knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = FALSE, results = 'asis', warning = FALSE, message = FALSE)

allFactors <- c(input$, input$, input$, 
    input$, input$, input$factors)
allFactors <- unique(allFactors[allFactors != "0"])

rawData <- results$dataModified()$data
reverseFactors <- sort(as.numeric(allFactors), decreasing = TRUE) 

if(nrow(rawData) > 20){

  summarizedData <- TRUE
  colForGroups <- as.numeric(c(input$xans, allFactors, input$
  xNames <- paste(names(rawData)[colForGroups], collapse = " + ")
  # Take the average or the sum, depending on dtype
  yNames <- paste("cbind(", paste(names(rawData)[
              unique(c(as.numeric(input$Vyans), results$shinyInput()$Vnans))], collapse = ", "), ")")

  summaryData <- aggregate(formula = as.formula(paste(yNames, "~", xNames)),
      data = rawData, FUN = if (results$dtype() %in% c(4, 6, 10)) sum else mean, na.action = na.omit)

  dataTables <- summaryData[, names(rawData)[unique(as.numeric(c(input$xans, results$shinyInput()$Vyans,
                      results$shinyInput()$Vnans, input$, allFactors)))]] 

} else {

  summaryData <- rawData
  summarizedData <- FALSE

  if(length(reverseFactors) == 0)
    orderedData <- summaryData[order(summaryData[,names(summaryData)[as.numeric(results$shinyInput()$xans)]]), ] else
    orderedData <- summaryData[order(interaction(summaryData[,reverseFactors]), 
            summaryData[,as.numeric(results$shinyInput()$xans)]), ]

  dataTables <- orderedData[, unique(as.numeric(c(input$xans, results$shinyInput()$Vyans,
                  results$shinyInput()$Vnans, input$sans, input$, allFactors)))]


Data description

if(length(results$selectedResponses()) == 1)
  cat("The endpoint to be analyzed is: ", 
      names(results$selectedResponses()), ". \n", sep = "") else 
  cat("The endpoints to be analyzed are: ", 
      paste(names(results$selectedResponses()), collapse = ", "), ". \n", sep = "")

if(input$subsetVariable != "none")
  cat("Subset of the data is taken according to ", 
      ", retaining values ", input$levelSubset, ". \n", sep = "")

rowsMissing <- nrow(results$dataLoaded()$data) - nrow(results$dataModified()$data)

if(rowsMissing > 0)
  cat("There are", rowsMissing, "rows with missing values removed from the data.")

if (!summarizedData)
  cat("\n Data used for analysis: \n \n ") else
  cat("\n Summary of data used for analysis: \n \n ") 
cat("\n \n")

textShowData <- "## Response variable: %s

if(length(results$selectedResponses()) > 1){
  for(iResponse in seq_along(results$selectedResponses()))
    cat(sprintf(textShowData, names(results$selectedResponses())[iResponse]), 
        "\n *Information pertaining to this endpoint.* \n \n \n")
} else cat("\n *Information pertaining to this endpoint.* \n \n \n")

Selection of the BMR

The BMD (benchmark dose) is defined as the dose that corresponds with

if (input$dtype  %in% c('2', '4')){
      '1' = cat("an estimated risk of 50%. "),
      '2' = cat(paste0("an additional risk of ", input$CES*100, "% compared with the background risk. ")),
      '3' = cat(paste0("an extra risk of ", input$CES*100, "% compared with the background risk. "))
  cat("The BMR (benchmark response) is the estimated risk corresponding with the BMD of interest.")
} else {
  cat(paste0("a ", input$CES*100, "% estimated difference in response compared with the background response. ")) 
  cat("The BMR (benchmark response) is the estimated response corresponding with the BMD of interest.")

cat("\n\n *The rationale behind the choice made should be described.*")

A r input$conf.lev * 100% confidence interval around the BMD will be estimated, the lower bound is reported by BMDL and the upper bound by BMDU.

  if(input$ != "0")
    cat("For each level of the factor", names(results$varnamesChoices())[as.numeric(input$],
        "a separate estimate for the BMD, BMDL and BMDU will be reported.")

Software used

Results are obtained using the R-package "bmdModeling".

Specification of deviations from default assumptions

General assumptions

Please motivate in detail assumptions made when deviating from the recommended defaults (e.g. gamma distributional assumption instead of log-normal, heteroscedasticity instead of homoscedasticity).

allTypes <- c("continuous" = 1, "binary" = 2, "ordinal" = 3, "quantal" = 4, 
    "continuous, clustered" = 5, "quantal, clustered" = 6,
    "continuous, summary data" = 10)

if (!is.null(input$performMA)) {

  if (results$dtype() %in% c(2, 4) & !input$performMA) {

    cat("**Model averaging** \n\n", 
        "*Model averaging software is available but not used: provide rationale for deviating from the recommended approach.*")



Dose-response model sets

Other models than the recommended ones that were fitted should be listed, with the respective description of reasons to include them.

