  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "",
  fig.path = "inst/extdata/"

rmelting: R Interface to MELTING 5 logo

Version : r getNamespaceVersion("rmelting"); License: GPL-2|GPL-3
Aravind, J.^1^ and Krishna, G. K.^2^
  1. Division of Germplasm Conservation, ICAR-National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources, New Delhi
  2. Division of Crop Physiology, ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi

minimal R version License: GPL v3

dver <- ifelse(test = as.numeric(gsub("(.\\.)(\\d+)(\\..)", "\\2", getNamespaceVersion("rmelting"))) %% 2 != 0, yes = getNamespaceVersion("rmelting"), no = gsub("Version:\\s*", "", readLines(paste0("", "aravind-j/rmelting", "/master/DESCRIPTION"))[grep("Version:", readLines(paste0("", "aravind-j/rmelting", "/master/DESCRIPTION")))]))

cat(paste("[![develVersion](", dver, "-orange?logo=github&style=flat)](", sep = ""))

Github Code Size R-CMD-check-bioc Project Status: WIP lifecycle Last-changedate Website - pkgdown .


r gsub("\\n", " ", packageDescription("rmelting", fields = "Description"))


The package can be installed from Bioconductor as follows.

if (!"BiocManager" %in% rownames(installed.packages())) 

The development version can be installed from github as follows.

if (!require('devtools')) install.packages('devtools')

Detailed tutorial

For a detailed tutorial on how to used this package type:

browseVignettes(package = 'rmelting')

What's new

To know whats new in this version type:



Bioconductor page

Github page

Documentation website

Bioconductor checks and metrics

pkg <- "rmelting"

pkgr <- "missing"
pkgd <- "missing"

page <- httr::GET("")
page <- httr::content(page, as = 'text', encoding = "UTF-8")

bcr <- sub('.*(<p>The current release of <em>Bioconductor</em> is version\n.*?;).*', '\\1', page)
bcd <- sub('.*(<p>The development version of <em>Bioconductor</em> is version\n.*?;).*', '\\1', page)

bcr <- gsub(".*\n(.+);$", "\\1", bcr)
bcd <- gsub(".*\n(.+);$", "\\1", bcd)

rpr <- = paste("",
                                                      bcr, "/bioc", sep = "")))
rpd <- = paste("",
                                                      bcd, "/bioc", sep = "")))
pkgr <- rpr[rpr$Package == "rmelting", ]$Version
pkgd <- rpd[rpd$Package == "rmelting", ]$Version

colr <- ifelse(pkgr == "missing", "lightgrey", "brightgreen")
cold <- ifelse(pkgd == "missing", "lightgrey", "orange")

bcr_badge <- paste0("",
                    "Bioconductor%20release", "-", bcr, "-", colr, ".svg")

bcd_badge <- paste0("",
                    "Bioconductor%20devel", "-", bcd, "-", cold, ".svg")

pkgr_badge <- paste0("",
                     "BioC%20release", "-", pkgr, "-", colr, ".svg")

pkgd_badge <- paste0("",
                     "BioC%20devel", "-", pkgd, "-", cold, ".svg")

badgedf1 <- rbind(c(name = "Bioc release version",
                    svg = bcr_badge,
                    link = ""),
                  c(name = "Pkg Bioc release version",
                    svg = pkgr_badge,
                    link = ""),
                  c(name = "in Bioc release",
                    svg = "",
                    link = ""),
                  c(name = "Bioc release status",
                    svg = "",
                    link = ""),
                  c(name = "Bioc Download rank",
                    svg = "",
                    link = ""))
badgedf2 <- rbind(c(name = "Bioc devel version",
                    svg = bcd_badge,
                    link = ""),
                  c(name = "Pkg Bioc devel version",
                    svg = pkgd_badge,
                    link = ""),
                  c(name = "in Bioc devel",
                    svg = "",
                    link = ""),
                  c(name = "Bioc devel status",
                    svg = "",
                    link = ""),
                  c(name = "Bioc Download rank",
                    svg = "",
                    link = ""))

badgedf1 <-
badgedf2 <-

badgedf <- rbind(paste("[![", badgedf1$name, "](", badgedf1$svg, ")](", badgedf1$link, ")"),
                 paste("[![", badgedf2$name, "](", badgedf2$svg, ")](", badgedf2$link, ")"))

knitr::kable(badgedf, col.names = NULL, format = "html")

Citing rmelting

To cite the methods in the package use:

detach("package:rmelting", unload=TRUE)
cit <- citation("rmelting")
# yr <- format(Sys.Date(), "%Y")
# cit[1]$year <- yr
# oc <- class(cit)
# cit <- unclass(cit)
# attr(cit[[1]],"textVersion") <- gsub("\\(\\)",
#                                      paste("\\(", yr, "\\)", sep = ""),
#                                      attr(cit[[1]],"textVersion"))
# class(cit) <- oc

aravind-j/rmelting documentation built on May 16, 2023, 10:47 p.m.