
# test_that("map_ggmap() returns summary maps", {
#   skip_on_cran()
#   expect_error(map <- map_ggmap(p = presence(visits(finches)),
#                                 m = move(visits(finches)),
#                                 summary = "sum"), NA)
#   expect_is(map, c("gg", "ggplot"))
#   expect_equal_to_ggplot_reference(map, "ggmap_sum_map.png")
#   expect_error(map <- map_ggmap(p = presence(visits(finches)),
#                                 m = move(visits(finches)),
#                                 summary = "sum_indiv"), NA)
#   expect_is(map, c("gg", "ggplot"))
#   expect_equal_to_ggplot_reference(map, "ggmap_sum_indiv_map.png")
#   p2 <- presence(visits(finches)) %>%
#     dplyr::group_by(logger_id, lat, lon) %>%
#     dplyr::summarize(amount = sum(length)/logger_n[1])
#   m2 <- move(visits(finches)) %>%
#     dplyr::group_by(logger_id, move_path, lat, lon) %>%
#     dplyr::summarize(path_use = length(move_path)/logger_n[1])
#   expect_message(expect_error(map <- map_ggmap(p = p2, m = m2), NA))
#   expect_is(map, c("gg", "ggplot"))
#   expect_equal_to_ggplot_reference(map, "ggmap_none_map.png")
#   # Summary by hand is equal to function summary
#   p2 <- presence(visits(finches)) %>%
#     dplyr::group_by(logger_id, lat, lon) %>%
#     dplyr::summarize(amount = sum(length)/animal_n[1])
#   m2 <- move(visits(finches)) %>%
#     dplyr::group_by(logger_id, move_path, lat, lon) %>%
#     dplyr::summarize(path_use = length(move_path)/animal_n[1])
#   expect_message(expect_error(map <- map_ggmap(p = p2, m = m2), NA))
#   expect_is(map, c("gg", "ggplot"))
#   expect_equal_to_ggplot_reference(map, "ggmap_sum_indiv_map.png")
# })
# test_that("map_ggmap() returns map of individuals", {
#   skip_on_cran()
#   p_indiv <- summaries(presence(visits(finches)), "indiv")
#   m_indiv <- summaries(move(visits(finches)), "indiv")
#   m_error <- move(visits(finches)) %>%
#     dplyr::group_by(animal_id, move_path) %>%
#     dplyr::summarize(path_use = length(move_path))
#   expect_error(map_ggmap(p = p_indiv, m = m_error)) # No logger_id
#   expect_message(expect_error(map <- map_ggmap(p = p_indiv, m = m_indiv), NA), "(Some animals)|(Map from URL)|(You have specified)")
#   expect_is(map, c("gg", "ggplot"))
#   expect_equal_to_ggplot_reference(map, "ggmap_indiv1_map.png")
#   suppressMessages({map2 <- map_ggmap(p = presence(visits(finches)),
#                                       m = move(visits(finches)),
#                                       summary = "indiv")})
#   expect_equal_to_ggplot_reference(map, "ggmap_indiv1_map.png")
#   expect_message(expect_error(map <- map_ggmap(p = p_indiv, m = m_indiv, which = c("06200004F8")), NA), "(Map from URL)|(You have specified)")
#   expect_is(map, c("gg", "ggplot"))
#   expect_equal_to_ggplot_reference(map, "ggmap_indiv2_map.png")
# })
# test_that("map_ggmap() scale, pal, title", {
#   skip_on_cran()
#   expect_message(expect_error(map <- map_ggmap(p = presence(visits(finches)),
#                                                m = move(visits(finches)),
#                                                summary = "sum_indiv",
#                                                m_scale = 3, p_scale = 4,
#                                                m_title = "PATH", p_title = "TIME",
#                                                m_pal = c("blue", "white"), p_pal = c("green", "yellow")),
#                               NA))
#   expect_is(map, c("gg", "ggplot"))
#   expect_equal_to_ggplot_reference(map, "ggmap_args1_map.png")
# })
# test_that("map_ggmap() maptype, mapsource, zoom", {
#   skip_on_cran()
#   expect_message(expect_error(map <- map_ggmap(p = presence(visits(finches)),
#                                                m = move(visits(finches)),
#                                                summary = "sum_indiv",
#                                                maptype = "terrain",
#                                                mapsource = "google",
#                                                zoom = 15), NA))
#   expect_is(map, c("gg", "ggplot"))
#   expect_equal_to_ggplot_reference(map, "ggmap_args2_map.png")
#   expect_message(expect_error(map <- map_ggmap(p = presence(visits(finches)),
#                                                m = move(visits(finches)),
#                                                summary = "sum_indiv",
#                                                maptype = "watercolor",
#                                                mapsource = "stamen",
#                                                zoom = 16), NA))
#   expect_is(map, c("gg", "ggplot"))
#   expect_equal_to_ggplot_reference(map, "ggmap_args3_map.png")
# })
animalnexus/feedr documentation built on Feb. 2, 2023, 1:12 a.m.