Man pages for analyticalmonk/Rperform
Rperform - Performance testing for R packages

compare_branchmMemory metrics across branches.
compare_branchtRun-time details across branches.
compare_dirCompare performance across directories/repositories.
compare_PRAnalyze PR's impact on performance without having to merge.
get_branchCurrent branch name of a git repository.
get_datetimeDateTime value of a git commit object.
get_memTest-file's memory statistics.
get_msgMessage summary of a git commit object.
get_shaSHA1 value of a git commit object.
list_commitsCommits' details.
mem_commitTest-file's memory statistics.
mem_compareTest-file's memory statistics for multiple commits.
plot_branchmetricsPlot and compare different versions of test files across two...
plot_directoryPlot metrics across versions for all files in a given...
plot_metricsPlot test-file metrics across versions.
plot_PRVisualize PR's impact on performance without having to merge.
plot_PR_webpageGenerate a webpage containing a visualization detailing PR's...
plot_webpagePlot the specified metrics of all test files in a specified...
Rperform-packageRperform - Performance testing for R packages
time_branchRun-times of a file on the given branch.
time_commitTest file's run-time.
time_compareRun-time across versions.
analyticalmonk/Rperform documentation built on July 3, 2022, 2:36 a.m.