knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)

Documentation of cleaning

This is a documenation of the cleaning round in October 2022 - summer 2023. Mainly serves to create a searchable commit. But also to keep track of changes.

next step

Major topics of scripts

Documentation of cleaning

small datasets

small datasets that are stored in /vignettes are transferred to /data

usethis::use_data(\<nameofdataset\>) if necessary with overwrite = T to overwrite existing dataset

No loading is needed, because R packages use "lazy-loading", i.e. only load data when necessary.


will be used uniquely to select the current model to run, or to run all of them.

names need to be cleaned!


Problematic scripts


implement the use of the model_names table. Select used models with model_names_selection.

Sequence of analysis steps



from vignettes/

from data_assembly/helper_data and analysis/helper_data


Evaluate if useful content is in there, think about what to do later.


Take care that the following points are included in re-analysis :

Future todos

allanecology/multiFunBetadivLuiGDM documentation built on Nov. 12, 2023, 6:16 a.m.