This script : - calculates the multifunctionalities from the imputed functions dataset - select functions for the analysis - combine years - calculate functional dissimilarity

cols <- RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(8, "Dark2")

Requirements : - imputed_grlfuns : the imputed functions data - usedforBetadivMultifun, info_data

sections_to_be_loaded <- c("imputed_functions")

Calculate mini-multifunctionalities

The mini-multifunctionalities are calculated from the imputed values.


Enzymes related to soil C. All measured in the year 2011.

sce <- imputed_grlfuns[, c("beta_Glucosidase", "N_Acetyl_beta_Glucosaminidase", "Xylosidase")]
# take z-scores of the functions
imputed_grlfuns[, "soilCflxs" := multidiv(sce, sc="sd", cent=TRUE)[,1]]
imputed_grlfuns[, c("beta_Glucosidase", "N_Acetyl_beta_Glucosaminidase", "Xylosidase") := NULL]

about soil processes related to N

based on clustering and biology: - ammonium is oxidised by bacteria and archaea (AOB, AOA) - nitrate oxidation by bacteria (NS and NB)

these two steps are separated steps. The correlation of AO and NO is based on co-occurrence.


It could be that nitrospira and nitrobacter have slightly different habitat preferences --> sum their abundance as 'nitrite-oxidising functional gene abundance'.

Inversion of DEA such that functions "point to same functional direction".

nce <- imputed_grlfuns[,c("Plotn", "DEA.inverted","nifH", "nxrA_NS", "16S_NB")]
# sum abundances of nitrite oxidising functional genes
nce[, "nitOx_fga" := nxrA_NS + `16S_NB`]
nce[, c("nxrA_NS", "16S_NB") := NULL]

# mini-multifunctionality
imputed_grlfuns[, "soilNitrateflxs" := multidiv(nce[, !"Plotn", with=F], sc="sd", cent=T)[,1]]


nce <- imputed_grlfuns[, c("Plotn", "Urease","amoA_AOB.2011","amoA_AOA.2011", "amoA_AOB.2016", "amoA_AOA.2016")]
# sum per year and take the mean of 2 years after
nce[, "amOX_fga2011" := amoA_AOB.2011 + amoA_AOA.2011]
nce[, "amOX_fga2016" := amoA_AOB.2016 + amoA_AOA.2016]
nce[, "amOX_fga" := apply(nce[,c("amOX_fga2011", "amOX_fga2016")],1, function(x) mean(x, na.rm = T))]
nce[, c("amOX_fga2011", "amOX_fga2016", "amoA_AOB.2011", "amoA_AOB.2016", "amoA_AOA.2011", "amoA_AOA.2016") := NULL]
imputed_grlfuns[, "soilAmmoniaflxs" := multidiv(nce[, !"Plotn", with=F], sc="sd", cent=T)[,1]]

Select functions

selecting the functions which are used in analysis.

# select variables which are included in betadiv multifun analysis
usedforBetadivMultifun <- usedforBetadivMultifun[!usedforBetadivMultifun == "Plot"]
imputed_grlfuns <- imputed_grlfuns[, ..usedforBetadivMultifun]

Check Correlations

Of the non-factor columns only

# the dataset is complete now, use "complete.obs" for the cor() function now
M <- cor(imputed_grlfuns[, !colnames(imputed_grlfuns) %in% "Plotn", with=F], use="complete.obs", method = "spearman")

# imputed_grlfun_corrplot1
corrplot::corrplot(M,type="lower", addCoef.col = "black", method="color", diag=F,, tl.col="black", mar=c(0,0,0,0), number.cex=0.4, order = "hclust", tl.cex = 0.6)
# saved as : 21-09-06_calc_multifun_from_imputed_corrplot_spearman.pdf

# imputed_grlfun_corrplot2
corrplot::corrplot(M, type = "upper", tl.col="black",, diag = F,
                   tl.cex = 0.3, order = "hclust")

# only show medium high correlations
tres <- 0.5
M[which(M < tres & M > -tres)] <- 0
corrplot::corrplot(M, type = "upper", tl.col="black",, diag = F,
                   tl.cex = 0.6, order = "hclust")
# saved as : 21-09-06_calc_multifun_from_imputed_corrplot_spearman_05.pdf

# only show high correlations
tres <- 0.7
M[which(M < tres & M > -tres)] <- 0
corrplot::corrplot(M, type = "upper", tl.col="black",, diag = F,
                   tl.cex = 0.6, order = "hclust")
# saved as : 21-09-06_calc_multifun_from_imputed_corrplot_spearman_07.pdf

nimputed_grlfuns <- data.table::copy(imputed_grlfuns) # save an unscaled version for EFturnover / nestedness

Dissimilarity of single functions

This part of the script prepares the single function dissimilarities for the GDM models. Each function is fitted individually.

