
#' @describeIn change_graphical_parameters responsible for labelling preferences
#' @export
"change.label.par"  <- function(object, classic = FALSE)
  data <- object
  cat("These are the current labelling settings:\n\n")
  cat(paste("Label points:",data@Prefs@Graph.prefs$ids,sep=" "),"\n")
  cat(paste("Labelling style:", data@Prefs@Graph.prefs$idsmode,sep=" "),"\n")
  cat(paste("Extremes:",data@Prefs@Graph.prefs$idsext,sep=" "),"\n")
  cat(paste("Label size:",data@Prefs@Graph.prefs$idscex,sep=" "),"\n")
  cat(paste("Direction:", data@Prefs@Graph.prefs$idsdir,sep=" "),"\n")

  # gr.stngs <- xp.gr.stngs

  cat("Label the data points with ID values?\n\n")
  cat("(TRUE or NULL): \n\n")
  ans <- readline()
  if(ans!="") {
    data@Prefs@Graph.prefs$ids <- ans

  cat("Label all points, or extremes only?\n\n")
  cat("(NULL specifies extremes, and is the default. Anything else \n")
  cat("indicates that all points should be labelled.): \n\n")
  ans <- readline()
  if(ans!="") {
    data@Prefs@Graph.prefs$idsmode <- ans

  cat("Specify the extremes to use for labelling points.\n\n")
  cat("(A number between 0 and 1. The default is 0.05 (only the most \n")
  cat("extreme 5% of points are labelled).): \n\n")
  ans <- readline()
  if(ans!="") {
    data@Prefs@Graph.prefs$idsext <- as.numeric(ans)
  cat("Specify a new point scale or leave blank to keep unchanged.\n\n")
  cat("(The amount by which plotting text and symbols should be scaled\n")
  cat("relative to the default. 'NULL' and 'NA' are equivalent to '1.0'.): \n\n")
  ans <- readline()
  if(ans!="") {
    data@Prefs@Graph.prefs$idscex <- as.numeric(ans)

  cat("Specify the direction for labelling or leave blank to keep unchanged.\n\n")
  cat("(Possible values are 'up', 'down' and 'both'.): \n\n")
  ans <- readline()
  if(ans!="") {
    data@Prefs@Graph.prefs$idsdir <- ans

  if (classic==TRUE) {
    c1<-call("assign",paste("xpdb", object@Runno, sep = ""), data, immediate=T, envir = .GlobalEnv)
    c2<-call("assign",pos = 1, ".cur.db", eval(as.name(paste("xpdb", object@Runno, sep = ""))))
  } else {

andrewhooker/xpose4 documentation built on Feb. 26, 2024, 4:07 p.m.