allModels <- getModelNames(dtype = as.numeric(input$dtype))

if(input$singleModel == "yes"){

  cat("The dose-response model that is being fit, is", 

} else {

  cat("Default set of fitted models: \n \n")

  if (input$dtype == '1') {

    cat("|Model| Number of parameters | Formula | \n",
        "|:-----------------|:------------:|:--------------------------------| \n",
        "| Null | 1 | $y = a$ | \n",
        "| Full | no. of groups | $y = \\text{group mean}$ | \n",
        "| Exp model 3 | 3 | $y = a \\cdot \\exp(b x^d)$ | \n",
        "| Exp model 5 | 4 | $y = a \\cdot (c - (c-1) \\exp(-bx^d))$ | \n",
        "| Hill model 3 | 3 | $y = a \\cdot \\left(1 - \\frac{x^d}{b^d + x^d} \\right)$ | \n",
        "| Hill model 5 | 4 | $y = a \\cdot \\left(1 + (c-1) \\frac{x^d}{b^d + x^d} \\right)$

  } else if (input$dtype == '3'){

    cat("|Model| Number of parameters | Formula | \n",
        "|:-----------------|:------------:|:--------------------------------| \n",
        "| Null | 1 | $y = a$ | \n",
        "| Exp model 4 | 4 | $y = y = a \\cdot (c - (c-1) \\exp(-bx) )$ | \n",
        "| Exp model 3 | 3 | $y = a \\cdot \\exp(b x^d)$ | \n",
        "| Exp model 5 | 4 | $y = a \\cdot (c - (c-1) \\exp(-bx^d))$ | \n",
        "| Hill model 3 | 3 | $y = a \\cdot \\left(1 - \\frac{x^d}{b^d + x^d} \\right)$ | \n",
        "| Hill model 5 | 4 | $y = a \\cdot \\left(1 + (c-1) \\frac{x^d}{b^d + x^d} \\right)$

  } else {

    cat("|Model| Number of parameters | Formula | \n", 
        "|:-----------------|:------------:|:--------------------------------| \n",
        "| Null | 1 | $y = a$ | \n",
        "| Full | no. of groups | $y = \\text{group mean}$ | \n", 
        "| Logistic | 2 | $y = \\frac{1}{1 + \\exp(-a - bx)}$ | \n",
        "| Probit | 2 | $y = pnorm((x - a) \\cdot b)$ | \n",
        "| Log-logistic | 3 | $y = a + \\frac{1 - a}{1 + \\exp \\left( c \\cdot \\log \\left( \\frac{b}{x} \\right) \\right)}$| \n",
        "| Log-probit | 3 | $y = a + (1 - a) \\cdot pnorm \\left(c \\cdot \\log \\left( \\frac{x}{b} \\right) \\right)$ | \n",
        "| Weibull | 3 | $y = a + (1 - a) \\left(1 - \\exp \\left( - \\left( \\frac{x}{b} \\right)^c \\right) \\right)$ | \n", 
        "| Gamma | 3 | $y = pgamma(bx; c)$ | \n", 
        "| Two-stage | 3 | $y = a + (1 - a) \\left( 1 - \\exp \\left(- \\frac{x}{b} - c \\left( \\frac{x}{b} \\right)^2 \\right) \\right)$ | \n")

factorsText <- sapply(results$allParameters(), function(iParameter) {

      if (results$shinyInput()[[paste0("fct", iParameter, ".no")]] != 0) {

        parameterName <- names(results$allParameters())[which(iParameter == results$allParameters())]
        covariateNames <- paste(names(results$varnamesChoices())[
                as.numeric(results$shinyInput()[[paste0("fct", iParameter, ".no")]])], collapse = ", ")

        paste0(parameterName, ": ", covariateNames)

      } else NA


  cat("A covariate is included with respect to", 
      paste0(paste(factorsText[!], collapse = "; "), "."),
      "Therefore the number of parameters in each model might be larger than indicated in the table above.")

Procedure for selection of BMDL

Description of any deviation from the procedure described in the flow chart to obtain the final BMD confidence interval (e.g. using AIC - 5 instead of AIC - 2 for model selection).

