Man pages for aquaMetrics/fcs2
Fisheries Classification Scheme 2 For SNIFFER

abundancePosterior Samples of Abundance and Prevalence Model...
as.arrayConvert EQR object to array
calcClassScotCalculate Classification Results for Scotland
combineBUGSFitsCombine BUGS fits
dCatchProbabilities of the total catch distribution
demo_dataDemo data
demo_resultsDemo result data
dot-fcs2SetDefaultPriorsSet Default Priors
fcs2ClassifyProbabilistic WFD Classifications from EQR Samples
fcs2EQRSummaryMatrixEQR Summary Matrix
fcs2FitModelFit the FCS2 Statistical Model
fcs2InteractiveLikelihoodInteractive FCS2 model likelihood
fcs2InteractivePredictionInteractive FCS2 model prediction
fcs2JointAndSingleEQRJoint And Single EQR
fcs2JointEQRJoint EQR
fcs2ModelSelectionAutomated Model Selection
fcs2-packageFisheries Classification Scheme 2 For SNIFFER
fcs2PriorsPrior Distributions in the FCS2 Model
fcs2RunINLAFit Approximate FCS2 Models with INLA
fcs2SingleEQRSingle EQR
fcs2SpatialSummarySummary of Spatial Terms in FCS2 Model
fcs2WriteModelWrite BUGS Model File
hyperpriorThe Hyperprior Distribution
logitThe Logit Function
meanMean EQR
na.action.fcs2EQRMissing Values in EQR Samples
na.action.fcs2FitMissing Values in FCS2 Model Fit
plotBUGSTraceTrace Plots of MCMC Chains from BUGS
plotCatchPMFPlot Probability Mass Function of Predicted Total Catch
plot.fcs2EQRPlot EQR Samples
plot.fcs2FitPlot FCS2 Model Fit
plotSpatialTermPlot Spatial Term
ppplotProbability-Probability Plot of FCS2 Model Fit
predict.fcs2FitPredicted Total Catch
print.fcs2EQRPrinting EQR Samples
print.fcs2FitPrinting an FCS2 Model Fit
quantileQuantiles of an EQR Sample
specialTermsSpecial Non-Linear Terms for FCS2 Abundance and Prevalence...
summary.fcs2EQRDetailed EQR summary
summary.fcs2FitDetailed summary
thinBUGSSamplesThin BUGS Samples
variable.namesVariable Names in FCS2 Model
zinbinomZero-inflated Negative Binomial Distributions.
zinmultinomZero-inflated Negative Multinomial Distributions.
aquaMetrics/fcs2 documentation built on Aug. 21, 2021, 12:55 p.m.