pG3est-deprecated: Perform G3est on random relabelings in parallel

pG3est-deprecatedR Documentation

Perform G3est on random relabelings in parallel


pG3est first randomly relabels a specified percentage of points from the original pp3 object. It then performs a 3D G function test (G3est) on these selected points. It repeats this as many times as specified. These tests are run in parallel to increase computation speed.



The fraction of points to select randomly each time out of the original pp3 object. Number between 0 and 1.


The original pp3 object.


The number of random relabelings and that should be performed.


See G3est. Maximum radius to be calculated for G3est.


See G3est. Number of radii that G3est should be calculated at.


Either "rs", "km", or "Hanisch" edge correction.


Whether or not to retun the anomaly results. TRUE or FALSE. See section below for more info.


The numeric vector of data to subtract for the "anom" pG3est. Only used when anom = TRUE. See below for more info.


Number of cores to use for parallel processing. If no parallel desired, set to 1. If NULL, will automatically set to the number of cores available on the machine.


For anom = FALSE

Returns a matrix containing the data from the all of the G3est runs on different re-labelings. Can plot data using envPlot.

For anom = TRUE

A list of: [1] Matrix of data for all relabelings. Can be plotted using envPlot. [2] Vector containing the values that were subtracted from the results at each r value. Can be used to subtract from another set of envelopes for comparison. [3] rmax used in the calculation. [4] nrval used in the calculation.

Edge Corrections

See book availible at for more info on these edge corrections.

Reduced Sample - "rs"

Kaplan-Meier - "km"

Hanisch - "Hanisch"

Anomaly G3est

When anom = TRUE, the function returns the anomaly G3est.This means that it returns the G3est results with the 50th percentile subtracted out. This centers envelopes around zero.

toSub is an argumet to be paired with anom = TRUE. If NULL, use the 50th percentile of the calculated set of G3est envelopes to subtract off. Otherwise, use the second, [2], entry in the list returned from this same function. This is how to compare envelope calculations from different point patterns. You must subtract the same values from both data sets. toSub allows you to input the values that were subtracted from a previous set of envelopes, for comparison.

See Also


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