Flowchart for selection of BMDL


``` {r resultsFittedModels} textFittedModels <- "## Response variable: %s "

if (input$submit == 0) {

cat("No results available: Please fit models in the application.")

} else {

reportedErrors <- lapply(results$fittedModels(), function(fittedModelsResponse) {

    if (input$singleModel == "no") {

      errorModels <- sapply(fittedModelsResponse, function(iModel){
            if (is(iModel, "error"))
              iModel$message else 


      if (!all(sapply(errorModels, is.null)))
        return(paste("Error(s) in calculation:", 
                paste(unique(errorModels[!is.null(errorModels)]), collapse = ", "))) else 

    } else {

      if (is(fittedModelsResponse, "error"))
        return(paste("Error(s) in calculation: \n", 
                fittedModelsResponse$message)) else



for (iResponse in seq_along(results$selectedResponses())) {

summaryResult <- results$summaryTables()[[iResponse]]

if (input$allCovariates) {

  tmpTable <- summaryResult$summaryTable

} else {

  tmpTable <- filterBestCovariates(summaryResult$summaryTable)


extraInfo <- summaryResult$extraInfo
colnames(tmpTable) <- attr(tmpTable, "columnNames")

if (all(nchar(tmpTable[, "Included covariate(s)"]) < 1)) {

  tmpTable <- tmpTable[, names(tmpTable) != "Included covariate(s)"]
  cat("None of the models had a better fit when including the covariate(s) \n\n")


if (!is.null(extraInfo$aicWarning))
  cat("Please consult a BMD specialist:", extraInfo$aicWarning, "\n \n")

if (input$singleModel == "no") {

  bestModel <- apply(extraInfo$bestModel, 1, function(x){
        if (x["parameterNames"] == "") 
          x["model"] else
          paste(x, collapse = " with covariate for ") 

  bestModelIndex <- extraInfo$bestModelIndex

  if (length(results$selectedResponses()) > 1)
    cat(sprintf(textFittedModels, names(results$selectedResponses())[iResponse]))

  cat("<!-- begin-landscape -->")
  cat("Table with summary of the fitted models")

  print(kable(tmpTable, digits = 2))

  if (!is.null(results$warningText()[[iResponse]]) | 
      !is.null(reportedErrors[[iResponse]])) {

    cat("Alerts that were indicated when fitting the models: \n")
    cat(results$warningText()[[iResponse]], "\n")
    cat(paste(reportedErrors[[iResponse]], collapse = "\n"), "\n \n")


  stopAnalysis <- FALSE
  if (!is.null(extraInfo$aicWarning))
    if (grepl("null model", extraInfo$aicWarning))
      stopAnalysis <- TRUE

  if (stopAnalysis) {

    cat("<!-- end-landscape -->")

    cat("\n \n")

  } else if (is.null(results$averagedModels())) {

    cat("The lowest BMDL(s):", paste(extraInfo$minBmdl, collapse = ", "), "\n \n")
    cat("The highest BMDU(s):", paste(extraInfo$maxBmdu, collapse = ", "), "\n \n")
    cat("The best model(s): ", paste(bestModel, collapse = ", "), "\n \n")

    cat("<!-- end-landscape -->")

    for (iBest in seq_along(bestModelIndex)) {
      cat("\n \n")

    cat("No results for model averaging.")

  } else {

    bmdTables <- results$averagedModels()[[iResponse]]$bmdTable
    weightsTable <- results$averagedModels()[[iResponse]]$weights

    # Included not equal to accepted models
    if (input$advancedMA %% 2 == 1)
      cat("\n Warning: The user selected a set of models for model averaging which might deviate from the default set (converged models). \n",
          "Selected models:", 
          paste(names(allModels)[allModels %in% as.numeric(input[[paste0("modelsMA", iResponse)]])], collapse = ", "), "\n\n")

    cat("\n \n")
    print(kable(weightsTable, digits = 2))
    cat("\n \n")

    cat("Given", input$nBootstraps, "generated data sets, the BMDL is the", 
        paste0((1 - input$conf.lev)/2*100, "th"), "percentile of all parametric bootstrap BMD values and the BMDU is the",
        paste0((1 - (1 - input$conf.lev)/2)*100, "th"), "percentile. \n\n")

    if (input$doNaiveApproach) {

      cat("**Approach 1** Estimated the BMD as a weighted average of the accepted models' BMD values.\n\n")

      print(kable(bmdTables[[1]], digits = 2)) 
      cat("\n \n")

      cat("**Approach 2** Estimated the BMD based on the averaged response model which is a weighted average of the accepted models' response values. \n\n")

      print(kable(bmdTables[[2]], digits = 2)) 

    } else {

      cat("Estimated the BMD based on the averaged response model which is a weighted average of the accepted models' response values. \n\n")

      print(kable(bmdTables[[2]], digits = 2)) 


    cat("<!-- end-landscape -->")

    img <- readPNG(file.path(tempdir(), paste0("maBmdPlot_", iResponse, ".png")))

    cat("\n \n")


} else {

  cat("Settings for estimation of the model parameters: \n \n")

  print(kable($parameterValues), digits = 2))

  cat("\n \n")

  print(kable(tmpTable, digits = 2))

  cat("\n \n")

  if (!is.null(results$warningText()[[iResponse]]) | 
      !is.null(results$fittedModels()[[iResponse]]$warningCovariates) |
      !is.null(reportedErrors[[iResponse]])) {

    cat("Alerts that were indicated when fitting the models \n:")
    cat(results$warningText()[[iResponse]], "\n")
    cat(results$fittedModels()[[iResponse]]$warningCovariates, "\n")
    cat(paste(reportedErrors[[iResponse]], collapse = "\n"), "\n \n")



  cat("\n \n")


cat("\n \n *Description and interpretation of the obtained results*")

cat("\n \n \n")


grid::grid.newpage() img <- readPNG(file.path(tempdir(), "forestPlot.png")) grid::grid.raster(img)

} ```


The section should discuss the results for the different endpoints and the rationale to decide on the critical one on which the assessment will be based.

The BMD confidence interval of the critical endpoint (and the BMDL selected as reference point) should be reported and discussed.

alfcrisci/bmdModeling documentation built on May 28, 2019, 12:32 a.m.