Defines functions rdpi

Documented in rdpi

#' @title rdpi
#' @description Function to compute the RDPI (Relative Distance Plasticity Index,
#' Valladares et al, (2006) Quantitative estimation of phenotypic plasticity:
#'  bridging the gap between the evolutionary concept and its ecological applications,
#'  Journal of Ecology, 94(6):1103-1116.
#' @param dataframe The dataframe that contains the data
#' @param sp The bare (unquoted) name of the column whose values will be used as independent variable.
#'The function will compare RDPI values among values of this variable. It can be species, provenances, etc.
#' @param trait The bare (unquoted) name of the column that holds the trait for which to calculate RDPI. Must be numeric
#' @param factor the bare (unquoted) name of the column that holds the environmental factor for which we will calculate RDPI.
#' By definition, RDPI computes distances between pairs of observations that are at different levels of this factor.
#' @return This function computes RDPI to the environmental factor for each species of the dataset(or any other identifying variable defined in `sp`)
#' Then it makes an ANOVA or t-test of the values of RDPI across species
#' and plots the boxplot
#' @examples
#' data(ecophysio)
#' rdpi(ecophysio,sp,SB, Piso)
#' # if we want to store the values
#' foo <- rdpi(ecophysio,Species,SB, Stage)
#' @export

rdpi <- function(dataframe, sp, trait, factor) {

    # Load the required libraries


    # Create the object (an empty data frame) that will store the results of RDPI
    RDPI <- data.frame(sp = character(0), value = numeric(0))

    # Since we need to compute everything per species, we make a 'for' loop
    levels_dataframe <- levels(dataframe |> pull({{sp}}) |> droplevels())

    for (a in levels_dataframe) {

        # subset the data for a given species
        data_sp <- dataframe  |>  filter({{sp}} == a)

        RDPI_temp <- rdpi_matrix(data_sp, {{trait}}, {{factor}})

        RDPI_sp <- data.frame(sp = as.character(a),
                              rdpi = RDPI_temp)

        RDPI <- rbind(RDPI, RDPI_sp)  |>
            mutate(sp = as.factor(sp))

    # Once everything calculated, let's produce nice outputs

    # A table with summary statistics for each sp
    summary <- RDPI  |>
        group_by(sp) |>
        summarise(mean = mean(rdpi,na.rm=T),
                  sd = sd(rdpi,na.rm=T),
                  se = se(rdpi, na.rm=T))

    # A boxplot
    boxplot_rdpi <- ggplot(RDPI) +
        geom_boxplot(aes(sp, rdpi)) +
        ylab("RDPI") +


    if (nlevels(RDPI$sp) < 3) {
        fit <- try(t.test(RDPI$rdpi ~ RDPI$sp), silent = T)
        if(class(fit)!="try-error") {
            print(fit) }
        else {
            print("To compute a t-test the grouping factor must have exactly 2 levels")}

    } else {
        fit <- aov(RDPI$rdpi ~ RDPI$sp)

        print("ANOVA test")
        Tuk <- HSD.test (fit, trt='RDPI$sp')
        Tuk$groups$sp <- as.factor(row.names(Tuk$groups))
        summary <- left_join(summary, Tuk$groups) |>
        print("Tukey HSD test for differences accross groups")


ameztegui/Plasticity documentation built on Oct. 16, 2024, 2:02 p.m.