Dissimilarity between plots is the euclidean distance - which is just a substraction in the 1D case.

For each function : build dissimilarity matrix (euclidean distance) and then center & normalise

# get a reference Table with the Plot combinations
singleEFdist <- data.table::data.table(t(combn(imputed_grlfuns$Plotn, 2)))
data.table::setnames(singleEFdist, old = c("V1", "V2"), new = c("Var1", "Var2"))

for(f in usedforBetadivMultifun[!usedforBetadivMultifun == "Plotn"]){
  # diffname <- paste("sEFdist", f, sep = "_")
  # print(diffname)
  small <- data.frame(imputed_grlfuns[, .(Plotn, get(f))])
  rownames(small) <- small$Plotn
  small$Plotn <- NULL
  diffsmall <- vegan::vegdist(small, method = "euclid")
  diffsmall <- as.matrix(diffsmall)
  diffsmall[!lower.tri(diffsmall)] <- NA
  diffsmall <- reshape2::melt(diffsmall, = "X")
  diffsmall <- diffsmall[![, 3]),]
  diffsmall <- data.table::data.table(diffsmall)
  setnames(diffsmall, old = "X", new = f)
  # assign(diffname, diffsmall)
  singleEFdist <- merge(singleEFdist, diffsmall, by = c("Var1", "Var2"), all.y = T)
  # saveRDS(diffsmall, file = paste(diffname, ".rds", sep = "")) # note : is not saved, only produce on demand
# standardisation
include <- colnames(singleEFdist)[!colnames(singleEFdist) %in% c("Var1", "Var2")]
singleEFdist[, (include) := lapply(.SD, scale01), .SDcols = include]

saveRDS(singleEFdist, "singleEFdist.rds")

Dissimilarity of functions

2 ways of dissimilarity calculation : - EFturnover and EFnestedness : calculate presence-absence of functions by 0.5 treshold, and then calculate betadiversity turnover and nestedness components of them. - EFdistance : calculate PCA, identify most important axis, take euclidean distance of them to get a single value for each plot. - weighting of the PCA axis: Weighting by var explained gives the correlated functions too much weight. Equal weighting is chosen. (soil axis should not get too much weight)

EFdistance calculation DEPRECATED

From PCA of all functions, take most important axes and calculate euclidean distance of them (using equal weights).

We expect that one of the important axis - possibly the first to represent soil. As we have many soil functions compared to aboveground functions.

Selection of relevant PC axes : - check how many correlated functions there are - 9 correlations > 0.5 (see corrplots above) - (number of selected axes) = (number of PCA) - (number of correlated functions) - check if this number corresponds to around 90% variance explained.

nimputed_grlfuns <- data.table::copy(imputed_grlfuns) # save an unscaled version for EFturnover / nestedness
include <- names(imputed_grlfuns)[!names(imputed_grlfuns) %in% "Plotn"]
imputed_grlfuns[, (include) := lapply(.SD, scale01),.SDcols=include]

pc_grlfuns <- imputed_grlfuns[, ..include]
pc_grlfuns <-
rownames(pc_grlfuns) <- imputed_grlfuns$Plotn

pca_grlfuns <- stats::prcomp(pc_grlfuns, scale=F) 
summ <- summary(pca_grlfuns)
summ$importance[3, ] <= 0.9 # take axes 1 - 11
capture.output(summary(pca_grlfuns), file = "calc_multifun_from_imputed_pca_summary.txt")

par(mfrow = c(2, 2))

# plot cumulative prop of variance explained (same as output by pca summary)
plot(cumsum(pca_grlfuns$sdev^2 / sum(pca_grlfuns$sdev^2)), pch = 16, 
     xlab = "PCA axes", ylab = "Cumulative Proportion of Variance", xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n")
axis(1, at = seq(1, 17, 2))
# axis(2, at = c(seq(0, 0.8, 0.2), 0.9161965, 1), labels = T)
axis(2, at = seq(0, 1, 0.2))
axis(2, at = 0.9161965, labels = "0.92", las = 2, cex = 0.04)
abline(v = 11, lty = 2)
abline(h = 0.9161965, lty = 2)
# save as : "22-05-16_calc_multifun_from_imputed_pca_output_cumvar.pdf"

