Man pages for alinaselega/BUMHMM
Computational pipeline for computing probability of modification from structure probing experiment data

computeProbsFunction to compute posterior probabilities of modification...
computeStretchesFunction to compute continuous stretches of nucleotide...
covFileExample coverage data set.
docFileExample drop-off count data set.
dorFileExample drop-off rate data set.
findPatternPosFunction to find positions of the nucleotide patterns in the...
nuclPermFunction to create nucleobase patterns.
scaleDORFunction to scale drop-off rates across replicates to a...
seExample RNA structure probing data set.
selectNuclPosFunction to compute selections of nucleotide positions.
seqExample genomic sequence string.
stabiliseVarianceFunction to reduce variance of LDRs as a function of...
alinaselega/BUMHMM documentation built on March 2, 2024, 10 p.m.