Man pages for aquaMetrics/aquaMetrics
Freshwater Biotic indices

aquaMetricsFreshwater Biotic indices
CalcASIRiverfly Angler's Score Index
CalcCCClimate Change Metric
CalcDARLEQDiatom Assessment of River and Lake Ecological Quality
CalcLIFELotic-invertebrate Index for Flow Evaluation
CalcPSIProportion of Sediment-sensitive Invertebrates
CalcSPEARSPEcies At Risk
demoDiatomRiverDataThis is demo data to be included in my package
LIFEFlowScoresLIFE. Scores of taxa associated with flow groups
LookUpASILookup ASI
LookUpCCLookup Climate Change
LookUpDARLEQ2DARLEQ. TDIs associated with the presence of diatoms.
PSISensitivityPSI. Fine Sediment Sensitivity Rating definitons and...
StandardiseRawTaxaStandardise Raw Taxa
TaxaListTaxa lists from NEMS
aquaMetrics/aquaMetrics documentation built on May 6, 2019, 7:26 a.m.