# OC > Toolkit
# development platform
# versione
oc_ver <- "0.4.9"
# rm(list=ls())
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# workflow generale
# RStudio + GitHub
# inizializzazione progetto
# $:
# git commit -m "first commit"
# git remote add origin https://github.com/andreoliant/oc.git
# git push -u origin master
# gestione modifiche
# $:
# git pull origin master
# ...
# git add .
# git commit -m "Something"
# git push -u origin master
# MEMO: su può fare direttamente da RStudio
# clona in altro folder fino a un tag
# git clone /Users/aa/coding/oc --branch v0.1.0 new_folder
# git clone <orign_path> --branch <tag_name> <dest_path>
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# init
# libs
# library("tidyverse")
devtools::load_all(path = ".")
# setup
bimestre = "20211031",
elab = "SETUP",
focus = "setup",
ver = "V.01",
# user = "Antonio",
data_path = "/media/antonio/Volume/dati/oc",
db_ver = "20210930.00",
use_drive = TRUE,
# drive_root = "/home/antonio/ExpanDrive/OC/Team Drives"
drive_root = "/home/antonio/ExpanDrive/OC/Shared Drives"
# MEMO: con DEV_MODE la workarea è in locale octk/test
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# setup bimestre
# download
# copy data from GoogleDrive to local
# oc_init_data(
# bimestre = "20190228",
# data_path = "/Users/aa/dati/oc"
# )
# TODO: serve versione con package "googledrive"
# HAND: eseguire i blocchi in "chk_bimestre.R"
# HAND: eseguire i blocchi in "setup_bimestre.R"
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# documents
# usethis::use_build_ignore(c("test", "bkp", ".git"))
# usethis::use_vignette("oc")
# usethis::use_vignette("perimetri")
# usethis::use_vignette("coesione")
# usethis::use_vignette("cis")
# usethis::use_vignette("psc")
devtools::load_all(path = ".")
options(rmarkdown.html_vignette.check_title = FALSE)
# install.packages(c("vroom", "tzdb"))
# dir.create("manuali")
# dir("doc", full.names=TRUE)
# file.copy("doc/oc.html", "manuali", overwrite=TRUE)
# knitr::knit("doc/oc.html", "manuali/oc.md")
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# add packages
# usethis::use_package("dplyr") # 'tidyverse' is a meta-package and it is rarely a good idea to depend on it
# usethis::use_package("haven")
# usethis::use_package("readxl")
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# analisi peso variabili
# progetti <- load_progetti(bimestre = bimestre, visualizzati = TRUE, light = FALSE)
# for (var in names(progetti)) {
# appo <- progetti %>% select(var)
# print(paste0(var, ": ", object.size(appo)))
# write.csv2(appo, file.path(TEMP, "prova_peso", paste0(var, ".csv")), row.names = FALSE)
# }
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# build as bundle
# build
devtools::load_all(path = ".")
# devtools::check(path = "~/coding/octk")
devtools::build(pkg = ".", path = "/home/antonio/coding/octk/bkp")
# MEMO: build to boundle "oc_X.X.X.tar.gz"
# install
# remove.packages("octk")
temp <- paste0("/home/antonio/coding/octk/bkp/octk_", oc_ver, ".tar.gz")
install.packages(temp, repos = NULL, type="source")
# build as binary
# devtools::build(path = "/Users/aa/coding/oc", binary = TRUE)
# MEMO: build to binary "oc_0.1.0.tgz"
# WARNING: it is platform specific!
# CHK:
# ** byte-compile and prepare package for lazy loading
# Note: possible error in 'init_programmazione(usa_temi = FALSE, ': unused arguments (usa_temi = FALSE, add_713 = add_713, export = FALSE)
# Note: possible error in 'init_programmazione(usa_temi = FALSE, ': unused arguments (usa_temi = FALSE, add_713 = add_713, export = FALSE)
# Note: possible error in 'init_programmazione(usa_temi = FALSE, ': unused arguments (usa_temi = FALSE, export = FALSE)
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# NIGHTLY to Drive
# local
paste0("cp README.md bkp/_src/_NIGHTLY/;",
"cp DESCRIPTION bkp/_src/_NIGHTLY/;",
"cp NAMESPACE bkp/_src/_NIGHTLY/;",
"cp -r setup bkp/_src/_NIGHTLY/;",
"cp -r R bkp/_src/_NIGHTLY/;",
"cp -r data bkp/_src/_NIGHTLY/;",
"cp -r vignettes bkp/_src/_NIGHTLY/;",
"cp -r man bkp/_src/_NIGHTLY/;",
"cp -r inst bkp/_src/_NIGHTLY/"
# drive
# "GOOGLE='/home/antonio/ExpanDrive/OC/Team Drives/TOOLS/OCTK/_src/_NIGHTLY/';",
"GOOGLE='/home/antonio/ExpanDrive/OC/Shared Drives/TOOLS/OCTK/_src/_NIGHTLY/';",
'rsync -rca --progress --delete "$DEV_BKP" "$GOOGLE"'
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# backup source
paste0('VERS="octk_', oc_ver, '";',
# "mkdir bkp/_src/$VERS;", # MEMO: qesto va commentato quando si esegue di nuovo
"cp README.md bkp/_src/$VERS/;",
"cp DESCRIPTION bkp/_src/$VERS/;",
"cp NAMESPACE bkp/_src/$VERS/;",
"cp -r setup bkp/_src/$VERS/;",
"cp -r R bkp/_src/$VERS/;",
"cp -r data bkp/_src/$VERS/;",
"cp -r vignettes bkp/_src/$VERS/;",
"cp -r man bkp/_src/$VERS/;",
"cp -r inst bkp/_src/$VERS/"
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# google drive sync
# system(
# paste0("DEV_BKP='/home/antonio/coding/octk/bkp/';",
# "GOOGLE='/home/antonio/ExpanDrive/OC/Team Drives/TOOLS/OCTK';",
# 'rsync -rca --progress --delete "$DEV_BKP" "$GOOGLE"'
# )
# )
# src
paste0("DEV_BKP='/home/antonio/coding/octk/bkp/_src/octk_", oc_ver, "/';",
# "GOOGLE='/home/antonio/ExpanDrive/OC/Team Drives/TOOLS/OCTK/_src/octk_", oc_ver, "';",
"GOOGLE='/home/antonio/ExpanDrive/OC/Shared Drives/TOOLS/OCTK/_src/octk_", oc_ver, "';",
'rsync -rca --progress --delete "$DEV_BKP" "$GOOGLE";'
# file tar.gz
paste0("DEV_BKP='/home/antonio/coding/octk/bkp/octk_", oc_ver,".tar.gz';",
'GOOGLE="/home/antonio/ExpanDrive/OC/Shared Drives/TOOLS/OCTK/octk_', oc_ver, '.tar.gz";',
# 'GOOGLE="/home/antonio/ExpanDrive/OC/Team Drives/TOOLS/OCTK/octk_', oc_ver, '.tar.gz";',
'cp "$DEV_BKP" "$GOOGLE";'
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# tag
# HAND: fare commit prima di inserire tag
paste0("git tag v", oc_ver)
# paste0("git tag v", oc_ver, "-REV.01")
# gitcreds_set()
# HAND: push
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.