
Defines functions slice

#' @title Wrapper to automate learning in a slice sampler
#' @description Implements Neal (2003) stepping out univariate slice sampler, with
#' learning -- best for unimodal distributions (does not break Markov
#' property), but also possible to use in spin-up.  Uses enclosure to
#' preserve values from one iteration to the next.  Supply the /log
#' density/ to the returned function.
#' @param w stepping-out interval. This is just a starting value if returned function is called with \code{learn=T}.
#' @details \code{slice} returns a function which should be called with the current sample (\code{x0}), the log density (\code{logf}) and a learn toggle (\code{learn}). If learn is \code{TRUE} the stepping-out interval \code{w} is adjusted according to a running sum of samples so far
#' @author Jonathan Rougier
#' @references Neal, Radford M. "Slice sampling." Annals of statistics (2003): 705-741.
#' @examples
#'## Not run:
#'# sample from a mixture of normals with spinup
#'myfun <- function(x)
#'     log(0.8 * dnorm(x, 0, 1) + 0.2 * dnorm(x, 3, 0.25))
#'myslice <- slice(w = 0.1) # obviously too small
#'N <- 1e4
#'rsam <- rep(NA, N)
#'x <- 0.0
#'spinup <- 20
#'for (i in (-spinup):N) {
#'  x <- myslice(x, myfun, learn = i <= 0)
#'  if (i > 0) rsam[i] <- x
#'  if (abs(i) <= 5)
#'        cat(sprintf("i = %i, w = %.3f\n", i, get("w", envir = environment(myslice))))
#'hist(rsam, col = "grey", freq = FALSE, breaks = 40)
#'x <- sort(rsam)
#'lines(x, exp(myfun(x)), xpd = NA)
#'## End(Not run)
slice <- function(w) {

    toggle <- TRUE; sum <- 0; n <- 0
    function(x0, logf, learn = FALSE) {

        ## sort out the learning.  Only learn when toggle == TRUE

        if (learn) {
            if (!toggle) toggle <<- TRUE
        } else {
            if (toggle) {
                if (n > 0) w <<- sum / n
                toggle <<- FALSE
        ## do the sampling, same notation as Neal (2003)
        y <- log(runif(1)) + logf(x0)
        if (y == -Inf) stop("x0 value outside the support")
        U <- runif(1)
        L <- x0 - w * U
        R <- L + w

        while (y < logf(L)) L <- L - w
        while (y < logf(R)) R <- R + w

        ## sample uniformly and adjust the interval

        repeat {
            x1 <- runif(1, L, R)
            if (y < logf(x1)) break
            if (x1 < x0) L <- x1 else R <- x1

        ## implement the learning and return new value
        if (toggle) {
            sum <<- sum + abs(x1 - x0) # as suggested, sec 4.4
            n <<- n + 1
andrewzm/MVST documentation built on Sept. 15, 2024, 5:26 p.m.