Depends on clean_and_load_soil_covariates.Rmd and analysis_nonpublic.R.

# run clean_and_load_soil_covariates.Rmd
sections_to_be_loaded <- c("assemble_covariates")


# copy to keep glsoil variable
soilcov <- data.table::copy(glsoil)


scale the columns which are neither binary nor factors. Scaled by centering around 0 (substracting the mean) and dividing by standard deviation.

# take out soil type as this is converted to dummy variables
soilcov[, Soil.type := NULL]
# create scaling vector T/F of which columns to scale in pcr
scalecols <- c("Clay", "Fine.Silt", "Medium.Silt", "Coarse.Silt", "Fine.Sand", "Medium.Sand", "Coarse.Sand", "pH", "Soil.depth", "TWI")
soilcov[, (scalecols) := lapply(.SD, function(x) scale(x, center = T)), .SDcols = scalecols]
# note : Could be done within PCA computation with parameter `scale = TRUE`.

mysubset <- names(soilcov)[!names(soilcov) %in% c("Plotn", "Soil.type")]

note : The binary categoric columns are not affected by this.


soil PCA

From 11 variables, 1 of those (soil type) is split into 9 variables --> 19 columns.

# Plot information is taken as rownames of a data.frame (instead of data.table).
pc_glsoil <-[, !"Plotn", with=FALSE])
rownames(pc_glsoil) <- soilcov$Plotn

# run the pca
pca_from_glsoil <- prcomp(pc_glsoil[, !(names(pc_glsoil) %in% "Soil.type")], scale = F)

temp <- cbind(pc_glsoil, "region" = sub("[0-9][0-9]", "", rownames(pc_glsoil)))
pcaplots <- list(autoplot(pca_from_glsoil, data = temp, colour = "region"),
                 autoplot(pca_from_glsoil, data = temp, colour = "region", x = 3, y = 4),
                 autoplot(pca_from_glsoil, data = temp, colour = "region", x = 5, y = 6),
                 autoplot(pca_from_glsoil, data = temp, colour = "region", x = 7, y = 8))

pcaplots2 <- list(autoplot(pca_from_glsoil, data = temp, colour = "pH"),
                  autoplot(pca_from_glsoil, data = temp, colour = "pH", label = T, label.size = 2, shape = F, loadings = T),
                 autoplot(pca_from_glsoil, data = temp, colour = "pH", loadings = T, loadings.label = T),
                 autoplot(pca_from_glsoil, data = temp, colour = "pH", x =3, y = 4, loadings = T, loadings.label = T))
plot_grid(plotlist = pcaplots, nrow = 2)
plot_grid(plotlist = pcaplots2, nrow = 2)
# save plots as : "<date>_calc_covariates_soil_pca1.pdf"
rm(temp); rm(pcaplots); rm(pcaplots2)

Take all axis until 90% cumulative variance explained : first 7 axes.

summary(pca_from_glsoil) # take axes 1 - 7

PCA insights

# color by soil type
ggplot2::autoplot(pca_from_glsoil, data = pc_glsoil, colour = 'TWI')
ggplot2::autoplot(pca_from_glsoil, data = pc_glsoil, colour = 'Soil.depth')
ggplot2::autoplot(pca_from_glsoil, data = pc_glsoil, loadings = TRUE, loadings.colour = 'darkgray', loadings.label = TRUE, loadings.label.size = 2)
ggplot2::autoplot(pca_from_glsoil, x=3, y=4, data=pc_glsoil, colour="TWI")
ggplot2::autoplot(pca_from_glsoil, x=3, y=4, data=pc_glsoil, colour="pH")

Component selection

Components 1 to 7 (as argued above).

pca_from_glsoil <- pca_from_glsoil$x[, 1:7]

Computation of Dissimilarity Matrices

With euclidian distance : edis_glsoil

# select plot set from matrix
pca_from_glsoil <- data.frame(pca_from_glsoil)
pca_from_glsoil <- pca_from_glsoil[which(rownames(pca_from_glsoil) %in% plotNAset), ]
# pca_from_glsoil <- pca_from_glsoil[which(rownames(pca_from_glsoil) != "HEG31"), ] # not needed if plotNA set is in the first version. only run this line in case this is the first time you are running that script.

