
Defines functions posterior_phi_mu update_demean loglike rsimsm_adaptive_univariate rsimsm_adaptive_sv rsimsm_adaptive_cv rmultn rinvwish rmatn rmvn_ccm rmvn rig do_rgig1 forwardAlg posterior_psi_iw posterior_psi_Omega_iw posterior_psi_mean_iw posterior_psi_fsv posterior_psi_mean_fsv posterior_psi_csv posterior_psi_mean_csv posterior_psi_Omega_csv posterior_psi_Omega_fsv variances_csv variances_fsv mcmc_ssng_iw mcmc_minn_iw mcmc_ssng_fsv mcmc_minn_fsv mcmc_ssng_diffuse mcmc_minn_diffuse mcmc_ssng_csv mcmc_minn_csv max_eig_cpp kf_sim_smooth kf_ragged kf_loglike dl_reg create_X_t_noint create_X_t create_X_noint create_X build_U_cpp

# Generated by using Rcpp::compileAttributes() -> do not edit by hand
# Generator token: 10BE3573-1514-4C36-9D1C-5A225CD40393

#' @describeIn build_U Build the U matrix (C++ implementation)
#' @templateVar n_vars TRUE
#' @templateVar n_lags TRUE
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
#' @template man_template
build_U_cpp <- function(Pi, n_determ, n_vars, n_lags) {
    .Call(`_mfbvar_build_U_cpp`, Pi, n_determ, n_vars, n_lags)

create_X <- function(y, k) {
    .Call(`_mfbvar_create_X`, y, k)

create_X_noint <- function(y, k) {
    .Call(`_mfbvar_create_X_noint`, y, k)

create_X_t <- function(y) {
    .Call(`_mfbvar_create_X_t`, y)

create_X_t_noint <- function(y) {
    .Call(`_mfbvar_create_X_t_noint`, y)

dl_reg <- function(y, x, beta, aux, global, local, prior_Pi_Omega, n_reps, a, gig) {
    invisible(.Call(`_mfbvar_dl_reg`, y, x, beta, aux, global, local, prior_Pi_Omega, n_reps, a, gig))

#' @title Kalman filter and smoother
#' @description Kalman filter and smoother (\code{kf_ragged}) and simulation smoother (\code{kf_sim_smooth}) for mixed-frequency data with ragged edges. This function is more computationally efficient than using a companion form representation.
#' @param y_ matrix with the data
#' @param Phi_ matrix with the autoregressive parameters, where the last column is the intercept
#' @param Sigma_ error covariance matrix
#' @param Lambda_ aggregation matrix (for quarterly variables only)
#' @param n_q_ number of quarterly variables
#' @param T_b_ final time period where all monthly variables are observed
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
#' @return For \code{kf_ragged}, a list with elements:
#' \item{a}{The one-step predictions (for the compact form)}
#' \item{a_tt}{The filtered estimates (for the compact form)}
#' \item{a_tT}{The smoothed estimates (for the compact form)}
#' \item{Z_tT}{The smoothed estimated (for the original form)}
#' @details The returned matrices have the same number of rows as \code{y_}, but the first \code{n_lags} rows are zero.
kf_loglike <- function(y_, Phi_, Sigma_, Lambda_, a00, P00) {
    .Call(`_mfbvar_kf_loglike`, y_, Phi_, Sigma_, Lambda_, a00, P00)

#' @title Kalman filter and smoother
#' @description Kalman filter and smoother (\code{kf_ragged}) and simulation smoother (\code{kf_sim_smooth}) for mixed-frequency data with ragged edges. This function is more computationally efficient than using a companion form representation.
#' @param y_ matrix with the data
#' @param Phi_ matrix with the autoregressive parameters, where the last column is the intercept
#' @param Sigma_ error covariance matrix
#' @param Lambda_ aggregation matrix (for quarterly variables only)
#' @param n_q_ number of quarterly variables
#' @param T_b_ final time period where all monthly variables are observed
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
#' @return For \code{kf_ragged}, a list with elements:
#' \item{a}{The one-step predictions (for the compact form)}
#' \item{a_tt}{The filtered estimates (for the compact form)}
#' \item{a_tT}{The smoothed estimates (for the compact form)}
#' \item{Z_tT}{The smoothed estimated (for the original form)}
#' @details The returned matrices have the same number of rows as \code{y_}, but the first \code{n_lags} rows are zero.
kf_ragged <- function(y_, Phi_, Sigma_, Lambda_, Z1_, n_q_, T_b_) {
    .Call(`_mfbvar_kf_ragged`, y_, Phi_, Sigma_, Lambda_, Z1_, n_q_, T_b_)

