluate the cumulative distribution function of a...
ChiSquareCreate a Chi-Square distribution
distributions3-packagedistributions3: Probability Distributions as S3 Objects
ErlangCreate an Erlang distribution
ExponentialCreate an Exponential distribution
FIFA2018Goals scored in all 2018 FIFA World Cup matches
FisherFCreate an F distribution
fit_mleFit a distribution to data
fit_mle.BernoulliFit a Bernoulli distribution to data
fit_mle.BinomialFit a Binomial distribution to data
fit_mle.ExponentialFit an Exponential distribution to data
fit_mle.GammaFit a Gamma distribution to data
fit_mle.GeometricFit a Geometric distribution to data
fit_mle.LogNormalFit a Log Normal distribution to data
fit_mle.NormalFit a Normal distribution to data
fit_mle.PoissonFit an Poisson distribution to data
FrechetCreate a Frechet distribution
GammaCreate a Gamma distribution
geom_aucFill out area under the curve for a plotted PDF
GeometricCreate a Geometric distribution
GEVCreate a Generalised Extreme Value (GEV) distribution
GPCreate a Generalised Pareto (GP) distribution
GumbelCreate a Gumbel distribution
hnbinomThe hurdle negative binomial distribution
hpoisThe hurdle Poisson distribution
HurdleNegativeBinomialCreate a hurdle negative binomial distribution
HurdlePoissonCreate a hurdle Poisson distribution
HyperGeometricCreate a HyperGeometric distribution
is_discreteDetermine whether a distribution is discrete or continuous
is_distributionIs an object a distribution?
LogisticCreate a Logistic distribution
log_likelihoodCompute the (log-)likelihood of a probability distribution...
LogNormalCreate a LogNormal distribution
MultinomialCreate a Multinomial distribution
NegativeBinomialCreate a negative binomial distribution
NormalCreate a Normal distribution
pdfEvaluate the probability density of a probability...
pdf.BernoulliEvaluate the probability mass function of a Bernoulli...
pdf.BetaEvaluate the probability mass function of a Beta distribution
pdf.BinomialEvaluate the probability mass function of a Binomial...
pdf.CategoricalEvaluate the probability mass function of a Categorical...
pdf.CauchyEvaluate the probability mass function of a Cauchy...
pdf.ChiSquareEvaluate the probability mass function of a chi square...
pdf.ErlangEvaluate the probability mass function of an Erlang...
pdf.ExponentialEvaluate the probability density function of an Exponential...
pdf.FisherFEvaluate the probability mass function of an F distribution
pdf.FrechetEvaluate the probability mass function of a Frechet...
pdf.GammaEvaluate the probability mass function of a Gamma...
pdf.GeometricEvaluate the probability mass function of a Geometric...
pdf.GEVEvaluate the probability mass function of a GEV distribution
pdf.GPEvaluate the probability mass function of a GP distribution
pdf.GumbelEvaluate the probability mass function of a Gumbel...
pdf.HurdleNegativeBinomialEvaluate the probability mass function of a hurdle negative...
pdf.HurdlePoissonEvaluate the probability mass function of a hurdle Poisson...
pdf.HyperGeometricEvaluate the probability mass function of a HyperGeometric...
pdf.LogisticEvaluate the probability mass function of a Logistic...
pdf.LogNormalEvaluate the probability mass function of a LogNormal...
pdf.MultinomialEvaluate the probability mass function of a Multinomial...
pdf.NegativeBinomialEvaluate the probability mass function of a NegativeBinomial...
pdf.NormalEvaluate the probability mass function of a Normal...
pdf.PoissonEvaluate the probability mass function of a Poisson...
pdf.PoissonBinomialEvaluate the probability mass function of a PoissonBinomial...
pdf.RevWeibullEvaluate the probability mass function of an RevWeibull...
pdf.StudentsTEvaluate the probability mass function of a StudentsT...
pdf.UniformEvaluate the probability mass function of a continuous...
pdf.WeibullEvaluate the probability mass function of a Weibull...
pdf.ZINegativeBinomialEvaluate the probability mass function of a zero-inflated...
pdf.ZIPoissonEvaluate the probability mass function of a zero-inflated...
pdf.ZTNegativeBinomialEvaluate the probability mass function of a zero-truncated...
