
# ## JB functions for reading obs data from MET Norway's frost API to be adapted
# ## to harpIO - should be called by read_point_obs()
# ## Add support for polygons and nearest.
# ##   R functions for reading measurement data using the frost api/interface
# ##
# miReadFrost <- function(sid = 18700, prm = "air_temperature", period = c("2019-01-01", "2019-01-05"),
#   station_name = NULL, client_id = "30a8afce-0121-4ad9-9b40-05b12964c4c1",
#   country_code = NULL, station_holder = NULL,
#   quality = 0, print_url = FALSE, add_name = FALSE, sid_numeric = TRUE,
#   time_format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", usetz = FALSE) {
#   ##  find station IDs
#   st <- list()
#   if (!is.null(sid)) {
#     for (p in seq_along(prm))
#       st[[p]] <- paste("sn", sid, ":0", sep = "")
#   } else {
#     ##  station names
#     if (!is.null(station_name)) {
#       cat("find station IDs ... ")
#       allst  <- jsonlite::fromJSON(
#         paste("https://", client_id,
#           "@frost.met.no/sources/v0.jsonld?types=SensorSystem",
#           sep="")
#       )$data
#       for (p in seq_along(prm))
#         st[[p]] <- allst$id[unlist(lapply(toupper(station_name), grep, allst$name))]
#       cat(length(st[[1]]), "found\n")
#     } else {
#       if (!is.null(country_code)) {
#         allst  <- jsonlite::fromJSON(
#           paste("https://", client_id,
#             "@frost.met.no/sources/v0.jsonld?types=SensorSystem",
#             sep="")
#         )$data
#         for (p in seq_along(prm)) {
#           k       <- allst$countryCode %in% country_code
#           if (!is.null(station_holder))
#             k <- k & sapply(allst$stationHolders, function(u)
#               any(toupper(u) %in% toupper(station_holder)))
#           st[[p]] <- allst$id[k]
#         }
#       }
#     }
#   }
#   ##  replace space characters in parameter names
#   for (p in seq_along(prm))
#     prm[[p]]$name <- gsub(" ", "%20", prm[[p]]$name)
#   ##  get data
#   cat("get observations:\n")
#   for (p in seq_along(prm)) {
#     cat("  ", prm[[p]]$name, " ")
#     obs   <- list()
#     pname <- if (!is.null(names(prm))) names(prm)[p] else prm[[p]]$name
#     for (s in st[[p]]) {
#       cat(".")
#       url0 <- paste("https://", client_id,
#         "@api-staging-ext-b.frost.met.no/observations/v0.csv?",
#         "sources=", s, "&referencetime=", period[1], "/", period[2],
#         "&elements=", prm[[p]]$name,
#         if (!is.null(prm[[p]]$lev[1])) "&levels=", prm[[p]]$lev[1],
#         if (!is.null(prm[[p]]$res[1])) "&timeresolutions=", prm[[p]]$res[1],
#         "&qualities=", quality,
#         "&fields=sourceId,referencetime,value", sep = "")
#       if (print_url)
#         cat(url0, "\n")
#       try({
#         con      <- url(url0)
#         obs[[s]] <- read.table(con, sep = ",", header = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
#           row.names = NULL, col.names = c("sid", "time", pname))
#         close(con)
#       }, silent = TRUE)
#     }
#     cat(" ok\n")
#     if (length(obs) > 0) {
#       obs <- do.call("rbind", obs)
#       row.names(obs) <- NULL
#     }
#     out <- if (p == 1) obs else merge(out, obs, all = TRUE)
#   }
#   ##  add column with station names
#   if (add_name) {
#     cat("add station names ... ")
#     if (!exists("allst"))
#       allst  <- jsonlite::fromJSON(
#         paste("https://", client_id,
#           "@frost.met.no/sources/v0.jsonld?types=SensorSystem",
#           sep="")
#       )$data
#     rownames(allst) <- allst$id
#     out <- cbind(sid = out$sid,
#       name = allst[toupper(substring(out$sid, 1, nchar(out$sid)-2)), "name"],
#       out[, -1], stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
#     cat("ok\n")
#   }
#   ##  change timestamp format
#   cat("set timestamp format ... ")
#   tm       <- strptime(out$time, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S", tz = "UTC")
#   if (!is.character(time_format))
#     out$time <- tm
#   else
#     out$time <- format(tm, format = time_format, usetz = usetz)
#   cat("ok\n")
#   if (sid_numeric) {
#     cat("convert station IDs to numeric numbers ... ")
#     out$sid <- as.numeric( substring(out$sid, 3, nchar(out$sid) - 2) )
#     cat("ok\n")
#   }
#   return(out)
# }
# ## tests
# if (FALSE) {
#   period <- c("2019-07-01", "2019-07-05")
#   sites  <- c(18700, 50540)
#   ##  hourly temperature 2m
#   miReadFrost(sid = sites, period = period,
#     prm = list(T=list(name="air_temperature", lev=2, res="PT1H")))
#   ##  hourly temperature 2m and 10m  (does not work!)