#' @describeIn kf_ragged Simulation smoother
#' @param Z1 initial values, with \code{n_lags} rows and same number of columns as \code{y_}
#' @return For \code{kf_sim_smooth}, a matrix with the draw from the posterior distribution.
kf_sim_smooth <- function(y_, Phi_, Sigma_, Lambda_, Z1_, n_q_, T_b_) {
    .Call(`_mfbvar_kf_sim_smooth`, y_, Phi_, Sigma_, Lambda_, Z1_, n_q_, T_b_)

#' @title Find maximum eigenvalue
#' @description The function computes the maximum eigenvalue.
#' @aliases max_eig max_eig_cpp
#' @templateVar A TRUE
#' @template man_template
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
#' @return The maximum eigenvalue.
max_eig_cpp <- function(A) {
    .Call(`_mfbvar_max_eig_cpp`, A)

mcmc_minn_csv <- function(y_in_p, Pi, Sigma, Z, Z_fcst, phi, sigma, f, Lambda_comp, prior_Pi_Omega, inv_prior_Pi_Omega, Omega_Pi, prior_Pi_mean, prior_S, Z_1, priorlatent0, phi_invvar, phi_meaninvvar, prior_sigma2, prior_df, n_reps, n_burnin, n_q, T_b, n_lags, n_vars, n_T, n_fcst, n_thin, verbose) {
    invisible(.Call(`_mfbvar_mcmc_minn_csv`, y_in_p, Pi, Sigma, Z, Z_fcst, phi, sigma, f, Lambda_comp, prior_Pi_Omega, inv_prior_Pi_Omega, Omega_Pi, prior_Pi_mean, prior_S, Z_1, priorlatent0, phi_invvar, phi_meaninvvar, prior_sigma2, prior_df, n_reps, n_burnin, n_q, T_b, n_lags, n_vars, n_T, n_fcst, n_thin, verbose))

mcmc_ssng_csv <- function(y_in_p, Pi, Sigma, psi, phi_mu, lambda_mu, omega, Z, Z_fcst, phi, sigma, f, Lambda_comp, prior_Pi_Omega, inv_prior_Pi_Omega, Omega_Pi, prior_Pi_mean, prior_S, D_mat, dt, d1, d_fcst_lags, prior_psi_mean, c0, c1, s, check_roots, Z_1, priorlatent0, phi_invvar, phi_meaninvvar, prior_sigma2, prior_df, n_reps, n_burnin, n_q, T_b, n_lags, n_vars, n_T, n_fcst, n_determ, n_thin, verbose, ssng) {
    invisible(.Call(`_mfbvar_mcmc_ssng_csv`, y_in_p, Pi, Sigma, psi, phi_mu, lambda_mu, omega, Z, Z_fcst, phi, sigma, f, Lambda_comp, prior_Pi_Omega, inv_prior_Pi_Omega, Omega_Pi, prior_Pi_mean, prior_S, D_mat, dt, d1, d_fcst_lags, prior_psi_mean, c0, c1, s, check_roots, Z_1, priorlatent0, phi_invvar, phi_meaninvvar, prior_sigma2, prior_df, n_reps, n_burnin, n_q, T_b, n_lags, n_vars, n_T, n_fcst, n_determ, n_thin, verbose, ssng))

mcmc_minn_diffuse <- function(y_in_p, Pi, Sigma, Z, Z_fcst, aux, global, local, slice, Lambda_comp, prior_Pi_Omega, prior_Pi_mean_vec, Z_1, n_reps, n_burnin, n_q, T_b, n_lags, n_vars, n_T, n_fcst, n_thin, verbose, a, gig) {
    invisible(.Call(`_mfbvar_mcmc_minn_diffuse`, y_in_p, Pi, Sigma, Z, Z_fcst, aux, global, local, slice, Lambda_comp, prior_Pi_Omega, prior_Pi_mean_vec, Z_1, n_reps, n_burnin, n_q, T_b, n_lags, n_vars, n_T, n_fcst, n_thin, verbose, a, gig))