pdf.ZTPoissonEvaluate the probability mass function of a zero-truncated...
plot_cdfPlot the CDF of a distribution
plot.distributionPlot the p.m.f, p.d.f or c.d.f. of a univariate distribution
plot_pdfPlot the PDF of a distribution
PoissonCreate a Poisson distribution
PoissonBinomialCreate a Poisson binomial distribution
prodistExtracting fitted or predicted probability distributions from...
quantile.BernoulliDetermine quantiles of a Bernoulli distribution
quantile.BetaDetermine quantiles of a Beta distribution
quantile.BinomialDetermine quantiles of a Binomial distribution
quantile.CategoricalDetermine quantiles of a Categorical discrete distribution
quantile.CauchyDetermine quantiles of a Cauchy distribution
quantile.ChiSquareDetermine quantiles of a chi square distribution
quantile.ErlangDetermine quantiles of an Erlang distribution
quantile.ExponentialDetermine quantiles of an Exponential distribution
quantile.FisherFDetermine quantiles of an F distribution
quantile.FrechetDetermine quantiles of a Frechet distribution
quantile.GammaDetermine quantiles of a Gamma distribution
quantile.GeometricDetermine quantiles of a Geometric distribution
quantile.GEVDetermine quantiles of a GEV distribution
quantile.GPDetermine quantiles of a GP distribution
quantile.GumbelDetermine quantiles of a Gumbel distribution
quantile.HurdleNegativeBinomialDetermine quantiles of a hurdle negative binomial...
quantile.HurdlePoissonDetermine quantiles of a hurdle Poisson distribution
quantile.HyperGeometricDetermine quantiles of a HyperGeometric distribution
quantile.LogisticDetermine quantiles of a Logistic distribution
quantile.LogNormalDetermine quantiles of a LogNormal distribution
quantile.NegativeBinomialDetermine quantiles of a NegativeBinomial distribution
quantile.NormalDetermine quantiles of a Normal distribution
quantile.PoissonDetermine quantiles of a Poisson distribution
quantile.PoissonBinomialDetermine quantiles of a PoissonBinomial distribution
quantile.RevWeibullDetermine quantiles of a RevWeibull distribution
quantile.StudentsTDetermine quantiles of a StudentsT distribution
quantile.TukeyDetermine quantiles of a Tukey distribution
quantile.UniformDetermine quantiles of a continuous Uniform distribution
quantile.WeibullDetermine quantiles of a Weibull distribution
quantile.ZINegativeBinomialDetermine quantiles of a zero-inflated negative binomial...
quantile.ZIPoissonDetermine quantiles of a zero-inflated Poisson distribution
quantile.ZTNegativeBinomialDetermine quantiles of a zero-truncated negative binomial...
quantile.ZTPoissonDetermine quantiles of a zero-truncated Poisson distribution
randomDraw a random sample from a probability distribution
random.BernoulliDraw a random sample from a Bernoulli distribution
random.BetaDraw a random sample from a Beta distribution
random.BinomialDraw a random sample from a Binomial distribution
random.CategoricalDraw a random sample from a Categorical distribution
random.CauchyDraw a random sample from a Cauchy distribution
random.ChiSquareDraw a random sample from a chi square distribution
random.ErlangDraw a random sample from an Erlang distribution
random.ExponentialDraw a random sample from an Exponential distribution
random.FisherFDraw a random sample from an F distribution
random.FrechetDraw a random sample from a Frechet distribution
random.GammaDraw a random sample from a Gamma distribution
random.GeometricDraw a random sample from a Geometric distribution
random.GEVDraw a random sample from a GEV distribution
random.GPDraw a random sample from a GP distribution
random.GumbelDraw a random sample from a Gumbel distribution
random.HurdleNegativeBinomialDraw a random sample from a hurdle negative binomial...
