computeProbs: Function to compute posterior probabilities of modification...

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computeProbsR Documentation

Function to compute posterior probabilities of modification with the BUM-HMM model for all nucleotides.


This function computes posterior probabilities of chemical modification in a structure probing experiment. It uses empirical p-values, which quantify the difference between LDRs (log-ratios of drop-off rates) from treatment-control and control-control experimental comparisons, as observations in a HMM with an emission model defined as a Beta-Uniform mixture.


    computeProbs(LDR_C, LDR_CT, Nc, Nt, strand, nuclPosition, analysedC,
                         analysedCT, stretches, optimise)



A matrix of transformed LDRs for control-control comparisons as returned by stabiliseVariance. The matrix rows correspond to nucleotide positions and columns to control-control comparisons.


A matrix of transformed LDRs for treatment-control comparisons as returned by stabiliseVariance. The matrix rows correspond to nucleotide positions and columns to treatment-control comparisons.


Number of control experimental replicates. Must be at least 2.


Number of treatment experimental replicates. Must be at least 2.


A character, indicating the plus (+) or minus strand (-).


A list where each component corresponds to a pattern (indicated by the field names) and contains indices of the middle nucleotides of that pattern's occurrences within the sequence, as returned by findPatternPos. If the sequence bias is not addressed and all nucleotide positions are used together (e.g. for short transcripts), the only component of the list should contain all nucleotide positions of the sequence.


The first element of the list returned by selectNuclPos, containing the positions of nucleotides selected for all control-control comparisons.


The second element of the list returned by selectNuclPos, containing the positions of nucleotides selected for all treatment-control comparisons.


An IRanges object storing each uninterrupted stretch of nucleotides for which posterior probabilities are to be computed, as returned by computeStretches.


An indicator variable to use the EM optimisation of shape parameters of the Beta distribution (emission model of the HMM for the modified state). If optimisation is to be used, the variable should be set to the desired tolerance for parameter estimation (once the estimates stop changing within this tolerance, the algorithm stops). Set to NULL by default.


The function first computes percentiles of LDR null distributions, for each percent from 1 to 89 and for a tenth of a percent from 90 to 100. If multiple nucleotide patterns are used, then null distributions are computed separately for each pattern. Then, LDRs from treatment-control comparisons are compared to the percentiles of a corresponding null distribution via computing the p-values, defined as 1 - closest percentile. Thus, if the closest percentile to an LDR is 99th, then its p-value will be 0.01, reflecting a small probability for it to be from this null distribution. The p-values are then used as observations in a hidden Markov model. P-values corresponding to multiple comparisons at the same nucleotide position are considered to be independent measurements.

HMM has a binary latent state corresponding to the true state of a nucleotide, modified or unmodified. Transition probabilities are set according to the empirically derived expectations of unmodified nucleotide stretches of average length 20 and modified stretches of average length 5. Emission probabilites come from a Beta-Uniform mixture, where the Uniform component represents the conditional model for the unmodifed state, and the Beta component represents the conditional model for the modified state. The shape parameters of Beta distribution are set to (1, 10) to approximately match the likelihood under the null hypothesis (unmodified state) for the LDRs in the top quintile of the distribution.

We also provide an option to optimise the shape parameters of Beta distribution with the EM algorithm. To do this, make the function call with the last parameter optimise set to the desired tolerance, within which the parameter estimates are allowed not to change at the next iteration. The EM algorithm is run for 10 iterations and each M-step is performed with Newton's optimisation method and is allowed 20 iterations. We remark that during our experiments, this optimisation appeared vulnerable to local minima. Thus, the default version of the pipeline does not use this optimisation.


An n-by-2 matrix of posterior probabilities for all selected nucleotides. First column corresponds to the probability of the nucleotide being unmodified (given the observations) and the second column - to the probability of the nucleotide being modified. Those nucleotides not belonging to stretches for which the HMM was run are assigned an ‘NA’.


The following errors are returned if:

"Number of control and treatment replicates must be at least 2." the number of control or treatment experimental replicates is less than 2;

"All lists of positions selected for pair-wise comparisons should be non-empty." a list of nucleotides for control-control or treatment-control comparisons is empty;

"Strand should be either plus or minus, specified with a sign." strand is not specified as "+" or "-";

"The list of considered nucleotide positions should be non-empty. If patterns are not used, a vector with all positions should be provided in the first element of the list." the list of considered nucleotides (which should either correspond to patterns if addressing sequence bias or list all positions) is empty;

"The matrix of control-control (treatment-control) LDRs should have as many columns as there are control-control (treatment-control) comparisons." dimensionalities of matrices with LDRs do not agree with the number of pair-wise comparisons;

"Please provide a tolerance if shape parameters are to be optimised with EM algorithm." the optimise parameter was not set to a (real) tolerance value.


Alina Selega, Sander Granneman, Guido Sanguinetti


Selega et al. "Robust statistical modeling improves sensitivity of high-throughput RNA structure probing experiments", Nature Methods (2016).

See Also

See Also stabiliseVariance, selectNuclPos, findPatternPos, and computeStretches.



    Nc <- 3
    Nt <- 3
    t <- 1

    nuclSelection <- selectNuclPos(se, Nc, Nt, t)

    assay(se, "dropoff_rate") <- scaleDOR(se, nuclSelection, Nc, Nt)

    stretches <- computeStretches(se, t)

    varStab <- stabiliseVariance(se, nuclSelection, Nc, Nt)

    LDR_C <- varStab$LDR_C
    LDR_CT <- varStab$LDR_CT

    sequence <- subject(rowData(se)$nucl)
    nuclPosition <- list()
    nuclPosition[[1]] <- 1:nchar(sequence)

    posteriors <- computeProbs(LDR_C, LDR_CT, Nc, Nt, '+', nuclPosition,
                             nuclSelection$analysedC, nuclSelection$analysedCT,

alinaselega/BUMHMM documentation built on March 2, 2024, 10 p.m.