eurobarometer: eurobarometer: A package to create tidy Eurobarometer...

Description labelling functions metadata functions identify functions sample data files


The package eurobarometer has a number of related functions to analyse metadata; labelling variables with the help of metadata; harmonizing variable names, classes and labels.

labelling functions

The naming functions make the GESIS SPSS files usable in a programmatic context. var_label_normalize and val_label_normalize removes regex symbols, whitespace, and basic inconsistencies in abbreviations. label_suggest harmonizes the names across various GESIS files, so that they can be joined into panels across time.

metadata functions

The metadata functions map the SPSS file and suggest variable names, re-labelling and class conversions. metadata_create gesis_metadata_create

identify functions

Identify functions try to find harmonization candidates by logical rules.

sample data files

ZA5913_sample A small subset of the ZA5913: Eurobarometer 81.2 (March 2014): Europeans in 2014, Financial and Economic Crisis, European Citizenship, and European Values survey.

ZA6863_sample A small subset of the ZA6863: Standard Eurobarometer 87.3, May 2017 survey.

ZA7576_sample A small subset of the ZA7576: Eurobarometer 91.5 (June-July 2019): Standard Eurobarometer, European Parliament Post-election survey 2019, and EU citizens and development cooperation survey.

antaldaniel/eurobarometer documentation built on Aug. 31, 2020, 10:57 p.m.