Man pages for andrew-edwards/EDMsimulate
Simulating Fish Populations for Empirical Dynamic Modeling

default_sim_seed_42Example simulation from running 'salmon_sim()' with some...
default_sim_seed_42_newExample simulation from running 'salmon_sim()' with some...
default_sim_seed_42_new_fitExample simulation and fit from running 'salmon_sim()' with...
fit_modelsFit EDM (Simplex), multiview embedding, Larkin, and Ricker...
forecast_errorsCalculate forecasting errors
plot_salmon_bifPlot a bifurcation-type diagram
plot_simPlot output from salmon_sim()
salmon_bifCreate calculations for bifurcation-type plot for...
salmon_bif_runCalculate and plot bifurcation diagram for Larkin model
salmon_runSimulate Larkin model and plot results
salmon_simSimulation of Larkin population dynamics model
shiftFunction that shifts vector values to right or left
sim_and_fitSimulate a population and fit it using pbsEDM::pbsEDM(), for...
sim_and_fit_realisationsSimulation of multiple realisations of Larkin population...
three_sim_fitsExample simulations and fits from running...
andrew-edwards/EDMsimulate documentation built on Oct. 25, 2023, 2:43 p.m.