Man pages for alexwhan/genomap
A set of tools for working with raw genotype calls and genetic maps

allele_statsGets allele stats
allele_stats_Gets allele stats
asmap_progRuns mstmap for a linkage groups of map objects that satisfy...
asmap_stepA wrapper around ASMap::mstmap with some error handling....
bind_map_listBind a list of mapdfs together
bp_crossA biparental cross object
bp_mapA biparental map object
check_parents_Checks informativeness of parents
convert_relConvert absolute scores to relative
convert_rel_Convert absolute scores to relative (standard-evaluation)
convertScoreConverts a single marker, typically a row in a data.frame.
geno2dfConvert R/qtl genotyping data into data.frame
genoCompTake a linkage group from a cross object, convert into long...
genoPlotPlot genotype data for a linkage group
genoSegCompares segregation of markers based on agreement of two...
get_lg_lengthsGet linkage group extents
get_lg_statsReturns the maximum distance between markers for a linkage...
get_map_coordsGet offsets for linkage groups
ggholmanONLY FOR BACKWARDS COMPATIBILITY - Produce a plot of a...
ggholmansProduce a plot of a trinomial distribution in a Holmans'...
ggholmans.themeA theme for trinomial plots
isHetChecks genotype scores for heterozygosity
isHomoChecks genotype scores for homozygosity
join2mapsJoin two map dfs
longmapsTake output from /codejoin2maps() and put into long form for...
m4_crossA multiparental cross object
m8_crossA multiparental cross object
make_nptest_classesConverts a character vector of genotype scores into two...
map2dfConvert R/qtl map into a tidy data.frame
revmapReverse particular linkage groups in a map from a cross...
revmaplgsTake output from /codejoin2maps() and a map object to be...
revvecProvide the 'mirror image' of a vector, especially of...
trixyConvert trinomial distribution into x y values Takes a...
alexwhan/genomap documentation built on May 10, 2019, 8:58 a.m.