
model with y~LUI+other abiotic and model with y~beta+LUI+other abiotic to see if beta "absorbs" effects (which would be an indication of indirect effects) - just look at how LUI and soil effects change with or without beta


# take out by-hand geographic distance calculation if this is in the input dataset
if(length(grep("geosphere", names(gdminput))) > 0){
  gdminput <- gdminput[, -grep("geosphere", names(gdminput))]

# model with betadiversities
gdm_output <- gdm::gdm(gdminput, geo = T)
exSplines <- gdm::isplineExtract(gdm_output)
# take maximum of each variable for barplot
maxsplines <- apply(exSplines$y, 2, max, na.rm = TRUE)

model_specs <- paste(
paste("with beta : deviance of the fitted GDM model :", round(gdm_output$gdmdeviance, 3)),
paste("deviance of the null model : ", round(gdm_output$nulldeviance, 3)),
paste("\npercentage of null deviance explained by the fitted GDM model :", round(gdm_output$explained, 3)),
sep = ", ")

# model without betadiversities
no_beta_names <- names(gdminput)[!names(gdminput) %in% grep("beta", names(gdminput), value = T)]
gdm_output_nobeta <- gdm::gdm(gdminput[, no_beta_names], geo = T)
exSplines_nobeta <- gdm::isplineExtract(gdm_output_nobeta)
# take maximum of each variable for barplot
maxsplines_nobeta <- apply(exSplines_nobeta$y, 2, max, na.rm = TRUE)

model_specs_nobeta <- paste(
paste(" no  beta : deviance of the fitted GDM model :", round(gdm_output_nobeta$gdmdeviance, 3)),
paste("deviance of the null model : ", round(gdm_output_nobeta$nulldeviance, 3)),
paste("\npercentage of null deviance explained by the fitted GDM model :", round(gdm_output_nobeta$explained, 3)),
sep = ", ")

# compare results
maxsplines[grep("beta", names(maxsplines), invert = T)]

restab <- rbindlist(list(melt(data.table(names = names(maxsplines_nobeta), 
                value = maxsplines_nobeta, 
                variant = as.factor("nobeta")), 
     measure.vars = "value"),
melt(data.table(names = names(maxsplines[grep("beta", names(maxsplines), invert = T)]), 
                value = maxsplines[grep("beta", names(maxsplines), invert = T)], 
                variant = as.factor("beta")), 
     measure.vars = "value")))

gdm_with_without_beta <- ggplot(data = restab, aes(x = names, y = value, fill = variant)) +
  geom_bar(stat = "identity", position = position_dodge()) +
  # coord_flip() +
  scale_fill_brewer(palette="Paired") +
  theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, vjust = 1)) +
  labs(caption = paste(model_specs, model_specs_nobeta, sep = "\n"),
       title = "GDM with vs. without betadiversities",
       subtitle = "How do non-beta effects change in presence/ absence of betadiversities?") +
  xlab("") +
  ylab("GDM effect size")

ggsave(filename = paste(pathtoout, "/GDM_sensitivity_indirect_beta_effects.pdf", sep = ""), 
       plot = gdm_with_without_beta, device=cairo_pdf,
       width = 297, height = 210, units = "mm", dpi = 900)

# Calculate % increase when leaving out beta
# -- how much of the abiotic effects are absorbed by biotic effect?
restab <- dcast(restab, names ~ variant)
restab[, perc_decrease := 1 - (beta / nobeta)] # e.g. 30% of the original Geo effect go indirect, we only see 60%
sum(restab[names %in% c("LUI", "deltaLUI"), perc_decrease])

substract variance explained with/ without LUI

# model with LUI
gdm_output <- gdm::gdm(gdminput, geo = T)

# model without LUI
no_LUI_names <- names(gdminput)[!names(gdminput) %in% c("s1.LUI", "s2.LUI")]
gdm_output_nolui <- gdm::gdm(gdminput[, no_LUI_names], geo = T)

## substract var expl. of both models
gdm_output$explained - gdm_output_nolui$explained

# note : not recommended

allanecology/multiFunBetadivLuiGDM documentation built on Nov. 12, 2023, 6:16 a.m.