#   miReadFrost(sid = 18700, period = period,
#     prm = list(T2=list(name="air_temperature", lev=2),
#       T10=list(name="air_temperature", lev=10)))
#   ##  relative humidty 2m
#   miReadFrost(sid = sites, period = period,
#     prm = list(UU=list(name="relative_humidity", lev=2)))
#   ##  wind speed (only time resolution PT1H and PT10M works!)
#   miReadFrost(sid = sites, period = period,
#     prm = list(FF10 = list(name="wind_speed", lev=10, res="PT10M")))
#   ##  wind direction
#   miReadFrost(sid = sites, period = period,
#     prm = list(DD10 = list(name = "wind_from_direction", lev = 10, res = "PT1H")))
#   miReadFrost(sid = sites, period = period,
#     prm = list(DD10 = list(name = "wind_from_direction", lev = 10, res = "PT10M")))
#   ##  total cloud cover
#   miReadFrost(sid = sites, period = period,
#     prm = list(TCC = list(name = "cloud_area_fraction")))
#   ##  height of cloud base
#   miReadFrost(sid = sites, period = period,
#     prm = list(HL=list(name="cloud_base_height")))
#   ##  1-minute precipitation does not work
#   miReadFrost(sid = sites, period = period,
#     prm = list(RR=list(name="sum(precipitation_amount PT1M)", res="PT1M")))
#   ##  10-minute precipitation
#   miReadFrost(sid = sites, period = period,
#     prm = list(RR=list(name="sum(precipitation_amount PT10M)", res="PT10M")))
#   ##  hourly precipitation
#   miReadFrost(sid = sites, period = period,
#     prm = list(RR=list(name="sum(precipitation_amount PT1H)", res="PT1H")))
#   ##  6-hour precipitation does not work!
#   miReadFrost(sid = sites, period = period,
#     prm = list(RR=list(name="sum(precipitation_amount PT6H)", res="PT6H")))
#   ##  12-hour precipitation
#   miReadFrost(sid = sites, period = period,
#     prm = list(RR=list(name="sum(precipitation_amount PT12H)", res="PT12H")))
#   ##  daily precipitation
#   miReadFrost(sid = sites, period = period,
#     prm = list(RR=list(name="sum(precipitation_amount P1D)")))
#   ##  #minutes of precipitation last hour (does not work!)
#   miReadFrost(sid = sites, period = period,
#     prm = list(RR=list(name="sum(duration_of_precipitation P1H)", res="P1H")))
#   ##  #minutes of precipitation last 24 hours (does not work!)
#   miReadFrost(sid = sites, period = period,
#     prm = list(RR=list(name="sum(duration_of_precipitation P1D)", res="P1D")))
#   ##  max gust last hour
#   miReadFrost(sid = sites, period = period,
#     prm = list(FG=list(name="max(wind_speed_of_gust PT1H)", lev=10, res="PT1H")))
#   ##  mean sea level pressure
#   miReadFrost(sid = sites, period = period,
#     prm = list(PR=list(name="air_pressure_at_sea_level", res="PT1H")))
#   ##  sunshine duration (#minutes last hour)
#   miReadFrost(sid = sites, period = period,
#     prm = list(OT=list(name="sum(duration_of_sunshine PT1H)", res="PT1H")))
#   ##  snow depth
#   miReadFrost(sid = sites, period = c("2019-01-01", "2019-01-10"),
#     prm = list(SA=list(name="surface_snow_thickness", res="PT1H")))
#   ##  weather type
#   miReadFrost(sid = sites, period = period, prm = list(WW=list(name="weather_type")))
#   ##  several parameters
#   miReadFrost(sid = sites, period = period,
#     prm = list(
#       FF10 = list(name="wind_speed", lev=10, res="PT1H"),
#       T2   = list(name="air_temperature", lev=2, res="PT1H"),
#       MSLP = list(name="air_pressure_at_sea_level", res="PT1H")))
#   ##  stations specified by names
#   miReadFrost(sid = NULL, period = period, station_name = c("Oslo", "BErgEN"),
#     prm = list(RR1=list(name="sum(precipitation_amount PT1H)", res="PT1H")),
#     add_name = TRUE)
#   a <- miReadFrost(sid = NULL, period = period, station_name = c("Oslo", "BErgEN"),
#     prm = list(T=list(name="air_temperature", res="PT1H")),
#     add_name = TRUE)
#   a <- miReadFrost(sid = NULL, period = period, station_name = c("Oslo", "BErgEN"),
#     prm = list(T=list(name="air_temperature", res="PT1H"),
#       RR1=list(name="sum(precipitation_amount PT1H)", res="PT1H")),
#     add_name = TRUE)
# }
# miReadFrostStations <- function(prm = NULL) {
#   if (is.null(prm)) {
#     st  <- jsonlite::fromJSON(paste("https://", client_id,
#       "@frost.met.no/sources/v0.jsonld?types=SensorSystem", sep=""))$data
#     k   <- apply(is.na(st$geometry), 1, any)
#     st  <- st[!k, ]
#     st$longitude      <- unlist(sapply(st$geometry$coordinates, function(u) u[1]))
#     st$latitude       <- unlist(sapply(st$geometry$coordinates, function(u) u[2]))
#     st$stationHolders <- sapply(st$stationHolders, paste, collapse = ";")
#     st$icaoCodes      <- sapply(st$icaoCodes, paste, collapse = ";")
#     st$shipCodes      <- sapply(st$shipCodes, paste, collapse = ";")
#     st$externalIds    <- sapply(st$externalIds, paste, collapse = ";")
#     st                <- st[, -match(c("@type","geometry"), names(st))]
#   } else {
#   }
#   return(st)
# }
andrew-MET/harpIO documentation built on March 7, 2024, 7:48 p.m.