mcmc_ssng_diffuse <- function(y_in_p, Pi, Sigma, psi, phi_mu, lambda_mu, omega, Z, Z_fcst, Lambda_comp, prior_Pi_Omega, Omega_Pi, D_mat, dt, d1, d_fcst_lags, prior_psi_mean, c0, c1, s, check_roots, Z_1, n_reps, n_burnin, n_q, T_b, n_lags, n_vars, n_T, n_fcst, n_determ, n_thin, verbose, ssng) {
    invisible(.Call(`_mfbvar_mcmc_ssng_diffuse`, y_in_p, Pi, Sigma, psi, phi_mu, lambda_mu, omega, Z, Z_fcst, Lambda_comp, prior_Pi_Omega, Omega_Pi, D_mat, dt, d1, d_fcst_lags, prior_psi_mean, c0, c1, s, check_roots, Z_1, n_reps, n_burnin, n_q, T_b, n_lags, n_vars, n_T, n_fcst, n_determ, n_thin, verbose, ssng))

mcmc_minn_fsv <- function(y_in_p, Pi, Z, Z_fcst, mu, phi, sigma, f, facload, h, aux, global, local, slice, Lambda_comp, prior_Pi_Omega, prior_Pi_AR1, Z_1, bmu, Bmu, a0idi, b0idi, a0fac, b0fac, Bsigma, B011inv, B022inv, priorh0, armarestr, armatau2, n_fac, n_reps, n_burnin, n_q, T_b, n_lags, n_vars, n_T, n_fcst, n_thin, verbose, a, gig) {
    invisible(.Call(`_mfbvar_mcmc_minn_fsv`, y_in_p, Pi, Z, Z_fcst, mu, phi, sigma, f, facload, h, aux, global, local, slice, Lambda_comp, prior_Pi_Omega, prior_Pi_AR1, Z_1, bmu, Bmu, a0idi, b0idi, a0fac, b0fac, Bsigma, B011inv, B022inv, priorh0, armarestr, armatau2, n_fac, n_reps, n_burnin, n_q, T_b, n_lags, n_vars, n_T, n_fcst, n_thin, verbose, a, gig))

mcmc_ssng_fsv <- function(y_in_p, Pi, psi, phi_mu, lambda_mu, omega, Z, Z_fcst, mu, phi, sigma, f, facload, h, Lambda_comp, prior_Pi_Omega, prior_Pi_AR1, D_mat, dt, d1, d_fcst_lags, prior_psi_mean, c0, c1, s, check_roots, Z_1, bmu, Bmu, a0idi, b0idi, a0fac, b0fac, Bsigma, B011inv, B022inv, priorh0, armarestr, armatau2, n_fac, n_reps, n_burnin, n_q, T_b, n_lags, n_vars, n_T, n_fcst, n_determ, n_thin, verbose, ssng) {
    invisible(.Call(`_mfbvar_mcmc_ssng_fsv`, y_in_p, Pi, psi, phi_mu, lambda_mu, omega, Z, Z_fcst, mu, phi, sigma, f, facload, h, Lambda_comp, prior_Pi_Omega, prior_Pi_AR1, D_mat, dt, d1, d_fcst_lags, prior_psi_mean, c0, c1, s, check_roots, Z_1, bmu, Bmu, a0idi, b0idi, a0fac, b0fac, Bsigma, B011inv, B022inv, priorh0, armarestr, armatau2, n_fac, n_reps, n_burnin, n_q, T_b, n_lags, n_vars, n_T, n_fcst, n_determ, n_thin, verbose, ssng))

mcmc_minn_iw <- function(y_in_p, Pi, Sigma, Z, Z_fcst, Lambda_comp, prior_Pi_Omega, inv_prior_Pi_Omega, Omega_Pi, prior_Pi_mean, prior_S, Z_1, n_reps, n_burnin, n_q, T_b, n_lags, n_vars, n_T, n_fcst, n_thin, verbose, prior_nu) {
    invisible(.Call(`_mfbvar_mcmc_minn_iw`, y_in_p, Pi, Sigma, Z, Z_fcst, Lambda_comp, prior_Pi_Omega, inv_prior_Pi_Omega, Omega_Pi, prior_Pi_mean, prior_S, Z_1, n_reps, n_burnin, n_q, T_b, n_lags, n_vars, n_T, n_fcst, n_thin, verbose, prior_nu))

