Man pages for alexploner/GeneCorrAtlas
Display the Atlas of Genetic Correlations (Bulik-Sullivan et al. 2015)

cor2distConvert a correlation matrix to a distance matrix
gcatlasAtlas of genetic correlations
gcheatmapHeatmap of genetic correlations
gcmatrixConvert Atlas of Genetic Correlations to a matrix
GeneCorrAtlasDisplay the Atlas of Genetic Correlations
match_trait_namesMatch trait names to a data set
plotPairedTraitsScatterplot of genetic correlations for two traits
plotTraitPlot all correlations with a specific trait
read_gcatlasRead Atlas of Genetic Correlations
sel_trtSelect traits from the full atlas
traitsExtract trait names from the atlas of genetic correlations
alexploner/GeneCorrAtlas documentation built on May 12, 2019, 2:32 a.m.