
# ### ' Get ensemble statistics
# ### '
# ### ' @param .fcst A harp_fcst list or a harp_point_fcst or harp_spatial_fcst data
# ### '   frame.
# ### ' @param mean Logical. Set to TRUE (the default) to compute the ensemble mean.
# ### ' @param spread Logical. Set to TRUE (the default) to compute the ensemble
# ### '   spread.
# ### ' @param var Logical. Set to TRUE to compute the ensemble variance.
# ### ' @param min Logical. Set to TRUE to compute the ensemble minimum.
# ### ' @param max Logical. Set to TRUE to compute the ensemble maximum.
# ### ' @param prob_thresh A numeric threshold for which to compute the probability.
# ### '   If a length 2 vector is passed, the probability for between those two
# ### '   values (inclusive) will be computed.
# ### ' @param prob_inequality The inequality to use in the calculation for the
# ### '   probability. Must be in back ticks. Can be any one of `>=` (the default),
# ### '   `>`, `<=`, `<`, `==`, or `!=`.
# ### ' @param nbh_radius For spatial data the radius of neighbourhoods for which to
# ### '   compute the probability in grid lengths. The neigbourhood will be a square
# ### '   with sides equal 2 * nbh_radius.
# ### ' @param keep_members Logical. Whether to keep the ensemble members after
# ### '   computing the statistics. Default is TRUE.
# ### ' @param na.rm Logical. Whether to include missing values. Default is FALSE.
# ### '
# ### ' @return An object of the same class as .fcst with new columns in the data
# ### '   frame(s) for the computed values.
# ### '
# ### ' @examples
# harpIO_ens_stats <- function(
#   .fcst,
#   mean            = TRUE,
#   spread          = TRUE,
#   var             = FALSE,
#   min             = FALSE,
#   max             = FALSE,
#   prob_thresh     = NULL,
#   prob_inequality = `>=`,
#   nbh_radius      = 0,
#   keep_members    = TRUE,
#   na.rm           = FALSE
# ) {
#   if (!is.null(prob_thresh)) {
#     stopifnot(is.numeric(prob_thresh))
#     stopifnot(length(prob_thresh) <= 2)
#     if (length(prob_thresh) == 1) {
#       stopifnot(is.function(prob_inequality))
#       ineq <- as.character(enquote(prob_inequality))[[2]]
#       err_string <- paste(
#         "prob_inequality must be one of",
#         "`<`, `<=`, `>`, `>=`, `==`, `!=`"
#       )
#       if (!grepl(".Primitive", ineq)) {
#         stop(err_string)
#       }
#       ineq <- gsub("\"", "", regmatches(ineq, regexpr("\"[[:graph:]]+\"", ineq)))
#       if (!ineq %in% c("<", "<=", ">", ">=", "==", "!=")) {
#         stop(err_string)
#       }
#     }
#   }
#   UseMethod("ens_stats")
# }
# harpIO_ens_stats.default <- function(
#   .fcst,
#   mean            = TRUE,
#   spread          = TRUE,
#   var             = FALSE,
#   min             = FALSE,
#   max             = FALSE,
#   prob_thresh     = NULL,
#   prob_inequality = `>=`,
#   keep_members    = TRUE,
#   na.rm           = FALSE,
#   ...
# ) {
#   col_names <- colnames(.fcst)
#   if (length(grep("_mbr[[:digit:]]+", col_names)) < 1) {
#     stop("ens_stats only works with ensemble data.", call. = FALSE)
#   }
#   member_data <- dplyr::select(.fcst, dplyr::matches("_mbr[[:digit:]]+"))
#   if (mean) {
#     .fcst[["ens_mean"]] <- rowMeans(member_data, na.rm = na.rm)
#   }
#   if (spread) {
#     .fcst[["ens_spread"]] <- matrixStats::rowSds(as.matrix(member_data), na.rm = na.rm)
#   }
#   if (var) {
#     if (is.element("ens_spread", colnames(.fcst))) {
#       .fcst[["ens_var"]] <- .fcst[["ens_spread"]] ^ 2
#     } else {
#       .fcst[["ens_var"]] <- matrixStats::rowVars(as.matrix(member_data), na.rm = na.rm)
#     }
#   }
#   if (min) {
#     .fcst[["ens_min"]] <- matrixStats::rowMins(as.matrix(member_data), na.rm = na.rm)
#   }
#   if (max) {
#     .fcst[["ens_max"]] <- matrixStats::rowMaxs(as.matrix(member_data), na.rm = na.rm)
#   }
#   if (!is.null(prob_thresh)) {
#     if (length(prob_thresh) == 1) {
#       prob_col <- paste("prob", ineq2char(prob_inequality), prob_thresh, sep = "_")
#       .fcst[[prob_col]] <- rowSums(prob_inequality(as.matrix(member_data), prob_thresh), na.rm = na.rm) /
#         ncol(member_data)
#     } else {
#       prob_col <- paste("prob_bt", paste(prob_thresh, collapse = "_"), sep = "_")
#       .fcst[[prob_col]] <- rowMeans(
#         member_data >= min(prob_thresh) & member_data <= max(prob_thresh),