mcmc_ssng_iw <- function(y_in_p, Pi, Sigma, psi, phi_mu, lambda_mu, omega, Z, Z_fcst, Lambda_comp, prior_Pi_Omega, inv_prior_Pi_Omega, Omega_Pi, prior_Pi_mean, prior_S, D_mat, dt, d1, d_fcst_lags, prior_psi_mean, c0, c1, s, check_roots, Z_1, n_reps, n_burnin, n_q, T_b, n_lags, n_vars, n_T, n_fcst, n_determ, n_thin, verbose, ssng) {
    invisible(.Call(`_mfbvar_mcmc_ssng_iw`, y_in_p, Pi, Sigma, psi, phi_mu, lambda_mu, omega, Z, Z_fcst, Lambda_comp, prior_Pi_Omega, inv_prior_Pi_Omega, Omega_Pi, prior_Pi_mean, prior_S, D_mat, dt, d1, d_fcst_lags, prior_psi_mean, c0, c1, s, check_roots, Z_1, n_reps, n_burnin, n_q, T_b, n_lags, n_vars, n_T, n_fcst, n_determ, n_thin, verbose, ssng))

variances_fsv <- function(variances, latent, facload, variables_num, n_fac, n_reps, n_T, n_vars, n_plotvars) {
    invisible(.Call(`_mfbvar_variances_fsv`, variances, latent, facload, variables_num, n_fac, n_reps, n_T, n_vars, n_plotvars))

variances_csv <- function(variances, Sigma, f, n_T, n_reps, variables_num) {
    invisible(.Call(`_mfbvar_variances_csv`, variances, Sigma, f, n_T, n_reps, variables_num))

posterior_psi_Omega_fsv <- function(U, D_mat, idivar, inv_prior_psi_Omega) {
    .Call(`_mfbvar_posterior_psi_Omega_fsv`, U, D_mat, idivar, inv_prior_psi_Omega)

posterior_psi_Omega_csv <- function(U, D_mat, Sigma_chol_inv, exp_sqrt_f, inv_prior_psi_Omega, n_determ, n_vars, n_lags) {
    .Call(`_mfbvar_posterior_psi_Omega_csv`, U, D_mat, Sigma_chol_inv, exp_sqrt_f, inv_prior_psi_Omega, n_determ, n_vars, n_lags)

posterior_psi_mean_csv <- function(U, D_mat, Sigma_chol_inv, exp_sqrt_f, inv_prior_psi_Omega_mean, post_psi_Omega, Y_tilde) {
    .Call(`_mfbvar_posterior_psi_mean_csv`, U, D_mat, Sigma_chol_inv, exp_sqrt_f, inv_prior_psi_Omega_mean, post_psi_Omega, Y_tilde)

posterior_psi_csv <- function(psi_i, mu_mat, Pi_i, D_mat, Sigma_chol_inv, exp_sqrt_f, inv_prior_psi_Omega, Z_i, X, inv_prior_psi_Omega_mean, dt, n_determ, n_vars, n_lags) {
    invisible(.Call(`_mfbvar_posterior_psi_csv`, psi_i, mu_mat, Pi_i, D_mat, Sigma_chol_inv, exp_sqrt_f, inv_prior_psi_Omega, Z_i, X, inv_prior_psi_Omega_mean, dt, n_determ, n_vars, n_lags))

posterior_psi_mean_fsv <- function(U, D_mat, idivar, inv_prior_psi_Omega_mean, post_psi_Omega, Y_tilde) {
    .Call(`_mfbvar_posterior_psi_mean_fsv`, U, D_mat, idivar, inv_prior_psi_Omega_mean, post_psi_Omega, Y_tilde)

posterior_psi_fsv <- function(psi_i, mu_mat, Pi_i, D_mat, idivar, inv_prior_psi_Omega, Z_i, X, startfacload, startfac, inv_prior_psi_Omega_mean, dt, n_determ, n_vars, n_lags) {
    invisible(.Call(`_mfbvar_posterior_psi_fsv`, psi_i, mu_mat, Pi_i, D_mat, idivar, inv_prior_psi_Omega, Z_i, X, startfacload, startfac, inv_prior_psi_Omega_mean, dt, n_determ, n_vars, n_lags))

posterior_psi_mean_iw <- function(U, D_mat, Sigma_i, inv_prior_psi_Omega_mean, post_psi_Omega, Y_tilde) {
    .Call(`_mfbvar_posterior_psi_mean_iw`, U, D_mat, Sigma_i, inv_prior_psi_Omega_mean, post_psi_Omega, Y_tilde)

posterior_psi_Omega_iw <- function(U, D_mat, Sigma_i, inv_prior_psi_Omega) {
    .Call(`_mfbvar_posterior_psi_Omega_iw`, U, D_mat, Sigma_i, inv_prior_psi_Omega)