# compute dissimilarities for the first 14 principal components (euclidian distance)
edis_glsoil <- vegan::vegdist(pca_from_glsoil, method = "euclid")

rm(pc_glsoil); rm(pca_from_glsoil)

Cleaning for GDM

# prepare for gdm (the desired format)
# edis_glsoil <- as.matrix(edis_glsoil)
# edis_glsoil <- cbind(row.names(edis_glsoil), edis_glsoil)

# bring to long format for GDM and add to edis_glsoil table
edis_glsoil <- as.matrix(edis_glsoil)
edis_glsoil[!lower.tri(edis_glsoil)] <- NA
edis_glsoil <- reshape2::melt(edis_glsoil, = "edis_soil")
edis_glsoil <- edis_glsoil[![, 3]),]
nrow(edis_glsoil) == choose(127, 2)

# store soil dissimilarity matrix separately if needed
saveRDS(edis_glsoil, "predictors_soil.rds")

Non-soil predictors

DEPRECATED Plot isolation

plt.sur <- unique(plt.sur) #for some areas each row has two values
plt.sur <- plt.sur[,c("EP_PLOTID","G500")]
data.table::setnames(plt.sur, "EP_PLOTID", "Plot")
plt.sur <- merge(plt.sur, usefulplotids, by="Plot")
plt.sur[, PLAND_G_500 := 100 - (G500 *100)] # change so more isolated plots have higher values
plt.sur[, G500 := NULL] ; plt.sur[, Plot := NULL] # remove unused columns
# select plot set
plt.sur <- plt.sur[Plotn %in% plotNAset,]
plt.sur <- convert to dataframe for analysis
rownames(plt.sur) <- plt.sur[["Plotn"]]
plt.sur <- plt.sur["PLAND_G_500"]
colnames(plt.sur) <- "plot_isolation"
# in old code, plt.sur is now as column in a variable called "predictors for GDM preparation"

historic/ landscape LUI and landscape covariates

landscape <- data.table(BEplotZeros(landscape, column = "EP_PlotID", plotnam = "EP"))
setnames(landscape, old = c("EP_PlotID", "EP"), new = c("oldEP", "Plotn"))
landscape <- landscape[, .(Plotn, Grassland.perm.1000, Arable.1000, Shannon.1000)]
landscape <- landscape[Plotn %in% plotNAset, ]

landscape2 <- data.table(BEplotZeros(landscape2, column = "plot_id", plotnam = "EP"))
landscape2[, plot_id := NULL]
setnames(landscape2, old = c("EP"), new = c("Plotn"))
landscape2 <- landscape2[Year == 2012 & scale == 1000, .(Plotn, Land.te)]
setnames(landscape2, old = "Land.te", new = "Land.te.1000")

landscape <- merge(landscape, landscape2, by = "Plotn")

# convert to data.frame
data.table::setkey(landscape, Plotn)
landscape <- data.frame(landscape)
rownames(landscape) <- landscape$Plotn
landscape <- landscape[, c("Grassland.perm.1000", "Arable.1000", "Shannon.1000", "Land.te.1000")]

geographic distance

plot.names <- names_gl[Landuse == "G", .(EP_PlotID, PlotID)]
data.table::setnames(plot.names, old = "EP_PlotID", new = "Plot")
plot.names <- merge(plot.names, usefulplotids, by = "Plot", all = T)

geodist <- geodist[Landuse == "G", .(Plot_ID, Longitude_Dec_Plotcenter, Latitude_Dec_Plotcenter)]
data.table::setnames(geodist, "Plot_ID", "PlotID")
geodist <- merge(geodist, plot.names, by = "PlotID")
geodist[, c("PlotID", "Plot") := NULL]
# remove two duplicated rows
# geodist[which(duplicated(geodist$Plotn)), ]
# geodist[Plotn %in% c("AEG29", "AEG10"), ] # there is only very little difference - remove one of them
# note : in the newest dataset BExIS ID 1000, plot coordinates are given as selected here. 
#    (48.38/9.21 for AEG10 and 48.42/9.36 for AEG29)
geodist <- geodist <- geodist[!which(duplicated(geodist$Plotn)),]
# select plot set
geodist <- geodist[Plotn %in% plotNAset]
geodist <- data.frame(geodist)
rownames(geodist) <- geodist$Plotn
geodist <- geodist[, c("Longitude_Dec_Plotcenter", "Latitude_Dec_Plotcenter")]

save as predictors

combine covariates to a predictor dataset

predictors <- merge(landscape, geodist, by = "row.names")
colnames(predictors)[1] <- "Plotn"

saveRDS(predictors, file = "predictors.rds")

rm(edis_glsoil); rm(landscape); rm(geodist)

allanecology/multiFunBetadivLuiGDM documentation built on Nov. 12, 2023, 6:16 a.m.