plot_branchmetrics: Plot and compare different versions of test files across two...

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plot_branchmetricsR Documentation

Plot and compare different versions of test files across two branches.


Given a test-file path and two branches, plot and compare the metrics of the file across the two branches. The chosen metric values are plotted against the commit message summaries. For the first branch, metrics are plotted upto the latest common commit of both the branches. For the second branch, metrics for only the latest commit are plotted, which may or may not be the latest common commit. If the parameter save_data is set to true, it also stores the corresponding data-frames in an RData file in a folder 'Rperform_Data' in the current directory.The metrics plotted are in accordance with those specified using the parameter metric.


plot_branchmetrics(test_path, metric, branch1, branch2 = "master",
  save_data = FALSE, save_plots = TRUE)



File-path of the test-file which is to be used for run-time comparisons.


Type of plot(s) desired. This can be set to time, memory, memtime or testMetrics. (See examples below for more details)


Name of the first branch whose commits are to be analyzed.


Name of the second branch whose commits are to be analyzed. This is supposedly the branch into which branch1 is to be merged and its default value is set to 'master'.


If set to TRUE, the data frame containing the metrics information is stored in the 'Rperform_Data' directory in the root of the repo. (default set to FALSE)


If set to TRUE, the plots generated are stored in the 'Rperform_plots' directory in the root of the repo rather than being printed. (default set to TRUE)


This function can be helpful when analyzing how would merging a branch into the master branch would affect performance. 'branch2' is assumed to be the branch into which 'branch1' is to be merged. This function is useful only when branch1 had branched off from branch2 at some point, that is they have at least one common commit.


Function assumes the current directory to be the root directory of the repository/package being tested.


## Not run: 
# Set the current directory to the git repository concerned.

# Specify the test-file path
t_path <- "Path/to/file"

# Load the library

## Example-1

# Pass the parameters and obtain the run-time details for branches, 'experiment' and
# Since branch2 is not specified in this case, it's assumed to be 'master'.
plot_branchmetrics(test_path = t_path, metric = "time", branch1 = 'experiment', save_data = F)

# Pass the parameters and obtain the memory details.
plot_branchmetrics(test_path = t_path, metric = 'memory', 
                   branch1 = 'experiment_1', branch2 = 'experiment_2')

## Example-2

# Obtain both memory and time metrics for each individual testthat block
# inside a file, and those for the file itself. Same as the other metric
# cases, metrics both the commits are plotted. The plots get stored in a 
# directory 'Rperform_testMetrics' in the repo's root directory.
plot_metrics(test_path = t_path, metric = "testMetrics", branch1 = "experiment")

## End(Not run)

analyticalmonk/Rperform documentation built on July 3, 2022, 2:36 a.m.