Man pages for antaldaniel/eurobarometer
Tidy Eurobarometer Survey Microdata For Retrospective Harmonization

categorical_variables_2Vocabulary To Rename Categorical Variables With Two Valid...
category_labels_2Vocabulary To Rename Categorical Variables With Two Valid...
document_wavesDocument survey lists
eb_sampleEurobarometer Sample
eb_wavesDescription of Eurobarometer Waves (1996-2019)
eurobarometereurobarometer: A package to create tidy Eurobarometer...
eurobarometer_corpusGESIS Eurobarometer Variable Labels
eurobarometer_dtmEurobarometer DTM
eurobarometer_special_valuesEurobarometer Special Values
gesis_metadata_createCreate A Metadata Table
harmonize_missing_valuesHarmonize Missing Values
harmonize_value_labelsHarmonize Value Labels
identify_mentionedIdentify mentioned and not mentioned types
label_harmonization_tableVocabulary To Rename Categorical Variables With 2 Or 3 Valid...
label_normalizeCreate Normalized Variable & Value Labels
label_suggestCreate Suggested Names for GESIS Columns
metadata_createCreate a metadata table
metadata_filter_exampleExample file for the Creating Variable and Values Tables...
pipePipe operator
question_block_identifyIdentify A Question Block
read_rdsRead A Survey File
read_surveysRead Survey Files Import surveys into a list. Adds filename...
val_label_normalizeCreate Normalized Value Labels
var_label_normalizeCreate Normalized Variable Labels
ZA5913_sampleZA5913 Eurobarometer Sample
ZA6863_sampleZA6863 Eurobarometer Sample
ZA7576_sampleZA7576 Eurobarometer Sample
antaldaniel/eurobarometer documentation built on Aug. 31, 2020, 10:57 p.m.