Plotting first 5 axis

temp <- cbind(pc_grlfuns, "region" = sub("[0-9][0-9]", "", rownames(pc_grlfuns)))
pcaplots <- list(autoplot(pca_grlfuns, data = temp, colour = "region"),
     autoplot(pca_grlfuns, data = temp, colour = "region", x = 3, y = 4),
     autoplot(pca_grlfuns, data = temp, colour = "region", x = 5, y = 6),
     autoplot(pca_grlfuns, data = temp, colour = "region", x = 7, y = 8))
plot_grid(plotlist = pcaplots, nrow = 2)
# saved as : "21-03-09_calc_multifun_from_imputed_pca_autoplot_axes_1_to_7.pdf"

p <- plot(pca_grlfuns)
labelsize <- 3
p1 <- ggplot2::autoplot(pca_grlfuns, loadings = T, loadings.label= T, colour = "gray", loadings.colour = "black", 
               loadings.label.colour = "black", loadings.label.repel = T, loadings.label.size = labelsize)
p2 <- ggplot2::autoplot(pca_grlfuns, loadingsloadings = T, loadings.label= T, colour = "gray", loadings.colour = "black", 
               loadings.label.colour = "black", loadings.label.repel = T, loadings.label.size = labelsize,
               x = 3, y = 2)
p3 <- ggplot2::autoplot(pca_grlfuns, loadingsloadings = T, loadings.label= T, colour = "gray", loadings.colour = "black", 
               loadings.label.colour = "black", loadings.label.repel = T, loadings.label.size = labelsize,
               x = 4, y = 3)
p4 <- ggplot2::autoplot(pca_grlfuns, loadingsloadings = T, loadings.label= T, colour = "gray", loadings.colour = "black", 
               loadings.label.colour = "black", loadings.label.repel = T, loadings.label.size = labelsize,
               x = 4, y = 5)
cowplot::plot_grid(plotlist = list(p1, p2, p3, p4), labels = c("A", "B", "C", "D"), align = T)
# cowplot::plot_grid(plotlist = list(p1, p2), labels = c("A", "B"), align = T)
# saved as : "calc_multifun_from_imputed_pca_axes_1_to_5.pdf"

p5 <- ggplot2::autoplot(pca_grlfuns, loadingsloadings = T, loadings.label= T, colour = "gray", loadings.colour = "black", 
               loadings.label.colour = "black", loadings.label.repel = T,
               x = 5, y = 6)
p6 <- ggplot2::autoplot(pca_grlfuns, loadingsloadings = T, loadings.label= T, colour = "gray", loadings.colour = "black", 
               loadings.label.colour = "black", loadings.label.repel = T,
               x = 6, y = 7)
p7 <- ggplot2::autoplot(pca_grlfuns, loadingsloadings = T, loadings.label= T, colour = "gray", loadings.colour = "black", 
               loadings.label.colour = "black", loadings.label.repel = T,
               x = 7, y = 8)
p8 <- ggplot2::autoplot(pca_grlfuns, loadingsloadings = T, loadings.label= T, colour = "gray", loadings.colour = "black", 
               loadings.label.colour = "black", loadings.label.repel = T,
               x = 8, y = 9)
cowplot::plot_grid(plotlist = list(p5, p6, p7, p8), labels = c("E", "F", "G", "H"), align = T)
# saved as : "23-11-09_calc_multifun_from_imputed_pca_axes_5_to_9.pdf"
rm(p); rm(p1); rm(p2); rm(p3); rm(p4); rm(p5)

axis selection : Use axes until 90% variance explained : take axes 1 - 11

pca_grlfuns <- pca_grlfuns$x[, 1:11]

# euclidean distance
EFmaster <- vegan::vegdist(pca_grlfuns, method = "euclid")
EFmaster <- as.matrix(EFmaster)
EFmaster[!lower.tri(EFmaster)] <- NA
EFmaster <- reshape2::melt(EFmaster, = "EFdistance")
EFmaster <- EFmaster[![, 3]),]
EFmaster <- data.table::data.table(EFmaster)
# standardise
EFmaster[, EFdistance := scale01(EFdistance)]
saveRDS(EFmaster, "EFdistance.rds")
rm(pca_grlfuns); rm(pc_grlfuns)

EFturnover and EFnestedness

Based on a 50% treshold, classify for each function and each plot presence or absence of the given function. Based on the scaled functions.

