Man pages for andrewbrownphd/MetaTurkR
Functions to Support Metaresearch with MTurkR

AssembleHITHTMLAssemble HIT parts into complete HTML
AssembleMultiTabAssemble HIT parts into complete HTML with multiple tabs
MTApproveWrapper function for MTurkR::ApproveAssignment with error...
MTAssembleHoneyHTMLAssemble Honey Pot HIT HTML
MTBonusFromQualA convenience function to apply bonuses based on...
MTClinicalTrialsExtract Primary Outcomes from
MTCountFunction to count assignments, update a counter qual, and...
MTCountAndApproveNote: non-functioning. Kept in case code snippets are still...
MTCountAssignmentsFunction to increment a counter of assignments
MTGetHITTypeResultsGet results for a given HITTypeId
MTGetOrInitiateQualificationHelper function to get qualification values or to assign 0 if...
MTImportImporter function for 'maker' functions
MTPrimaryOutcomesExtract primary outcomes
MTPubMedExtract XML from PubMed
MTRejectNAsA convenience function to reject results with NAs.
MTScoreAnswersFunction to score known answers
MTScoreAssignmentsFunction to score assignments and update a counter and...
MTSetCredFunction to import credentials.
MTsetupFunction to initiate MTurk in R
MTWhoPrimaryOutcomesExtract Primary Outcomes from WHO trial database
MTXPathxpath support function to handle multiple returned values
andrewbrownphd/MetaTurkR documentation built on Nov. 23, 2019, 4:17 p.m.