na.action.fcs2EQR: Missing Values in EQR Samples

Description Usage Arguments Details Value See Also

View source: R/na.action.fcs2EQR.R


Extract information about surveys (or water bodies, sites, etc) that were removed when calculating the EQR due to missing values.


## S3 method for class 'fcs2EQR'
na.action(object, ...)



an object of class "fcs2EQR" containing Monte Carlo EQR samples, as calculated from fcs2SingleEQR, fcs2JointEQR or fcs2JointAndSingleEQR.


Not currently used.


Missing Values in EQR Samples


If the EQR object contains EQR samples for multiple surveys, the returned vector indicates surveys in the data frame that were removed due to missing observations or covariates.

Alternatively, if the EQR object contains EQR samples corresponding to another variable (the joinByVar in the call to fcs2JointEQR or fcs2JointAndSingleEQR, e.g. water body ID), the returned vector indicates values of the variable that were removed from the EQR object due to missing values.

See Also

fcs2SingleEQR, fcs2JointEQR and fcs2JointAndSingleEQR for generating EQR samples.

aquaMetrics/fcs2 documentation built on Aug. 21, 2021, 12:55 p.m.