Man pages for andeek/forestr
Random forests with a user created splitting criterion

forestrClassification and Regression with Random Forest and Choice...
higgs_10200 Simulated particles to emulate Higgs boson discovery
higgs_25200 Simulated particles to emulate Higgs boson discovery
higgs_5200 Simulated particles to emulate Higgs boson discovery
importanceDiagnostic methods for 'forestr' to compute the importance...
importance.forestrImportance on a forestr object
predictPredict Method for forestr objects
proximityDiagnostic methods for 'forestr' to compute the proximity...
proximity.forestrProximity on a forestr object
test_higgs_10(test) 200 Simulated particles to emulate Higgs boson...
test_higgs_25(test) 200 Simulated particles to emulate Higgs boson...
test_higgs_5(test) 200 Simulated particles to emulate Higgs boson...
andeek/forestr documentation built on May 12, 2019, 2:40 a.m.