
############################### setGeneric ####################################

#' Update an attribute of an object
#' @param object The object for which we want modification
#' @param attribute The attribute we want to update
#' @param value The value we want to give at the attribute
#' @return The object without the attribute we want to delete
#' @exportMethod updateObject
#' @name updateObject
#' @rdname updateObject-methods
#' @docType methods
    name = "updateObject",
    def = function(object, attribute , value){
          standardGeneric("updateObject" )}

#' Get the name of an object
#' @param object The object for which we want to get the name
#' @return The name of the object
#' @exportMethod getName
#' @name getName
#' @rdname getName-methods
#' @docType methods
    name = "getName",
    def = function(object){standardGeneric("getName" )}

#' Set the name of an object
#' @param object The object for which we want to set the name
#' @param name The name we want to give at the object
#' @return The object with the new name#' @exportMethod addAttribute
#' @name setName
#' @rdname setName-methods
#' @docType methods
    name = "setName",
    def = function(object, name){standardGeneric("setName" )}

#' Add an attribute to an object.
#' @param object The object for which we want modification.
#' @param name The name of the attribute we want to add.
#' @param value The value we want to give to the attribute.
#' @return The object without the attribute you want to delete.
#' @exportMethod addAttribute
#' @name addAttribute
#' @rdname addAttribute-methods
#' @docType methods
    name = "addAttribute",
    def = function(object, name, value){standardGeneric("addAttribute" )}

#' Delete an attribute which has been add by the user.
#' @param object The object for which we want modification.
#' @param name The name of the attribute we want to delete.
#' @return The object without the attribute you want to delete.
#' @exportMethod deleteAttribute
#' @name deleteAttribute
#' @rdname deleteAttribute-methods
#' @exportMethod deleteAttribute
#' @docType methods
    name = "deleteAttribute",
    def = function(object, name){standardGeneric("deleteAttribute" )}
antoinepari/testRRiceTravis documentation built on May 29, 2019, 2:10 p.m.