posterior_psi_iw <- function(psi_i, mu_mat, Pi_i, D_mat, Sigma_i, inv_prior_psi_Omega, Z_i, X, inv_prior_psi_Omega_mean, dt, n_determ, n_vars, n_lags) {
    invisible(.Call(`_mfbvar_posterior_psi_iw`, psi_i, mu_mat, Pi_i, D_mat, Sigma_i, inv_prior_psi_Omega, Z_i, X, inv_prior_psi_Omega_mean, dt, n_determ, n_vars, n_lags))

forwardAlg <- function(chol_diag, chol_offdiag, covector, htmp) {
    invisible(.Call(`_mfbvar_forwardAlg`, chol_diag, chol_offdiag, covector, htmp))

do_rgig1 <- function(lambda, chi, psi) {
    .Call(`_mfbvar_do_rgig1`, lambda, chi, psi)

rig <- function(mu, lambda) {
    .Call(`_mfbvar_rig`, mu, lambda)

rmvn <- function(Phi, d, alpha) {
    .Call(`_mfbvar_rmvn`, Phi, d, alpha)

rmvn_ccm <- function(Phi, d, alpha, c, j) {
    .Call(`_mfbvar_rmvn_ccm`, Phi, d, alpha, c, j)

#' @rdname dnorminvwish
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
rmatn <- function(M, Q, P) {
    .Call(`_mfbvar_rmatn`, M, Q, P)

#' @rdname dnorminvwish
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
rinvwish <- function(v, S) {
    .Call(`_mfbvar_rinvwish`, v, S)

#' @rdname dmultn
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
rmultn <- function(m, Sigma) {
    .Call(`_mfbvar_rmultn`, m, Sigma)

rsimsm_adaptive_cv <- function(y_, Phi, Sigma_chol, Lambda, Z1, n_q_, T_b) {
    .Call(`_mfbvar_rsimsm_adaptive_cv`, y_, Phi, Sigma_chol, Lambda, Z1, n_q_, T_b)

rsimsm_adaptive_sv <- function(y_, Phi, Sigma_chol, Lambda, Z1, n_q_, T_b) {
    .Call(`_mfbvar_rsimsm_adaptive_sv`, y_, Phi, Sigma_chol, Lambda, Z1, n_q_, T_b)

rsimsm_adaptive_univariate <- function(y_, Phi, Sigma, Lambda, Z1, n_q_, T_b, f) {
    .Call(`_mfbvar_rsimsm_adaptive_univariate`, y_, Phi, Sigma, Lambda, Z1, n_q_, T_b, f)

#' @title Smooth and sample from the smoothed distribution
#' @description Functions for smoothing and sampling from the (smoothed) distribution \eqn{p(Z_{1:T}|Y_{1:T}, \Theta)}.
#' @details Implemented in C++.
#' @aliases smoother simulation_smoother generate_mhh loglike
#' @describeIn smoother Compute smoothed states
#' @templateVar Y TRUE
#' @templateVar Lambda TRUE
#' @templateVar Pi_comp TRUE
#' @templateVar Q_comp TRUE
#' @templateVar n_T TRUE
#' @templateVar n_vars TRUE
#' @templateVar n_comp TRUE
#' @templateVar z0 TRUE
#' @templateVar P0 TRUE
#' @template man_template
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
#' @return For \code{loglike}:
#' \item{}{An \code{n_T}-long vector of the log-likelihoods. \code{exp(sum(loglike(...)))} is the likelihood.}
loglike <- function(Y, Lambda, Pi_comp, Q_comp, n_T, n_vars, n_comp, z0, P0) {
    .Call(`_mfbvar_loglike`, Y, Lambda, Pi_comp, Q_comp, n_T, n_vars, n_comp, z0, P0)

update_demean <- function(my, mu_long, y_in_p, mu_mat, d1, Psi_i, Lambda_single, n_vars, n_q, n_Lambda, n_T) {
    invisible(.Call(`_mfbvar_update_demean`, my, mu_long, y_in_p, mu_mat, d1, Psi_i, Lambda_single, n_vars, n_q, n_Lambda, n_T))

posterior_phi_mu <- function(lambda, phi_mu, omega, nm) {
    .Call(`_mfbvar_posterior_phi_mu`, lambda, phi_mu, omega, nm)
ankargren/mfbvar documentation built on Feb. 15, 2021, 6:32 a.m.