nndensity.pp3: Extension of 'nndensity' to handle pp3 objects.

View source: R/rapt_NNDE.R

nndensity.pp3R Documentation

Extension of nndensity to handle pp3 objects.


Calculates the 3D nearest-neighbor intensity estimate of a point process at either a grid of points or at the point locations in the data set. Utilizes the volume weighted edge correction. See Statistics for Spatial Data by Cressie pg. 654 for more info.


## S3 method for class 'pp3'
nndensity(X, k, nx, ny, nz, dz, at.points = FALSE, par = TRUE, cores = 7)



The point pattern to estimate the intensity of.


Vector containing the nearest-neighbor #s that the estimate should be calculated for.

nx, ny, nz

If estimating on a grid, the number of grid points in x, y, and z.


The z spacing for numeric integration for the edge correction (suggested ~ 0.1-0.5)


TRUE or FALSE. Whether or not to estimate intensity at points in pattern. If TRUE, nx, ny, and nz are not used.


TRUE or FALSE: whether or not to calculate in parallel


If par = TRUE, this is the number of cores to use for the parallel calculation.


List containing: [1] A data frame of the intensity estimates for each nearest neighbor value. [2] The coordinates of the estimates. [3] The coordinates of the original points from the data set.

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