#' Combine BUGS fits
#' Combines multiple BUGS fits to the same model into a single fit object. This
#' may be useful for combining multiple \acronym{MCMC} chains that were split
#' between computers to reduce computational time. \code{\link{thinBUGSSamples}}
#' is used when necessary with a warning to thin samples so that the number per
#' chain is consistent across fits.
#' @param fit1 an \code{"fcs2Fit"} object containing a full \acronym{FCS2} model
#' fit, as returned from \code{\link{fcs2FitModel}} with \code{runBUGS =
#' TRUE}.
#' @param ... further \code{"fcs2Fit"} objects, each resulting from a full
#' \acronym{FCS2} model fit with the same model and data but perhaps different
#' initial values or random seed. The modified \code{"fcs2Fit"} object
#' \code{fit} containing the combined sample.
#' @seealso \code{\link{thinBUGSSamples}} for thinning samples to reduce
#' autocorrelation
#' @export
combineBUGSFits <-
function(fit1, ...)
# create list of fits
if (missing(fit1))
fits <- list(...)
fits <- list(fit1, ...)
# check each object is a bugs fit and extract number of samples per chain
k <- length(fits)
n.keep <- numeric(k)
for (i in 1:k) {
# check fcs2Fit object
if (!inherits(fits[[i]], "fcs2Fit"))
stop(paste("unrecognised argument", names(fits)[i]))
# check fit contains bugs fit
if (is.null(fits[[i]]$bugsFit))
stop("need posterior samples from BUGS model fit - use 'fcs2FitModel(fit=fit, runBUGS=TRUE, ...)'")
# store number of samples per chain
n.keep[i] <- fits[[i]]$bugsFit$n.keep
# extract first fit
fit1 <- fits[[1]]
# return fit if only one provided
if (k == 1)
# check fits all have identical model setup and data (by testing against fit1)
elements <- c("runTotalVars", "allRunsTotalVar", "allRunsRangeVars", "modelMatrix", "surveyAreaVar", "nRunsVar",
"rhoLinearVars", "rhoRW1Vars", "rhoRW2Vars", "rhoSpatialVar", "rhoAdjacency",
"rhoLinearVars", "rhoRW1Vars", "rhoRW2Vars", "rhoSpatialVar", "rhoAdjacency",
"dataType", "rwBoundaries", "prior.parameters", "multiRun")
for (i in 2:k) {
if (!identical(fit1[elements], fits[[i]][elements]))
stop("fits do not have identical models and data")
# thin samples to match smallest no samples if necessary
if (sd(n.keep) > 0) {
# give warning
warning("thinning samples so that the number per chain is consistent across fits")
for (i in 1:k) {
if (n.keep[i] > min(n.keep))
fits[[i]] <- thinBUGSSamples(fits[[i]], which=round(seq(1, n.keep[i], length=min(n.keep))))
# update ref to first fit
fit1 <- fits[[1]]
# combine sims arrays
sims.array <- fit1$bugsFit$sims.array
for (i in 2:k) {
# extend current array
sims.array <- sims.array[, c(1:ncol(sims.array), rep(NA, fits[[i]]$bugsFit$n.chains)), , drop=FALSE]
# copy samples
sims.array[, ncol(sims.array) - (fits[[i]]$bugsFit$n.chains - 1):0, ] <- fits[[i]]$bugsFit$sims.array
# calculate mean DIC
for (i in 1:k)
DIC <- c(DIC, fits[[i]]$bugsFit$DIC)
if (is.null(DIC))
DICOutput <- NULL
DICOutput <- rbind(c(fit1$bugsFit$isDIC, fit1$bugsFit$DICbyR, mean(DIC), fit1$bugsFit$pD))
# calculate min n.iter and n.burnin
n.iter <- n.burnin <- Inf
for (i in 1:k) {
n.iter <- min(n.iter, fits[[i]]$bugsFit$n.iter)
n.burnin <- min(n.burnin, fits[[i]]$bugsFit$n.burnin)
# calculate n.thin
n.thin <- (n.iter - n.burnin) / min(n.keep) # not sure about this but doesn't really matter
# recreate BUGS fit
fit1$bugsFit <- as.bugs.array(sims.array, fit1$bugsFit$model.file, fit1$bugsFit$program, TRUE, DICOutput,
n.iter, n.burnin, n.thin)
# correct call
fit1$call <- match.call()
# return
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