# percentage of measured functions that exceed a given treshold of their maximum observed level across all study sites.
# maximum observed level: average of the top five sites.
threshold <- 0.1
# tresholds used in Solivieres paper :  0.25,0.5,0.75,0.9

Plot for visualisation

# plot all 18 functions on one page
# x <- nimputed_grlfuns$Root.biomass

for(i in colnames(nimputed_grlfuns)[which(colnames(nimputed_grlfuns) != "Plotn")]){
  x <- nimputed_grlfuns[, get(i)]
  names(x) <- nimputed_grlfuns$Plotn
  # calc mean of top 5 values
  upper <- mean(sort(x, decreasing = T, na.last=T)[1:5])
  upperq <- quantile(x, probs = threshold)
  df <- cbind(len = x, deleteme = x)
  p <- ggplot2::ggplot(df, ggplot2::aes(y = len, x= rownames(df))) +
  ggplot2::geom_bar(stat="identity") +
  ggplot2::geom_abline(intercept = upper, slope = 0, color = "lightgray") +
  ggplot2::geom_abline(intercept = upper*threshold, slope = 0, color =cols[1]) + # turkis
  ggplot2::geom_abline(intercept = upperq, slope = 0, color = cols[2]) + # orange
  theme(axis.text.x=element_blank()) + xlab("Plots") + ylab(i)
  plotname <- paste("plot", i, sep = "")
  assign(plotname, p)

plotnames <- paste("plot", colnames(nimputed_grlfuns)[which(colnames(nimputed_grlfuns) != "Plotn")], sep = "")

plot_grid(plotlist = list(plotBiomass, plotdung.removal, plotGroundwater.recharge, plotherbivory.20172018, plotLitter.decomposition, plotN_leaching_risk2015, plotpathogen.infection, plotPhosphatase, plotPotential.nitrification),
          align = T)
plot_grid(plotlist = list( plotcaterpillars.predation, plotRoot.biomass, plotRoot.decomposition, plotseed.depletion, plotsoilCflxs, plotP_leaching_risk_comb, plotsoilNitrateflxs, plotsoilAmmoniaflxs),
          align = T)
# saved name : 21-03-09_calc_multifun_from_imputed_EFbeta_threshold_method_visual_tr01_part1 , change to tr = 0.7 etc, change part 1 and part2

# barplot(x, main="Root Biomass", xlab="Plots")
# abline(a=upper,b=0,col="lightgray")
# abline(a = upperq, b = 0, col = "darkgreen")
# abline(a=upper*threshold, b=0, col="orange")

rm(df); rm(plotBiomass, plotdung.removal, plotGroundwater.recharge, plotherbivory.20172018, plotLitter.decomposition, plotN_leaching_risk2015, plotpathogen.infection, plotPhosphatase, plotPotential.nitrification, plotcaterpillars.predation, plotRoot.biomass, plotRoot.decomposition, plotseed.depletion, plotsoilCflxs, plotP_leaching_risk_comb, plotsoilNitrateflxs, plotsoilAmmoniaflxs); gc()

With threshold max 5 method

include <- names(nimputed_grlfuns)[!names(nimputed_grlfuns) %in% "Plotn"]
pa_grlfuns <- data.table::copy(nimputed_grlfuns)  # dataset for max 5 functions
threshold <- 0.9

Note : to make EF master for all thresholds : change manually above and run again and again the chunk below AND above.

pa_grlfuns[, (include) := lapply(.SD, function(c) calc_presenceabsence(c, threshold = threshold, type = "max5")), .SDcols = include]
pa_grlfuns[, (include) := (.SD * 1), .SDcols = include]
setcolorder(pa_grlfuns, neworder = c("Plotn", include))
# saveRDS(pa_grlfuns, file = paste(pathtoout, paste(paste("/single_functions_passing_threshold_", threshold, sep = ""), "Rds", sep = "."), sep = ""))

pa_grlfuns <- data.frame(pa_grlfuns[, !"Plotn", with=F], row.names = pa_grlfuns$Plotn)
pa_grlfuns <- BetaDivMultifun::beta.pair_zerospecies(pa_grlfuns, = "sorensen")

EFbeta <- pa_grlfuns$beta.sor
t <- as.matrix(EFbeta)
t[!lower.tri(t)] <- NA
t <- reshape2::melt(t, = paste("EFbeta", threshold, sep = "_"))
EFbeta <- t[![, 3]), ]

if(!exists("EFmaster")){ # if EFmaster does not exist yet, create
  EFmaster <- EFbeta
} else {
  EFmaster <- merge(EFmaster, EFbeta, by = c("Var1", "Var2"), all = T)

