#' Knowledge domain visualization
#' Knowledge domain visualization, to perform a SCA of each partitioned document-term matrix
#' @param dtmGroup a document-term matrix
#' @param graph a logical value, if TRUE a graph is displayed
#' @param ex number identifying the factor to be used as horizontal axis (1 by default)
#' @param ey number identifying the factor to be used as vertical axis (1 by default)
#' @param ucal quality representation threshold (percentage) in the plane (0 by default)
#' @param cex.row scale for row points and row labels (0.6 by default)
#' @param cex.col scale for column points and column labels (0.7 by default)
#' @return the SCA from a document-term matrix group
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' rm(list = ls())
#' library("KDViz")
#' risFile <- system.file("ScienceDirectRIS.ris", package = "KDViz") # Original data
#' myData <- ReadRIS(risFile, "bibDataRIS", saveRda = TRUE, saveCSV = FALSE) # RIS file to data object
#' bibData <- system.file("bibData.Rda", package = "KDViz")
#' load(bibData)
#' # Create a corpus from the bib data
#' corpus <- CorpusFromBibData(bibData = bibData, bibUnits = c("Keywords"),
#'    controlList = "", stopwords = "", wordsToRemove = "")
#' dtm <- DTMFromCorpus(corpus, row.names(bibData)) # Create a doc-term matrix from the corpus
#' dim(dtm)
#' # A first review of the raw corpus
#' bibUnits <- c("Keywords") # Selection of bibliometric units to analyze
#' controlList <- c("stripWhitespace", "removeNumbers") # List of tm process to perform
#' # Decide which stopwords are going to be used (a file or FALSE if they are not required)
#' stopwords <- FALSE
#' #stopwords <- system.file("stopwords_en.txt", package = "KDViz") # Optional
#' wordsToRemove <- c("nanotechnology") # List of custom words to remove
#' # Custom dictionary to replace some selected words
#' replaceWords <- system.file("keywordReplace.txt", package = "KDViz")
#' # Corpus from bibdata with and a control list to perform the entire tm process
#' corpus <- CorpusFromBibData(bibData = bibData, bibUnits = bibUnits,
#'    controlList = controlList, stopwords = stopwords,
#'    wordsToRemove = wordsToRemove, replaceWords = replaceWords)
#' termFreqTable <- TermFrequency(corpus) # See the frequency of terms in the corpus
#' head(termFreqTable, 98)
#' # Search for words containing the term in 'word' parameter
#' TermFreqByWord(termFreqTable = termFreqTable, word = "reduction")
#' # An optional function (contained yet in the previous process) to
#' #  replace other words after getting a corpus
#' #corpus <- ReplaceByList(corpus = corpus, wordsFile = replaceWords)
#' termFreqTable <- TermFrequency(corpus) # See the frequency of terms in the current corpus
#' head(termFreqTable, 100)
#' dtm <- DTMFromCorpus(corpus, row.names(bibData)) # Create a doc-term matrix from the corpus
#' dim(dtm)
#' rownames(dtm)
#' termFreq <- TermFrequency(dtm) # See the frequency of terms in the doc-term matrix
#' head(termFreq, 100)
#' mpaWords <- matriz.mpa.corpus(corpus, fmin = 5, cmin = 1) # mpa matrices from a corpus object
#' mpaWords$Palabras
#' # mpa method from the calculated objects in 'mpaWords'
#' classes <- mpa::mpa(mpaWords$Matriza, 10, mpaWords$Palabras)
#' classes
#' kdSummary <- KDSummary(matriz.mpa = mpaWords, mpa = classes) # a quick summary of the mpa process
#' mpa::plotmpa(3, mpaWords$Matriza, classes) # Plot the network of selected class
#' # Extract a partition of the original 'dtm' matrix depending on the class that you want
#' WordGroupDTM(dtm, wordClasses = kdSummary$wordClasses, class = 7, graph = TRUE)
#' group1 <- WordGroupDTM(dtm, wordClasses = kdSummary$wordClasses, class = 1, graph = TRUE)
#' group2 <- WordGroupDTM(dtm, wordClasses = kdSummary$wordClasses, class = 2, graph = TRUE)
#' group3 <- WordGroupDTM(dtm, wordClasses = kdSummary$wordClasses, class = 3, graph = TRUE)
#' group4 <- WordGroupDTM(dtm, wordClasses = kdSummary$wordClasses, class = 4, graph = TRUE)
#' group5 <- WordGroupDTM(dtm, wordClasses = kdSummary$wordClasses, class = 5, graph = TRUE)
#' group6 <- WordGroupDTM(dtm, wordClasses = kdSummary$wordClasses, class = 6, graph = TRUE)
#' group7 <- WordGroupDTM(dtm, wordClasses = kdSummary$wordClasses, class = 7, graph = TRUE)
#' group8 <- WordGroupDTM(dtm, wordClasses = kdSummary$wordClasses, class = 8, graph = TRUE)
#' group9 <- WordGroupDTM(dtm, wordClasses = kdSummary$wordClasses, class = 9, graph = TRUE)
#' group10 <- WordGroupDTM(dtm, wordClasses = kdSummary$wordClasses, class = 10, graph = TRUE)
#' plot(group1$coaGroup, ucal = 0, cex.col = 0.8, cex.row = 0.5)
#' LoadArticle(bibData, "A625") # Load the info of an article (it will open the URL by default)
#' }
#' @export
#' @import ade4
#' @import FactoClass
#' @importFrom graphics plot
KDViz <-
function(dtmGroup, graph = FALSE, ex = 1, ey = 2, ucal = 0, cex.row = 0.6, cex.col = 0.7) {
	coaGroup <- ade4::dudi.coa(dtmGroup, scannf = FALSE, nf = ncol(dtmGroup))

	if(graph) {
		FactoClass::plot.dudi(coaGroup, ex = ex, ey = ey, ucal = ucal, cex.row = cex.row, cex.col = cex.col)

andresfpc/KDViz documentation built on May 12, 2019, 3:35 a.m.