
# dot.R: functions to access dot arguments
# Stephen Milborrow Mar 2015 Durban
# TODO when match.call is fixed (R 3.2.1), remove the dots arg in all
#      these funcs i.e. use the parent's dots

# dota() returns the value of the arg in dots that matches ARGNAME.
# Returns DEF if no match (default is NA).
# Issues an error message if multiple dot arguments match ARGNAME.
# ARGNAME must specify the full argument name (not abbreviated).
# ARGNAME can be a vector of argument names.  Example:
#     dotarg(c("name1", "name2"), ...)
# First we look for a dot arg matching the first name in the ARGNAME vector.
# If that fails we look for a match against the second name.  And so on
# for further names in ARGNAME.  If nothing matches, DEFAULT is returned.
# EXACT can also be a vector, with elements corresponding to the elements
# of ARGNAME.  Example:
#     dotarg(c("name1", "name2"), ..., EXACT=c(FALSE, TRUE))
# Common mistake: Using dotarg(xlab, ...) instead of dotarg("xlab", ...).
# The former usually causes the error message: object 'xlab' not found.
# If EX is TRUE then the name in dots must match ARGNAME exactly.
# If EX is FALSE match partial names in dots against ARGNAME following the
# standard R argname matching rules ("Argument Matching" in the R Language
# Definition).  But here were are matching against only a single "formal"
# argument name, instead of all formal argnames simultaneously.
# NEW is currently unused (but will be for processing deprecated args).
# "NEW" is used instead of say "DEP" (for deprecated) so it is easily
# distinguishable from "DEF".
# Note that this function invokes eval to force the argument promise.
# The uppercase formal argnames prevent aliasing with names in dots.
# TODO I wanted to call this function dot but in base R there is
#      already a function dot (plotmath).

dota <- function(ARGNAME, ..., DEF=NA, EX=TRUE, NEW=NA)
    dots <- drop.unnamed.dots(match.call(expand.dots=FALSE)$...)
    argname <- process.argname(ARGNAME)
    exact <- process.exact(argname, EX)
    new <- process.new(NEW, argname, deparse(substitute(DEF)))
    for(i in seq_along(argname)) {
        idot <- dotindex.aux(argname[i], dots, exact[i])
        if(!anyNA(idot)) {
            argval <- try(eval(dots[[idot]], parent.frame(1)))
                stop0("cannot evaluate '", argname[i], "'")
            dotname <- names(dots)[idot]
            # TODO following commented out until we want to start
            #      issuing deprecated messages for earth and plotmo
            # maybe.deprecate.arg(dotname, new, argname[i])
# Like dota() but default is existing value of ARGNAME.
# For example, dotd("xlab", ...) is equivalent to dota("xlab", DEF=xlab, ...).
# TODO add to test suite

dotd <- function(ARGNAME, ..., EX=TRUE)
    if(is.dot("DEF", ...))
        stop0("'DEF' cannot be used with dotd")
    if(is.dot(ARGNAME, ..., EX=EX))
        dota(ARGNAME, ..., EX=EX)
    else # use the current value of ARGNAME as the default
        eval(as.name(ARGNAME), parent.frame(1))
# Does a dot argument match ARGNAME?  Return TRUE or FALSE, never NA.
# Issue an error message if there are multiple matches.

is.dot <- function(ARGNAME, ..., EX=TRUE)
    dots <- drop.unnamed.dots(match.call(expand.dots=FALSE)$...)
    argname <- process.argname(ARGNAME)
    exact <- process.exact(argname, EX)
    for(i in seq_along(argname))
        if(!anyNA(dotindex.aux(argname[i], dots, exact[i])))
# Return the index of the dot argname that matches ARGNAME.
# Return NA if no dot argument matches ARGNAME.
# Issue an error message if there are multiple matches.

dotindex <- function(ARGNAME, ..., EX=TRUE)
    dots <- drop.unnamed.dots(match.call(expand.dots=FALSE)$...)
    argname <- process.argname(ARGNAME)
    exact <- process.exact(argname, EX)
    for(i in seq_along(argname)) {
        idot <- dotindex.aux(argname[i], dots, exact[i])
drop.unnamed.dots <- function(dots)
    dots[which(names(dots) == "")] <- NULL
# allow comma or space separated argnames
# e.g. convert c("a", "b,c d") to c("a", "b", "c", "d")
process.argname <- function(argname)
    argname <- gsub(" +|,+", ",", argname)  # convert space or multi commas to comma
    argname <- gsub("^,+|,+$", "", argname) # drop leading and trailing commas
        stop0("empty string in ARGNAME")
    unlist(strsplit(argname, split=","))    # convert to a vector
process.exact <- function(argname, exact)
    stopifnot(is.numeric(exact) || is.logical(exact),
              all((exact == 0) | (exact == 1)))
    if(length(exact) > length(argname))
        stop0("length(EX)=", length(exact),
              " is greater than length(ARGNAME)=", length(argname))
    recycle(exact, argname)
process.new <- function(new, argname, defname) # returns NA or a string
    if(is.numeric(new)) {
        if(length(new) != 1)
            stop0("length(NEW) != 1")
        if(new < 0 || floor(new) != new)
            stop0("NEW=", new, " is not allowed")
        if(new == 0) {
            if(!grepl("^[[:alnum:]._]+$", defname))
                stop0("NEW=0 cannot be used when DEF=",
                      defname, " (not an identifier)")
            # following helps prevent mistakes when e.g. defname=NA or NULL
            if(grepl("^[A-Z]+$", defname)) # all upper case
                stop0("NEW=0 cannot be used when DEF=", defname)
        if(new > length(argname))
            stop0("NEW=", new, " but length(ARGNAME) is only ", length(argname))
    # new is a string
    stopifnot.identifier(new, "NEW")
dotindex.aux <- function(argname, dots, exact=FALSE) # workhorse
    stopifnot.identifier(argname, "ARGNAME")

    if(length(dots) == 0)

    # first look for an exact match

    caller <- callers.name(n=2)
    index <- which(argname == names(dots))
    if(length(index) > 1)  # multiple exact matches?
        stop0("argument '", argname, "' for ", caller, "() is duplicated")
    if(length(index) == 0)  # no exact match
        index <- NA
    if(!anyNA(index) || exact)

    # look for a partial match

    index <- which(!is.na(charmatch(names(dots), argname)))

    if(length(index) == 0)  # no match

    if(length(index) == 1)  # single match

    # length(index) > 1 multiple matches

    stopifnot(all(index >= 0))
    name1 <- names(dots)[index[1]]
    name2 <- names(dots)[index[2]]

    if(name1 == name2)      # e.g. foo("abc", a=1, a=2)
        stop0("argument '", name1, "' for ", caller, "() is duplicated")

    # e.g. arguments 'a' and 'ab' both match 'abc' in foo()
    stop0("arguments '", name1, "' and '", name2,
         "' both match '", argname, "' in ", caller)
maybe.deprecate.arg <- function(dotname, new, argname)
    if(is.specified(new) && argname != new) {
        # require.period prevents a warning if user uses say a
        # dot arg of plain 'col' when ARGNAME="pt.col col.pt col"
        require.period <- grepl("\\.", argname)
        if(!require.period || grepl("\\.", dotname))
            warning0("'", dotname,
                     "' is deprecated, please use '", new, "' instead")
andreabecsek/project documentation built on May 3, 2019, 1:28 p.m.