EFturnover <- pa_grlfuns$beta.sim
t <- as.matrix(EFturnover)
t[!lower.tri(t)] <- NA
t <- reshape2::melt(t, = paste("EFturnover", threshold, sep = "_"))
EFturnover <- t[![, 3]), ]
EFmaster <- merge(EFmaster, EFturnover, by = c("Var1", "Var2"), all = T)

EFnestedness <- pa_grlfuns$beta.sne
t <- as.matrix(EFnestedness)
t[!lower.tri(t)] <- NA
t <- reshape2::melt(t, = paste("EFnestedness", threshold, sep = "_"))
EFnestedness <- t[![, 3]), ]
EFmaster <- merge(EFmaster, EFnestedness, by = c("Var1", "Var2"), all = T)

standardise and save

# saveRDS(EFturnover, "EFturnover.rds")
# saveRDS(EFnestedness, "EFnestedness.rds")
saveRDS(EFmaster, "EFmaster_all_thresholds.rds") # if all threshods were calculated and added to EFmaster
saveRDS(EFmaster, "EFmaster.rds")

Plot components of EFbeta

# # check EFmaster
# EFcheck <- data.table::copy(data.table::data.table(EFmaster))
# EFcheck[, check := EFturnover + EFnestedness - EFbeta]
# plot(EFcheck$check, ylim = c(-1, 1))
# rm(EFcheck)
# # TRUE : EFturnover + EFnestedness - EFbeta is always 0 (or very near 0)

plotEFbeta <- reshape2::melt(EFmaster[, c("Var1", "Var2", "EFbeta_0.5", "EFturnover_0.5", "EFnestedness_0.5")], id = c("Var1", "Var2"))
p <- ggplot2::ggplot(data = plotEFbeta, aes(x = variable, y = value)) +
  geom_violin() + geom_jitter(shape=".", position=position_jitter(0.2), color = "gray") + 
  labs(title="Threshold-based dissimiliarity of Ecosystem Functions", subtitle = "threshold = 0.5", xlab = "") + 
  scale_x_discrete(labels=c("beta", "turnover", "nestedness")) +
  theme(axis.title.x = element_blank(),
        axis.title.y = element_blank())

# Plot all thresholds
plotEFbeta <- data.table(reshape2::melt(EFmaster, id = c("Var1", "Var2")))
plotEFbeta[, type := sub("_[0-9].[0-9]", "", variable)]

p1 <- ggplot2::ggplot(data = plotEFbeta[variable %in% unique(plotEFbeta$variable)[1:14]], 
                      aes(x = variable, y = value, fill = type)) +
      geom_violin() +
  geom_jitter(shape=".", position=position_jitter(0.2), color = "gray", alpha = 0.2) +
  theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90)) +
  labs(title="Threshold-based dissimiliarity of Ecosystem Functions", subtitle = "all thresholds", xlab = "") +
  theme(axis.title.x = element_blank(),
        axis.title.y = element_blank()) +
  # scale_fill_brewer(palette="Dark2")
  scale_fill_manual(values = c("#D95F02", "#1B9E77", "#7570B3"))
p2 <- ggplot2::ggplot(data = plotEFbeta[variable %in% unique(plotEFbeta$variable)[14:28]], 
                      aes(x = variable, y = value, fill = type)) +
      geom_violin() +
  geom_jitter(shape=".", position=position_jitter(0.2), color = "gray", alpha = 0.2) +
  theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90)) +
  labs(title="Threshold-based dissimiliarity of Ecosystem Functions", subtitle = "all thresholds", xlab = "") +
  theme(axis.title.x = element_blank(),
        axis.title.y = element_blank()) +
  # scale_fill_brewer(palette="Dark2")
  scale_fill_manual(values = c("#D95F02", "#1B9E77", "#7570B3"))
plot_grid(p1, p2, nrow = 2)
# save as : 21-10-04_calc_multifun_from_imputed_all_EFdistances_violinplot

