Man pages for andykrause/hpiR
House Price Indexes

buildForecastIDsCreate the row IDs for forecast accuracy
buildForecastIDs.heddataCreate the row IDs for forecast accuracy (hed approach)
buildForecastIDs.rtdataCreate the row IDs for forecast accuracy (rt approach)
calcAccuracyCalculate the accuracy of an index
calcForecastErrorCalculate the forecast accuracy of series of indexes
calcInSampleErrorCalculate index errors in sample
calcInSampleError.heddataCalculate index errors in sample (hed approach)
calcInSampleError.rtdataCalculate index errors in sample (rt approach)
calcKFoldErrorCalculate index error with FKold (out of sample)
calcRevisionCalculate revision values of an index
calcSeriesAccuracyCalculate the accuracy of a series of indexes
calcSeriesVolatilityCalculate volatility of a series of indexes
calcVolatilityCalculate index volatility
checkDateValidate the date argument
createKFoldDataCreate data for KFold error test
createKFoldData.rtdataCreate data for KFold error test (rt approach)
createSeriesCreate a series of indexes
dateToPeriodConvert dates to a relative period
ex_salesSubset of Seattle Home Sales
hedCreateTransCreate data for 'hed' approach
hedIndexCreate a full index object by hedonic approach
hedModelEstimate hedonic model for index creation
hedModel.baseHedonic model approach with base estimator
hedModel.robustHedonic model approach with robust estimator
hedModel.weightedHedonic model approach with weighted estimator
hpiModelWrapper to estimate model approaches (generic method)
hpiModel.hedSpecific method for hpi modeling (hed) approach)
hpiModel.rfSpecific method for hpi modeling (hed) approach)
hpiModel.rtSpecific method for hpi modeling (rt approach)
hpiRhpiR: A package for house price indexes
matchKFoldHelper function to make KFold data
matchKFold.heddataHelper function to make KFold data
matchKFold.rtdataHelper function to make KFold data
modelToIndexConvert model results into a house price index
periodTableCreate a table of the periods (generic method)
periodTable.annualCreate a table of the annual periods
periodTable.equalfreqCreate a table of equal frequency (any frequency) periods
periodTable.equalsampleCreate a table of equal frequency (any frequency) periods
periodTable.monthlyCreate a table of the monthly periods
periodTable.quarterlyCreate a table of the quarterly periods
periodTable.weeklyCreate a table of the weekly periods
plot.hpiPlot method for 'hpi' object
plot.hpiaccuracyPlot method for 'hpiaccuracy' object
plot.hpiindexPlot method for 'hpiindex' object
plot.indexvolatilityPlot method for 'indexvolatility' object
plot.seriesaccuracyPlot method for 'seriesaccuracy' object
plot.serieshpiPlot method for 'serieshpi' object
plot.seriesrevisionPlot method for 'seriesrevision' object
rfIndexCreate a full index object by random forest approach
rfModelEstimate random forest model for index creation
rfModel.pdpRandom forest model approach with pdp estimator
rfSimDfCreate simulation data for Random forest approach
rtCreateTransCreate transaction data for rt approach
rtIndexCreate a full index object by repeat transaction approach
rtModelEstimate repeat transaction model for index creation
rtModel.baseRepeat transaction model approach with base estimator
rtModel.robustRepeat transaction model approach with robust estimator
rtModel.weightedRepeat transaction model approach with weighted estimator
rtTimeMatrixCreate model matrix for repeat transaction approach
seattle_salesSeattle Home Sales
smoothIndexSmooth an index
smoothSeriesSmooth all indexes in a series
andykrause/hpiR documentation built on Feb. 2, 2024, 8:13 p.m.