combineBUGSFits: Combine BUGS fits

Description Usage Arguments See Also

View source: R/combineBUGSFits.R


Combines multiple BUGS fits to the same model into a single fit object. This may be useful for combining multiple MCMC chains that were split between computers to reduce computational time. thinBUGSSamples is used when necessary with a warning to thin samples so that the number per chain is consistent across fits.





an "fcs2Fit" object containing a full FCS2 model fit, as returned from fcs2FitModel with runBUGS = TRUE.


further "fcs2Fit" objects, each resulting from a full FCS2 model fit with the same model and data but perhaps different initial values or random seed. The modified "fcs2Fit" object fit containing the combined sample.

See Also

thinBUGSSamples for thinning samples to reduce autocorrelation

aquaMetrics/fcs2 documentation built on Aug. 21, 2021, 12:55 p.m.