Plot various thresholds

# only run if EFmaster contains various thresholds
temp <- c(grep("turnover|nestedness", names(EFmaster), value = T))
# temp <- grep("turnover", names(EFmaster), value = T)
# pairs(EFmaster[, ..temp], upper.panel = NULL )
EFmaster <- data.table(EFmaster)

m <- cor(EFmaster[, ..temp], method = "spearman")
pdf("calc_multifun_from_imputed_all_EFdistances_corrplot.pdf", paper = "a4r")
corrplot::corrplot(m, type = "lower", addCoef.col = "black", method = "color", diag = F, = 50, tl.col = "black", order = "hclus", tl.cex = 0.5, cl.cex = 0.4, number.cex = 0.4)
# EFturnover and nestedness are additive
plot(EFmaster$EFbeta_0.5, EFmaster$EFturnover_0.5 + EFmaster$EFnestedness_0.5)

With quantile method DEPRECATED

threshold <- 0.5
include <- names(nimputed_grlfuns)[!names(imputed_grlfuns) %in% "Plotn"]
paq_grlfuns <- data.table::copy(nimputed_grlfuns) # dataset for quantile functions

# quantile method
paq_grlfuns[, (include) := lapply(.SD, function(c) calc_presenceabsence(c, threshold = threshold, type = "quantile")), .SDcols = include]
paq_grlfuns[, (include) := (.SD * 1), .SDcols = include]

paq_grlfuns <- data.frame(paq_grlfuns[, !"Plotn", with = F], row.names = paq_grlfuns$Plotn)
paq_grlfuns <- betapart::beta.pair(paq_grlfuns, = "sorensen")

EFturnoverQ <- paq_grlfuns$beta.sim
t <- as.matrix(EFturnoverQ)
t[!lower.tri(t)] <- NA
t <- reshape2::melt(t, = "EFturnover_median")
t <- t[![, 3]), ]
EFmaster <- merge(EFmaster, t, by = c("Var1", "Var2"))

EFnestednessQ <- paq_grlfuns$beta.sne
t <- as.matrix(EFnestednessQ)
t[!lower.tri(t)] <- NA
t <- reshape2::melt(t, = "EFnestedness_median")
t <- t[![, 3]), ]
EFmaster <- merge(EFmaster, t, by = c("Var1", "Var2"))

EFbetaQ <- paq_grlfuns$beta.sor
t <- as.matrix(EFbetaQ)
t[!lower.tri(t)] <- NA
t <- reshape2::melt(t, = "EFbeta_median")
t <- t[![, 3]), ]
EFmaster <- merge(EFmaster, t, by = c("Var1", "Var2"))

saveRDS(EFmaster, "EFquantile_median.rds")

abundance betadiversity DEPRECATED

Abundance betadiversity of z-scores of functions.

abund_grlfuns <- data.table::copy(nimputed_grlfuns) # dataset for quantile functions
abund_grlfuns <- data.frame(abund_grlfuns[, !"Plotn", with = F], row.names = abund_grlfuns$Plotn)
# scale to be between 0 and 1000 (promille) and round to 0 decimals
#  betapart does not allow negative values, and decimals do not make sense.
abund_grlfuns <- apply(abund_grlfuns, 2, function(x) round(scale01(x)*1000, digits = 0))

abund_grlfuns <- betapart::beta.pair.abund(abund_grlfuns, = "bray")

temp <- abund_grlfuns$beta.bray
t <- as.matrix(temp)
t[!lower.tri(t)] <- NA
t <- reshape2::melt(t, = "EFabund_bray")
t <- t[![, 3]), ]
EFmaster <- merge(EFmaster, t, by = c("Var1", "Var2"))

temp <- abund_grlfuns$beta.bray.bal
t <- as.matrix(temp)
t[!lower.tri(t)] <- NA
t <- reshape2::melt(t, = "EFabund_bray_bal")
t <- t[![, 3]), ]
EFmaster <- merge(EFmaster, t, by = c("Var1", "Var2"))

temp <- abund_grlfuns$beta.bray.gra
t <- as.matrix(temp)
t[!lower.tri(t)] <- NA
t <- reshape2::melt(t, = "EFabund_bray_gra")
t <- t[![, 3]), ]
EFmaster <- merge(EFmaster, t, by = c("Var1", "Var2"))

saveRDS(EFmaster[, .(Var1, Var2, EFabund_bray, EFabund_bray_bal, EFabund_bray_gra)], "EFbeta_abund.rds")
rm(nimputed_grlfuns); rm(imputed_grlfuns); rm(pa_grlfuns); rm(raw_grlfuns)
rm(p); rm(cols); rm(tres); rm(threshold); rm(upper); rm(upperq); rm(x)

allanecology/multiFunBetadivLuiGDM documentation built on Nov. 12, 2023, 6:16 a.m.