  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>",
  fig.path = "README-"

Color for Data Visualization

Table of Contents


This package provides

Color palettes for data should ideally be perceptually linear in all perceptual color dimensions (hue, chroma or saturation, lightness or luminance). Ideally, palettes should aslo be color-blind safe (i.e. they should preserve an appropriate mapping of data to perceived color for colorblind viewers). Palettes may also need to be black and white printer-friendly, if there is a chance plots will be printed in greyscale. Additional requirements for color scales can include the presence or absence of discontinuities and corners, maximizing discrimination between levels, and respecting semantic relationships between colors.

This package relies on the perceptually flat colorspace HCL, which represents color as preceived by people with normal vision. HCL functions from the grDevices and colorspace packages. This package also relies on the dichromat R package to simulate color perception under the three most common forms of colorblindness.


Install the datacolor package from github:

# install.packages("devtools")
# devtools::install_github("allopole/datacolor")

Analysis and display of palettes

See ?colorbar for description of colorbar and colorplot functions


# colorbar
pal <- grDevices::rainbow(36)
# colorplot


Hex RGB to HCL

See ?hex2hcl

pal <- grDevices::rainbow(7)

Hex RGB palette to simulated colorblind hex RGB

See ?colorblind

pal <- grDevices::rainbow(7)

Precalculated palettes

7 category qualitative palette for nominal data

See ?unipalette for details

colorplot(unipalette(),colorblind = TRUE)

## Sample plot
randomseries <- data.frame(x=1:4, y=runif(4*7), grp=rep(letters[1:7],each=4))
pal <- unipalette()
lattice::xyplot(y~x, group=grp, data=randomseries, type="b", pch=16, lwd=3, col = pal,
      key = list(space = "right", lines = list(col=pal, lwd=3), text=list(letters[1:7]))

Sequential palette for heatmaps

A replacement for grDevices::heat.colors() or colorspace::heat_hcl()

See ?heat for details

Palette characteristics:

colorplot(datacolor::heat(128),colorblind = T)
mtext("datacolor::heat()", side=1, line = 2.5)

Comparison of Heat Palettes

n <- 128

colorplot(grDevices::heat.colors(n), colorblind = TRUE)
mtext("grDevices::heat.colors(128)", side=1, line = 2.5)

colorplot(viridis::inferno(128), colorblind = TRUE)
mtext("viridis::inferno(128)", side=1, line = 2.5)

colorplot(colorspace::heat_hcl(n), colorblind = TRUE)
mtext("colorspace::heat_hcl()", side=1, line = 2.5)

colorplot(datacolor::heat(128),colorblind = T)
mtext("datacolor::heat()", side=1, line = 2.5)

## Maroon to yellow through salmon and pink
stops <- c('#800000', '#CD4949', '#FF9696','#FFFF00')
palette <- multiHue(128,colors=stops)
colorplot(palette,colorblind = TRUE) # display palette
mtext("datacolor::multiHue(128,c('#800000', '#CD4949', '#FF9696','#FFFF00'))", side=1, line = 2.5)

Divergent colorscale for AUC heatmaps

See ?AUColors for details

Palette characteristics:

## default palette (n = 10):
p <- AUColors()
colorplot(p,colorblind = TRUE)

## inverted and reversed, with grey center bin:
p <- AUColors(n=21,invert=TRUE,reverse=TRUE)
colorplot(p,colorblind = TRUE)

# Sample AUC Heat Map
randommatrix <- matrix(runif(12*6),ncol=6)
nlevels <- 10 
  at = seq(0,1,1/nlevels), # number of breaks
  col.regions = AUColors(nlevels), # color map
  aspect = "iso")

HCL Palettes with power curves, stepped and cyclic elements

Use rampx(), stepx(), and cyclx() to construct numeric vectors of H, C, and L.

See ?cyclx for description of rampx(), stepx(), and cyclx().

Use hcl2hex() to convert HCL palette to a hex RGB palette.

Depricated: cyclic_hcl


n <- 36

pal <- hcl2hex(


Multihue HCL Palettes with bezier interpolation and lightness correction

multihue(), multihue.diverge() and multihue.constantL() create multi-hue (multi "stop") color scales with perceptually linear lightness gradients and smooth hue gradients (with no first or second order discontinuities).

The palettes follow bezier curves through HCL space. The bezier curves are defined by two endpoint colors and one or more optional intermediate color "stops." The intermediate stops are treated as control points for the bezier curve, and are therefore not necessarily present in the final palette.

After interpolation, the palettes are stretched to counter any non-linearity in lightness gradient arising from the presence of intermediate color stops. The resulting palette has a perceptually linear lightness gradient.

multihue.diverge() builds a divergent palette by concatenating two bezier curves (defined by a "left" and "right" set of color stops).

See ?multiHue for description of multiHue(), multiHue.diverge() and multiHue.constantL()

For a discussion of bezier interpolation in HCL with lightness correction, see:

Gregor Aisch. Mastering Multi-hued Color Scales with Chroma.js. Blog post. Sep 9, 2013

Palette characteristics:

## default = blue to yellow through green, 11 colors
p <- multiHue()

## Maroon to yellow through salmon and pink
stops <- c('#800000', '#CD4949', '#FF9696','#FFFF00')
palette <- multiHue(128,colors=stops)
colorplot(palette, colorblind=TRUE) # display palette

## Divergent (default)
p <- multiHue.diverge(128)

## Divergent with discontinuity: left = Blue to Cyan, right = Yellow to Red
leftstops <- c("#3136AA","#3980B0","#00C5C0","#8EFDFD")
rightstops <- c("#F3F300","#FF8CB4","#CD4C4C","#8F0000")
palette <- multiHue.diverge(128,leftstops,rightstops,continuous=FALSE)

## Constant Lightness (and chroma) color palette:
## 4 color stops define the bezier curve through HCL space; n=6 colors are output.
palette <- multiHue.constantL(n=64, h=c(-180, -105, -45, 0),c=50,l=60)

Comparison with non-bezier multi-hue palettes

By comparison, here is the "rainbow" palette showing discontinuities typical of multi-hule palettes. This palette includes corners (second order discontinuities) in lightness. From a perceptual point of view, this palette is not a continuous colors scale, but a multiply-diverging scale with three distinct articulation points (at 1/6, 1/2 and 5/6 of the palette length).

pal <- grDevices::rainbow(128)

allopole/datacolor documentation built on May 4, 2019, 6:39 p.m.