CalcDARLEQ: Diatom Assessment of River and Lake Ecological Quality

Description Usage Arguments Details Value References Examples


DARLEQ is one of the methods used to evaluate phytobentos (algae) in rivers and lakes. Assessment is focused on the diatoms, a large and diverse group of algae using a metric called the Trophic Diatom Index (TDI), based on the principle that different diatoms have different environmental preferences.


CalcDARLEQ(data = NULL, metric = NULL, version = "latest")



A dataframe containing diatoms taxa with eight columns in the specified order (naming of the columns is not important): Type (one character, either "L" -lake- or "R" -river-), SampleID, SiteID, Date (Date object), Taxon Code, Taxon name, Abundance, Alkalinity.


Specifies which metric to compute. It can take any of the following values: "rivers", "lakes" or "all".


Specifies which version of the metric to compute. It can take any of the following values: "latest" (TDI4/LTDI2), "previous" (TDI3/LTDI1) or "all".


This routine does also compute the uncertainty associated to the ecological status assessments of lakes and rivers. Calculation of the confidence of class (CoC) and risk of misclassification is based in a polynomial fitting of the SD of EQR as a function of mean EQR. The parameters of those polynomial curves are the same found in DARLEQ2 software (Kelly et al, 2014). This polynomial function makes it possible to compute an expected SD for any given EQR and by relating this SD to the position of the status class boundaries enables the confidence to be calculated.


A list containing up to 10 dataframes, depending on the metric and version parameters.


Bennion H., Kelly M.G., Juggins S., Yallop M., Burgess A., Jamieson J., Krokowski J. 2014. Assessment of ecological status in UK lakes using benthic diatoms. Freshwater Science. 33(2): 639-654.

Ellis J., Adriaenssens V. 2006. Uncertainty estimation for monitoring results by the WFD biological classification tools. WFD REport: GEHO1006BLOR-E-P. Environment Agency (UK)

Kelly M.G., Juggins S., Bennion, H., Burgess A., Yallop M., Hirst H., King L., Jamieson B.J., Guthrie R., Rippey B. 2008. Use of diatoms for evaluating ecological status in UK freshwaters. Science Report: SC030103/SR4. Environment Agency (UK)

Kelly M., Juggins S., Guthrie R., Pritchard S., Jamieson J., Rippey B., Hirst H., Yallop M. 2008. Assessment of ecological status in UK rivers using diatoms. Freshwater Biology. 56: 403-422

Kelly M., Bennion H., Burgess A., Ellis J., Juggins S., Guthrie R., Jamieson J., Adrianssens V., Yallop M. 2009. Uncertainty in ecological status assessments of lakes and rivers using diatoms. Hydrobiologia. 633: 5-15.

Kelly M., Juggins S., Bennion H., Burgess A., Yallop M., Hirst H., Jamieson J., Guthrie R., Rippey B. 2014. Software for Freshwater Status Classification using benthic diatoms (Version 2.0.1) Available from of the water environment/Biological Method Statements/

WFD - UK Technical Advisory Group. 2014. Phytobentos - Diatoms for Assessing River and Lake Ecological Quality (Lake DARLEQ2). WFD - UKTAG.

WFD - UK Technical Advisory Group. 2014. Phytobentos - Diatoms for Assessing River and Lake Ecological Quality (River DARLEQ2). WFD - UKTAG.


## Not run: 
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