#         na.rm = na.rm
#       )
#     }
#   }
#   if (!keep_members) {
#     .fcst <- dplyr::select(
#       .fcst, dplyr::everything(), -dplyr::matches("_mbr[[:digit:]]+")
#     )
#   }
#   .fcst
# }
# harpIO_ens_stats.harp_spatial_fcst <- function(
#   .fcst,
#   mean            = TRUE,
#   spread          = TRUE,
#   var             = FALSE,
#   min             = FALSE,
#   max             = FALSE,
#   prob_thresh     = NULL,
#   prob_inequality = `>=`,
#   nbh_radius      = 0,
#   keep_members    = TRUE,
#   na.rm           = FALSE
# ) {
#   col_names <- colnames(.fcst)
#   if (length(grep("_mbr[[:digit:]]+", col_names)) < 1) {
#     stop("ens_stats only works with ensemble data.", call. = FALSE)
#   }
#   member_data <- lapply(
#     purrr::transpose(dplyr::select(.fcst, dplyr::matches("_mbr[[:digit:]]+"))),
#     as_geolist
#   )
#   if (mean) {
#     .fcst[["ens_mean"]] <- as_geolist(lapply(member_data, mean, na.rm = na.rm))
#   }
#   if (spread) {
#     .fcst[["ens_spread"]] <- as_geolist(lapply(member_data, std_dev, na.rm = na.rm))
#   }
#   if (var) {
#     if (is.element("ens_spread", colnames(.fcst))) {
#       .fcst[["ens_var"]] <- .fcst[["ens_spread"]] ^ 2
#     } else {
#       .fcst[["ens_var"]] <- as_geolist(lapply(member_data, variance, na.rm = na.rm))
#     }
#   }
#   if (min) {
#     .fcst[["ens_min"]] <- as_geolist(lapply(member_data, min, na.rm = na.rm))
#   }
#   if (max) {
#     .fcst[["ens_max"]] <- as_geolist(lapply(member_data, max, na.rm = na.rm))
#   }
#   if (!is.null(prob_thresh)) {
#     binary_probs <- function(geo, thresh, ineq) {
#       geo_atts <- attributes(geo)
#       if (length(thresh) == 1) {
#         geo <- ineq(geo, thresh)
#       } else {
#         geo <- geo >= min(thresh) & geo <= max(thresh)
#       }
#       geo <- as.integer(geo)
#       attributes(geo) <- geo_atts
#       geo
#     }
#     member_data <- lapply(
#       member_data,
#       function(x) as_geolist(lapply(x, binary_probs, prob_thresh, prob_inequality))
#     )
#     if (nbh_radius > 0) {
#       if (!requireNamespace("harpSpatial")) {
#         stop(
#           "harpSpatial must be installed to compute neighbourhood probabilites.\n",
#           "Install with remotes::install_github(\"adeckmyn/harpSpatial\").",
#           call. = FALSE
#         )
#       }
#       prob_func <- function(geo, rad) {
#         geo_atts <- attributes(geo)
#         geo      <- harpSpatial:::windowMean(geo, rad)
#         attributes(geo) <- geo_atts
#         geo
#       }
#       member_data <- lapply(
#         member_data,
#         function(x) as_geolist(lapply(x, prob_func, nbh_radius))
#       )
#     }
#     if (length(prob_thresh) == 1) {
#       prob_col <- paste("prob", ineq2char(prob_inequality), prob_thresh, sep = "_")
#     } else {
#       prob_col <- paste("prob", "bt", paste(prob_thresh, collapse = "_"), sep = "_")
#     }
#     .fcst[[prob_col]] <- as_geolist(lapply(member_data, mean, na.rm = na.rm))
#   }
#   if (!keep_members) {
#     .fcst <- dplyr::select(
#       .fcst, dplyr::everything(), -dplyr::matches("_mbr[[:digit:]]+")
#     )
#   }
#   .fcst
# }
# harpIO_ens_stats.harp_fcst <- function(
#   .fcst,
#   mean            = TRUE,
#   spread          = TRUE,
#   var             = FALSE,
#   min             = FALSE,
#   max             = FALSE,
#   prob_thresh     = NULL,
#   prob_inequality = `>=`,
#   nbh_radius      = 0,
#   keep_members    = TRUE,
#   na.rm           = FALSE
# ) {
#   structure(
#     lapply(
#       .fcst,
#       ens_stats,
#       mean            = mean,
#       spread          = spread,
#       var             = var,
#       min             = min,
#       max             = max,
#       prob_thresh     = prob_thresh,
#       prob_inequality = prob_inequality,
#       nbh_radius      = nbh_radius,
#       keep_members    = keep_members,
#       na.rm           = na.rm
#     ),
#     class = "harp_fcst"
#   )
# }
# ineq2char <- function(ineq) {
#   ineq <- as.character(enquote(ineq))[[2]]
#   ineq <- gsub("\"", "", regmatches(ineq, regexpr("\"[[:graph:]]+\"", ineq)))
#   switch(
#     ineq,
#     ">"  = "gt",
#     ">=" = "ge",
#     "<"  = "lt",
#     "<=" = "le",
#     "==" = "eq",
#     "!=" = "ne"
#   )
# }
andrew-MET/harpIO documentation built on March 7, 2024, 7:48 p.m.