
# extractNodeInfo <- function(yxmd){
#   doc <- xmlTreeParse(yxmd)
#   r <- xmlRoot(doc)
#   g <- getNodeSet(r, '//Node')
#   d2 <- ldply(g, function(x){
#     d = xmlToList(x)
#     annotationText = getNodeSet(x, '//Properties//Annotation//AnnotationText')
#     if (length(annotationText) > 0){
#       annotation = strsplit(
#         xmlValue(getNodeSet(x, '//Properties//Annotation//AnnotationText')[[1]]),
#         "---"
#       )[[1]]
#     } else {
#       annotation = ""
#     }
#     name = if (is.null(d$Properties$Annotation$Name)) {
#       paste("Tool", d$.attrs[['ToolID']])
#     } else {
#       d$Properties$Annotation$Name
#     }
#     if (length(annotation) > 1){
#       name = paste0(name, LETTERS[seq_along(annotation)])
#     }
#     data.frame(
#       x = as.numeric(d$GuiSettings[[1]]),
#       y = as.numeric(d$GuiSettings[[2]]),
#       id = d$.attrs[['ToolID']],
#       name = name,
#       type = if (is.null(d$GuiSettings$.attrs[['Plugin']])) "" else d$GuiSettings$.attrs[['Plugin']],
#       annotation = sapply(annotation, commonmark::markdown_html),
#       annotation_md = annotation
#     )
#   })
#   d2$x <- as.numeric(d2$x)
#   d2$y <- as.numeric(d2$y)
#   d3 <- d2[!grepl('TextBox', d2$type),]
#   d3 <- d2
#   d3 <- arrange(d3, x, y)
#   d3$name = as.character(d3$name)
#   return(d3)
# }
# yxmd <- 'macro/temp.yxmd'
# createStarterKitData <- function(yxmd, docx, extract_media = TRUE){
#   d3 <- extractNodeInfo(yxmd)
#   opts <- c("--atx-headers")
#   if (extract_media){
#     opts <- c(opts, "--extract-media=.")
#   }
#   foo <- pandoc_convert(
#     input = docx,
#     to = 'markdown',
#     from = 'docx',
#     output = sub("docx", "md", docx),
#     options = opts
#   )
#   tf <- tempfile(fileext = '.html')
#   pandoc_convert(
#     input = sub("docx", "md", docx), to = 'html', output = tf, options = c("--section-divs")
#   )
#   doc <- read_html(tf)
#   annotation <- doc %>% html_nodes("div.section")
#   name <- doc %>% html_nodes("h2") %>% html_text()
#   main = annotation[1]
#   title = main %>% html_node("h2") %>% html_text()
#   auth_desc = main %>% html_nodes("p") %>% html_text()
#   g4 <- data.frame(
#     name = as.character(name),
#     annotation2 = as.character(annotation)
#   )
#   g5 <- join(g4, d3, by = 'name', type = 'full')
#   g6 <- data.frame(
#     x = g5$x,
#     y = g5$y,
#     id = g5$id,
#     annotation = g5$annotation2,
#     type = g5$type
#   )
#   list(
#     #data = g6[-c(1:4),],
#     data = g6[-1,],
#     description = auth_desc[2],
#     author = auth_desc[1],
#     title = title
#     #description = doc %>% html_node("#description p") %>% html_text(),
#     #title = doc %>% html_node("#title p") %>% html_text(),
#     #author = doc %>% html_node("#author p") %>% html_text()
#   )
# }
# renderStarterKit <- function(kit, workflow = './img/workflow.png',
#     header = './img/header.png', assetDir = NULL){
#   tf <- "__temp__.html"; on.exit(unlink(tf))
#   if (is.null(assetDir)){
#     assetDir = system.file("starterkit", package = 'jeeves')
#   }
#   file.copy(
#     file.path(assetDir, 'assets', 'tpl', 'index.html'), tf, overwrite = TRUE
#   )
#   x <- htmltools::htmlTemplate(
#     filename = '__temp__.html',
#     description = kit$description,
#     title = kit$title,
#     author = kit$author,
#     data = kit$data,
#     workflow = workflow,
#     header = header,
#     assetDir = assetDir
#   )
#   cat(as.character(x), file = 'index.html')
#   #htmlwidgets:::pandoc_self_contained_html('index.html', 'index.html')
# }
# gdoc2kit <- function(docx_id, yxmd, remove_docx = TRUE){
#   require(driver)
#   d <- file_metadata(docx_id)
#   download_file(
#     d,
#     'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document',
#     '__story__.docx'
#   )
#   docx2kit('__story__.docx', yxmd)
#   if (remove_docx){
#     unlink('__story__.docx')
#     unlink('__story__.md')
#   }
# }
# docx2kit <- function(docx, yxmd, extract_media = TRUE, ...){
#   kit <- createStarterKitData(yxmd, docx, extract_media = extract_media)
#   renderStarterKit(kit, ...)
# }
# createScreenshotWorkflow <- function(yxmd, output){
#   d <- paste(readLines(yxmd, warn = FALSE), collapse = '\n')
#   d2 <- gsub(
#     'TextColor name="Black"',
#     'TextColor name="White"',
#     d
#   )
#   d2 <- gsub(
#     'TextColor name="Gray"',
#     'TextColor name="White"',
#     d2
#   )
#   cat(d2, file = output)
# }
# # 
# # # Make Tutorial
# makeTutorial <- function(docx, title = "Tutorial", preview = FALSE, standalone = FALSE){
#   require(rvest)
#   tf <- tempfile(fileext = '.html')
#   rmarkdown::pandoc_convert(
#     input = docx, to = 'html', output = tf, options = c("--section-divs", "--mathml", "--html-q-tags")
#   )
#   doc <- read_html(tf)
#   annotation <- doc %>% html_nodes("div.section")
#   name <- doc %>% html_nodes("h2") %>% html_text()
#   g4 <- data.frame(
#     step_title = as.character(name[-1]),
#     step_content = as.character(annotation[-1])
#   )
#   tutorial <- list(
#     title = as.character(name[1]),
#     steps = as.character(annotation[-1]),
#     steptitles = as.character(name[-1])
#   )
#   library(whisker)
#   tplFile <- system.file('starterkit', 'tutorial', 'tpl.html', package = 'jeeves')
#   tpl <- paste(readLines(tplFile, warn = FALSE), collapse = '\n')
#   d <- whisker.render(
#     tpl,
#     list(
#       tutorial = jsonlite::toJSON(tutorial, auto_unbox = TRUE),
#       assetDir = system.file('starterkit', 'tutorial', package = 'jeeves'),
#       title = title
#     )
#   )
#   cat(as.character(d), file = 'index.html')
#   if (preview){
#     app <- servr::httw(daemon = TRUE)
#     return(app)
#   }
#   if (standalone){
#     htmlwidgets:::pandoc_self_contained_html('index.html', 'index_self.html')
#   }
# }
# makeTutorial <- function(docx, preview = FALSE, standalone = FALSE){
#   require(rvest)
#   tf <- tempfile(fileext = '.html')
#   rmarkdown::pandoc_convert(
#     input = docx, to = 'html', output = tf, options = c("--section-divs", "--mathml")
#   )
#   doc <- read_html(tf)
#   annotation <- doc %>% html_nodes("div.section")
#   name <- doc %>% html_nodes("h2") %>% html_text()
#   g4 <- data.frame(
#     step_title = as.character(name[-1]),
#     step_content = as.character(annotation[-1])
#   )
#   tutorial <- list(
#     title = as.character(name[1]),
#     steps = as.character(annotation[-1]),
#     steptitles = as.character(name[-1])
#   )
#   library(htmltools)
#   d = htmlTemplate(
#     system.file('starterkit', 'tutorial', 'tpl.html', package = 'jeeves'),
#     assetDir = system.file('starterkit', 'tutorial', package = 'jeeves'),
#     tutorial = tutorial
#   )
#   cat(as.character(d), file = 'index.html')
#   if (preview){
#     app <- servr::httw(daemon = TRUE)
#     return(app)
#   }
#   if (standalone){
#     htmlwidgets:::pandoc_self_contained_html('index.html', 'index_self.html')
#   }
# }
alteryx/jeeves documentation built on May 12, 2019, 1:40 a.m.