
{{ pluginName }} Plugin

This repo contains the {{ pluginName }} tool in Alteryx. Shown below is a brief description of the contents.

| File | Description | |---------------------------------|----------------------------------------------| | {{ pluginName }}Config.xml | Configuration for plugin (auto generated) | | {{ pluginName }}Gui.html | Gui for plugin (auto generated) | | {{ pluginName }}Icon.png | Icon for plugin | | app.min.js | Script to interactively manipulate Gui.html | | app.css | Custom style sheet for Gui.html | | Macros/ | Macro backend | | Extras/ | Gui, Tests, Samples and Help |


Use branches to work on features and bug fixes. Commit often. Send a PR to the upstream repo to merge your changes back in. Make sure to sync your clone with the upstream repo before sending a PR, so that merge conflicts are avoided.

The source files that will be modified directly include

  1. Macros/{{ pluginName }}.yxmc (backend)
  2. Macros/{{ pluginName }}1.R (backend)
  3. Extras/Gui/overrides.yaml (gui)
  4. Extras/Gui/layout.html (gui)
  5. Extras/Gui/App/src/* (gui)

Whenever you manipulate one of these source files, you can run the createPluginFromMacro() function shown below to update the plugin and then run copyHtmlPlugin to install it in Alteryx. Make sure that your working directory is the plugin directory and also remember to set options(alterx.path = <path to alteryx directory>) before the install.

options(alteryx.path = <path to alteryx>)

alteryx/jeeves documentation built on May 12, 2019, 1:40 a.m.