random.HurdlePoissonDraw a random sample from a hurdle Poisson distribution
random.HyperGeometricDraw a random sample from a HyperGeometric distribution
random.LogisticDraw a random sample from a Logistic distribution
random.LogNormalDraw a random sample from a LogNormal distribution
random.MultinomialDraw a random sample from a Multinomial distribution
random.NegativeBinomialDraw a random sample from a negative binomial distribution
random.NormalDraw a random sample from a Normal distribution
random.PoissonDraw a random sample from a Poisson distribution
random.PoissonBinomialDraw a random sample from a PoissonBinomial distribution
random.RevWeibullDraw a random sample from an RevWeibull distribution
random.StudentsTDraw a random sample from a StudentsT distribution
random.TukeyDraw a random sample from a Tukey distribution
random.UniformDraw a random sample from a continuous Uniform distribution
random.WeibullDraw a random sample from a Weibull distribution
random.ZINegativeBinomialDraw a random sample from a zero-inflated negative binomial...
random.ZIPoissonDraw a random sample from a zero-inflated Poisson...
random.ZTNegativeBinomialDraw a random sample from a zero-truncated negative binomial...
random.ZTPoissonDraw a random sample from a zero-truncated Poisson...
RevWeibullCreate a reversed Weibull distribution
simulate.defaultSimulate responses from fitted model objects
StudentsTCreate a Student's T distribution
suff_statCompute the sufficient statistics of a distribution from data
suff_stat.BernoulliCompute the sufficient statistics for a Bernoulli...
suff_stat.BinomialCompute the sufficient statistics for the Binomial...
suff_stat.ExponentialCompute the sufficient statistics of an Exponential...
suff_stat.GammaCompute the sufficient statistics for a Gamma distribution...
suff_stat.GeometricCompute the sufficient statistics for the Geometric...
suff_stat.LogNormalCompute the sufficient statistics for a Log-normal...
suff_stat.NormalCompute the sufficient statistics for a Normal distribution...
suff_stat.PoissonCompute the sufficient statistics of an Poisson distribution...
supportReturn the support of a distribution
support.BernoulliReturn the support of the Bernoulli distribution
support.BetaReturn the support of the Beta distribution
support.BinomialReturn the support of the Binomial distribution
support.CauchyReturn the support of the Cauchy distribution
support.ChiSquareReturn the support of the ChiSquare distribution
support.ErlangReturn the support of the Erlang distribution
support.ExponentialReturn the support of the Exponential distribution
support.FisherFReturn the support of the FisherF distribution
support.FrechetReturn the support of the Frechet distribution
support.GammaReturn the support of the Gamma distribution
support.GeometricReturn the support of the Geometric distribution
support.GEVReturn the support of a GEV distribution
support.GPReturn the support of the GP distribution
support.GumbelReturn the support of the Gumbel distribution
support.HurdleNegativeBinomialReturn the support of the hurdle negative binomial...
support.HurdlePoissonReturn the support of the hurdle Poisson distribution
support.HyperGeometricReturn the support of the HyperGeometric distribution
support.LogisticReturn the support of the Logistic distribution
support.LogNormalReturn the support of the LogNormal distribution
support.NegativeBinomialReturn the support of the NegativeBinomial distribution
support.NormalReturn the support of the Normal distribution
support.PoissonReturn the support of the Poisson distribution
support.PoissonBinomialReturn the support of the PoissonBinomial distribution
support.RevWeibullReturn the support of the RevWeibull distribution
support.StudentsTReturn the support of the StudentsT distribution
support.TukeyReturn the support of the Tukey distribution
support.UniformReturn the support of the Uniform distribution
support.WeibullReturn the support of the Weibull distribution
support.ZINegativeBinomialReturn the support of the zero-inflated negative binomial...
support.ZIPoissonReturn the support of the zero-inflated Poisson distribution
support.ZTNegativeBinomialReturn the support of the zero-truncated negative binomial...
support.ZTPoissonReturn the support of the zero-truncated Poisson distribution
TukeyCreate a Tukey distribution
UniformCreate a Continuous Uniform distribution
varianceCompute the moments of a probability distribution
WeibullCreate a Weibull distribution
zinbinomThe zero-inflated negative binomial distribution
ZINegativeBinomialCreate a zero-inflated negative binomial distribution
zipoisThe zero-inflated Poisson distribution
ZIPoissonCreate a zero-inflated Poisson distribution
ztnbinomThe zero-truncated negative binomial distribution
ZTNegativeBinomialCreate a zero-truncated negative binomial distribution
ztpoisThe zero-truncated Poisson distribution
ZTPoissonCreate a zero-truncated Poisson distribution
alexpghayes/distributions documentation built on May 9, 2024, 12:15 a.m.