
#' Spectral transmittance of plastic covers, climate screens and shade nets
#' A collection of transmittance spectra for plastic covers, climate screens and
#' shade nets used in horticulture. We include under "plastic covers, climate
#' screens and shade nets", nets, cloths and laminated and perforated films with
#' spatially heterogeneous optical properties. We exclude "filters" including
#' all semi-transparent and transparent sheets and films with spatially
#' homogeneous optical properties. Spectra for nearly 200 types of covers,
#' screens, and nets from eight suppliers were measured consistently as
#' described by Kotilainen et al. (2018).
#' The variables for each spectrum are as follows:
#' \itemize{ \item w.length (nm) \item Tfr (fraction) }
#' @details Spectra were measured on new (never used) samples. Optical
#'   properties can be expected to change with ageing due to chemical changes
#'   induced by solar UV radiation and by soiling during the usual life
#'   expectancy of five or more years. Spectral data for twenty four
#'   climate-screen samples (ten Harmony-type, two Luxous-type, seven
#'   Solaro-type and six Tempa-type) and four insect-screen samples provided by
#'   Svensson (AB Ludvig Svensson, KINNA, Sweden,
#'   \url{https://www.ludvigsvensson.com/en/climate-screens}). Twenty-six
#'   shade-net samples (16 Sombra-type and ten Sombra raschel-type (patterned))
#'   and 12 thrip, aphid, and insect -net samples (two Anti-Trip-type, eight
#'   Anti-Afidos-type and two Anti-Insect types) were provided by Mallas
#'   Textiles (Mallas Textiles Fabricantes, Chimalhuacán, Mexico,
#'   \url{https://mallastextilesmx.com/}) were described by Kotilainen et al.
#'   (2018). Additional spectra obtained by the same authors are also included
#'   in this package. If you use these data in publications, please, cite both
#'   Kotilainen et al. (2018) and this package.
#'   The variables in each member spectrum are as follows: \itemize{ \item
#'   \code{w.length} (nm) \item \code{Tfr} (transmittance expressed as a
#'   fraction of one) } These member objects contain metadata stored as R
#'   attributes. Accessors  to the metadata are available:
#'   \code{what_measured()}, \code{how_measured()}, \code{when_measured()},
#'   \code{filter_properties()} and \code{comment()}.
#' @note Please see the help for the indexing vectors for specific details. The
#'   original data of Kotilainen et al. (2018) plus additional spectral data are
#'   available at Zenodo (Robson and Kotilainen, 2018). The data read from file
#'   \code{ScreensNets_irrad_trans.xlsx}, worksheet \code{"database"}, have been
#'   reprocessed to remove noise. The wavelength values have been "thinned" in
#'   featureless regions using as criterion the lack of change in the local
#'   slope to significantly reduce the size of the data set. Lossless
#'   compression was applied to the R data file containing the data set.
#' @docType data
#' @keywords datasets
#' @format A \code{filter_mspct} object named \code{screens_nets.mspct} containing a
#'   collection of \code{filter_spct} objects each with a variable number of
#'   rows and 2 variables.
#' @references
#'  Kotilainen, Titta; Robson, T. Matthew; Hernández, Ricardo (2018) Light
#'  quality characterization under climate screens and shade nets for
#'  controlled-environment agriculture. PLOS ONE, Vol. 13, No. 6, p. e0199628.
#'  \doi{10.1371/journal.pone.0199628}.
#'  Robson, T. Matthew; Kotilainen, Titta (2018) Spectral transmittance of solar
#'  radiation by screens and nets used in horticulture and agriculture. 1.1.1.
#'  Data set. Zenodo. \doi{10.5281/zenodo.1561317}
#' Catálogo de productos. Mallastextiles, Chimalhuacán, Edo. de México. \url{https://mallastextilesmx.com/}
#' "Samples folder". Howitec Netting.Bolsward, The Netherlands. \url{https://www.howitec.com/}
#' "Samples". Arrigoni Spa. Uggiate Trevano, Italia. \url{https://www.arrigoni.it}
#' "Samples". Criado & Lopez. El Ejido (Almería) España. \url{https://www.criadoylopez.com}
#' "Samples". oerlemans plastics BV. Genderen, The Netherlands. \url{https://www.oerlemansplastics.nl}
#' "samples". Jiangsu Huachang Yarns & Fabrics Co. Ltd. Jurong, Jiangsu, China. \url{http://www.hcpco.com}
#' Samples folder. Kinna, Sweden. \url{https://www.ludvigsvensson.com/}
#' @section Acknowledgements: These data were acquired as part of research
#'   funded by the Academy of Finland (Decision No. 304653 and 304519 to T. M.
#'   Robson) and USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture (Decision No.
#'   107454 to R. Hernández).
#' @seealso \code{\link{screens_nets_suppliers}}
#' @examples
#' screens_nets.mspct$arrigoni_X2210WO.Iride.Black.Green
#' what_measured(screens_nets.mspct$arrigoni_X2210WO.Iride.Black.Green)
#' how_measured(screens_nets.mspct$arrigoni_X2210WO.Iride.Black.Green)
#' filter_properties(screens_nets.mspct$arrigoni_X2210WO.Iride.Black.Green)
#' cat(comment(screens_nets.mspct$arrigoni_X2210WO.Iride.Black.Green))
#' names(screens_nets.mspct)
aphalo/photobiologyFilters documentation built on Feb. 28, 2024, 12:05 a.m.